Artigos - Antropologia, Política e Filosofia - FCLAR

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  • ItemCapítulo de livro
    Civic engagement and higher education: The 2014 elections and the political behavior of Brazilians
    (2017-01-01) Dias, André Luiz Vieira [UNESP]; Kerbauy, Maria Teresa Miceli [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The objective of this chapter is to analyze the influence of the variable schooling on the political behavior of Brazilians. It starts from the assumption that this is an independent variable capable of awakening a more interested, participatory and coherent behavior, therefore, engaged citizens. In this sense, we seek to verify that Brazilian citizens are informed and interested in politics; motivated to participate in elections and other political activities; and their assessment and satisfaction with the democratic process. In particular, there is the behavior of those who have completed higher education, compared to other levels of education in order to identify distinct behavioral patterns. From the data obtained by ESEB 2014 and descriptive analysis of the data, we applied the logistic regression model relating the variable schooling and other variables grouped into four categories: a) socioeconomic aspects; b) information and interest in politics; c) participation in the elections, in traditional and nontraditional political activities; and d) evaluation and political satisfaction. Among the most educated, we have predominance of women, a younger audience and with family income subtly than the less educated. They tend to behave differently: they are slightly more informed and interested in politics; despite the low percentages found, they are the ones that participate in political activities in general; they are the ones who support democracy, but the most dissatisfied with their operation. This study allows us to understand the behavior patterns of Brazilians and, more specifically, the most educated, poorly studied by political science in Brazil.
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    Non-syndromic craniosynostosis: a retrospective analysis
    (2020-01-01) Costa, Paulo Víctor Cunha [UNESP]; Secanho, Murilo Sgarbi [UNESP]; Pinheiro, Leon Cleres Penido [UNESP]; Santos, Marcelo Hanato [UNESP]; Palhares, Aristides Augusto [UNESP]; Hamamoto-Filho, Pedro Tadao [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Introduction: Craniosynostoses are defined as premature fusions of one or more cranial sutures. They can be classified according to the sutures involved, correlated malformations and genetic alterations, and maybe syndromic or not. Its incidence is estimated at 1: 2,000-2,500 live births, with only 8% being syndromic. There are multiple surgical options for the correction of these malformations, and early referral to specialized centers for the treatment of these patients is necessary for a better therapeutic indication. The diagnosis is based on physical examination and computed tomography. The surgical treatment brings significant aesthetic and social improvements to patients. The objective is to analyze retrospectively patient data who underwent surgery to correct craniosynostosis at HC of UNESP-Botucatu. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the medical records of patients who underwent surgical correction of craniosynostosis between 2012 and 2017. Results: The prevalence of scaphocephaly and trigonocephaly was the same (38.5%). The mean age of the approach was 24 months; the mean surgical time was 3h48min, lower in scaphocephaly, 2h50min. All patients received blood transfusions in the perioperative period, with a mean percentage of 24.9% in relation to the preoperative blood volume. They underwent postoperative in a pediatric ICU. There were no deaths or complications, and the results were considered good by the team and family. Conclusion: Open surgical treatment of non-syndromic craniosynostosis is a safe procedure. Plastic surgery teams can achieve results comparable to those described in the literature, with low complication rates, good aesthetic results when performed correctly and with a multidisciplinary approach.
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    Notes on the Role of the Teacher in Indigenous School Education1
    (2008-01-01) Peggion, Edmundo Antônio [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    It is at the intersection between education and culture that lies the central point in a discussion about the educational processes in which indigenous peoples have recently involved themselves. Both terms carry with them an idea of a set of values and traditions, either internal or external, which need to be considered when working with indigennous peoples. Much has been said about indigenous school education, the experiences and results of programmes which are currently being developed in Brazil, but what is the impact of these processes? By virtue of their novelty, there are few systematic studies that address key structural questions.
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    (Univ Estadual Paulista Julio Mesquita Filho, Fac Ciencias & Tecnologia, 2022-01-01) Da Cunha, Maira Darido; Bizelli, Thais Vargas [UNESP]; Bizelli, Jose Luis [UNESP]; Fac Bertioga FABE; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    As part of a larger project that seeks to analyze student-centered conditions in 6 South American countries, promoted by Erasmus+, the following research seeks to investigate how public Higher Education Institutions in the State of Sao Paulo have been involved with the Tuning Project, more specifically in courses aimed at teacher training. The Bologna Process emerged as a public policy within the European Union, with the aim of modernizing Higher Education curricula and internationalizing the perspective of student-centered education. In this sense, the Tuning Project and consolidates as policies that implement the Bologna Process, which, supported by the perspective of the knowledge society, aims to act as a methodology to make compatible and compare higher education, with a view to transnationalizing curricula and training labor force. work at an international level. Thus, the curricular reforms of ten Higher Education Institutions will be analyzed in order to verify the student-centered proposals. After the analysis, the information will be systematized and didactic pathways will be developed that can guide the curricular transformations in line with the methodology provided for in the Tuning Project.
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    Hard Times: The United States and Mexico in NAFTA’s “Renegotiation” Process
    (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, 2022-06-24) Menezes, Roberto Goulart; Mariano, Karina Lilia Pasquariello [UNESP]; Contrera, Flávio [UNESP]; University of Brasilia (UNB); Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    After a tense process of renegotiating the terms of the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), the governments of the United States, Mexico and Canada established a new regional agreement, the USMCA (United States, Mexico and Canada Agreement), whose purpose is to overcome problems that emerged since the NAFTA came into force in 1994. The ratification of this document by the national congresses of the referred countries has generated new tensions and instabilities in their political scenario, especially due to the existing structural asymmetries between them. This work aims to analyse the impact of that imbalance in the NAFTA renegotiation process, considering the behaviour of the United States in relation to its partners, especially Mexico.
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    Regularização fundiária e regimes de conhecimento: notas sobre o sul do estado do Amazonas (Brasil)1
    (Universidade de São Paulo - USP, 2022-07-06) Peggion, Edmundo Antonio [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade Federal de São Carlos
    Con el presente artículo, se busca una reflexión sobre los procesos de regularización de la tierra en los que se entrecruzan diferentes formas de conocimiento. El punto de partida es un conjunto de experiencias relacionadas con estudios de identificación de tierras indígenas en el sur del estado de Amazonas. La intención es problematizar la grafía de diferentes lecturas de contextos. Si por un lado el antropólogo debe redactar un informe que contenga un mapa con los límites de una tierra indígena, por otro debe comprender la confluencia de relaciones constitutivas de un colectivo y su lugar. Si la producción de un texto y de un mapa están pensados para futuras lecturas (jurídicas y antropológicas), los registros de los lugares, pautados en eventos que conjugan socialidad y sociabilidad, son también una forma de lenguaje.
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    THREAT RHETORIC AND SECURITIZATION: us immigration policy in the Trump administration
    (2022-01-01) Contrera, Flávio [UNESP]; Mariano, Karina Lilia Pasquariello [UNESP]; Menezes, Roberto Goulart; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
    This article aims to show that Donald Trump’s changes in US migration policy were driven by threat rhetoric with the purpose of securitizing immigration. Starting from the binomial “I-other” to analyze the Executive’s discourses and unilateral actions, we used the method of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to identify the discursive strategies that mobilized the “us against them” debate. In line with the theoretical assumptions of the Copenhagen School, we argue that Trump built a movement to securitize migration policy by employing a narrative in which Latin Americans and Muslims represent a threat to Americans and the United States. However, we conclude that this movement was incomplete, as it did not engender legitimacy before most of public opinion, encountered resistance to its implementation in the Judiciary and in state governments and did not foster the forging of a consensus in the Legislative that would result in a coherent and comprehensive reform of the migration policy.
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    The finances of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR)
    (2019-01-01) Mariano, Karina Lilia Pasquariello [UNESP]; Ribeiro, Clarissa Correa Neto [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Group for Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture and Development (GEICD)
    Regional institutions in Latin America have as major characteristics a low degree of bureaucratisation and an intergovernmental logic. These are important elements to explain characteristics related to their financing aspects, as the integration budget is an indicator of a regional organisation’s vitality. This chapter analyses the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) and its budgetary process, based on an understanding of its institutional structure and asymmetries. The impact of the relaunching of MERCOSUR in the 2000s on the finances of the integration process is examined using the Fund for the Structural Convergence of MERCOSUR (FOCEM) as a detailed case. The choice to analyse FOCEM is justified due to its role in structural development, as it represents one of the main initiatives in the budgetary sphere. Finally, the present state of MERCOSUR is discussed, as well as the effects of the current crisis in Argentina and Brazil on the bloc’s finances and some conclusions are drawn regarding the budgetary future of this integration process and the limitations imposed by the intergovernmental structure.
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    Refugees and migrants at contemporary Luanda
    (2017-07-01) Fonseca, Dagoberto José [UNESP]; De Loiola Ferreira Fonseca, Simone [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper addresses the discussion on refugees and migrations to depict population displacements in Angola. We examine Luanda, considered the most expensive capital of the world. The city was designed by the Portuguese conquerors to be a summer resort town and have a maximum of 500,000 inhabitants. However it has more than six million people today. Most are internal migrants from rural areas, refugees from the independence and civil wars, speakers of six major native languages and more than thirty language variants originating from the national territory. In this sense, the Portuguese language also becomes a challenge and an achievement for refugees who do not master the language, but need it in Luanda. The capital has also received African foreigners of French and English languages, such as the Namibians, Congolese, Zambians, Senegalese, and from other regions of the world, especially Brazilians, Portuguese, Cubans and Chinese.
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    Conselheiros do orçamento participativo nas franjas da sociedade política
    (2011-12-01) de Melo Romão, Wagner [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article suggests the need for change in focus of studies on new instances of participation in public policy management, which emerged in the Brazilian re-democratization. Moving away from the literature that addresses the role of civil society in these instances, the author reviews studies on Participatory Budgeting (PB) indicating how such experiences are marked by the dynamics of political society. The argument is reinforced by the presentation of a survey of PB counselors in Osasco-SP, by which we perceive, in general, a role fi lled by political processes of representative democracy. Most councilors compose the fringes of the political society, lie on the rise in, seeking better position in the local political fi eld, internal disputes within the parties and the municipal government. This points the limits of the democratizing potential of the PB, since the expansion of participation in budget decisions would be just within the political society.
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    Uma crise de longa duração
    (2009-12-01) Nogueira, Marco Aurélio [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper aims to explore the idea that we are currently facing a situation of institutional unrest and political crisis strongly concentrated on political subjectivity, that is, on players, ideas and projects of society. It attempts to discuss the recent crisis in Brazil's Senate as an expression of this situation, but also as a reflection of a wider framework, which affects modern Parliaments in general and could be seen as resultant from a siege laid by government decisionism and social pressures to the Legislative branch, depriving it from its axis and capacity to act. Echoing the dominant features of the present time, political systems and, by inference, Parliaments are rendered less able to interact in a virtuous way with culture and social structures that derive from the new terms of globalized life, that is, with plural, fragmented, reflexive, quick and explosive societies.
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    (Univ Estadual Sudoeste Bahia, 2022-01-01) Sene, Lais Zaccaro [UNESP]; Bizelli, Jose Luis [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The present article analyzes the production of the Qualis-Periodicos in Education, in the period from 2010 to 2018 -triennium 2010 to 2012; quadrennium 2013 to 2016 and mid-term evaluation on the years 2017 and 2018. The instrument serves to evaluate the production of faculty members of the Graduate System in Brazil, although it is often used for other purposes. It is possible to determine two types of change in the evaluation criteria: either incremental, between the triennium and the quadrennium; or disruptive, wherein in 2019, in the mid-term evaluation, a new factor is introduced to measure impact or citation. The research analyses are based on documental sources: the Qualis itself and the guiding and evaluative documents of the education area. The data show a considerable increase in the stratification of the journals caused by the objectification of the criteria in the first periods and a rupture in the last one; a drastic decrease of the evaluation universe with the introduction of the concept of parent area; and an uncertainty about the evaluation that will come in 2021.
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    Assertive use of transmedia storytelling and Information and Communication Technology as tools to foster learning
    (Editora Univ Leopoldlanum, 2021-01-01) Cunha, Arielly Kizzy [UNESP]; Bizelli, Jose Luis [UNESP]; Santos Cruz, Jose Anderson [UNESP]; Leite da Silva, Alexander Vinicius; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Sacred Heart Univ Ctr UNISAGRAD
    Technological innovations and contemporary social concepts - virtual, digital, ephemeral, competitive, imagery - favor the development of new educational processes and the inclusion of these technologies as tools to foster learning. Educators, parents, children and professionals producing these contents are involved in the process. The study aims to reflect on the characteristics of digital natives, children, players, viewers, consumers, and content producers, requiring a multidisciplinary team of story, audiovisual and game producers. Through literature review and content analysis and synthesis, changes in actions related to the development and importance of Transmedia Storytelling are observed and verified for individuals of this generation, and these products are already part of their lives, and their use can be beneficial if mediated, directed and planned by those in charge, educators and the team of professionals who produce them.
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    Comparative analysis between brazilian and canadian eletronic democratization: the Dialoga Brazil and Suggest a Dataset
    (Editora Univ Leopoldlanum, 2021-01-01) Bizelli, Thais Vargas [UNESP]; Bizelli, Jose Luis [UNESP]; Santos Cruz, Jose Anderson [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); CNPq; FEPAE; ESALQ PECEGE; CAPES
    This article aims to promote a discussion on a comparison between two electronic governance instruments, consubstantiated in two digital platforms: Dialoga Brasil and Suggest a Dataset - Canadian site, where citizens can demand specific information. To do so, it performs an initial conceptualization of the terms used throughout the research, as well as it presents a detailed analysis of both Internet portals. A history of the Internet use in both countries is also demonstrated considering both the access and the use of ICT by the respective governments. We intend to demonstrate how national politics (the paths chosen by the governing authorities, as well as the solidity of institutions and democratic regimes) influences the process of consolidating e-democracy.
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    Comparative analysis between brazilian and canadian eletronic democratization: the Dialoga Brazil and Suggest a Dataset
    (Editora Univ Leopoldlanum, 2021-01-01) Vargas, Thais Conte [UNESP]; Bizelli, Jose Luis [UNESP]; Santos Cruz, Jose Anderson [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); CNPq; FEPAE; ESALQ PECEGE
    This article aims to promote a discussion on a comparison between two electronic governance instruments, consubstantiated in two digital platforms: Dialoga Brasil and Suggest a Dataset - Canadian site, where citizens can demand specific information. To do so, it performs an initial conceptualization of the terms used throughout the research, as well as it presents a detailed analysis of both Internet portals. A history of the Internet use in both countries is also demonstrated considering both the access and the use of ICT by the respective governments. We intend to demonstrate how national politics (the paths chosen by the governing authorities, as well as the solidity of institutions and democratic regimes) influences the process of consolidating e-democracy.
  • ItemArtigo
    Assertive use of transmedia storytelling and Information and Communication Technology as tools to foster learning
    (Editora Univ Leopoldlanum, 2021-01-01) Cunha, Arielly Kizzy [UNESP]; Bizelli, Jose Luis [UNESP]; Santos Cruz, Jose Anderson [UNESP]; Leite da Silva, Alexander Vinicius; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Ctr Univ Sarado Coracao UNISAGRAD
    Technological innovations and contemporary social concepts - virtual, digital, ephemeral, competitive, imagery - favor the development of new educational processes and the inclusion of these technologies as tools to foster learning. Educators, parents, children and professionals producing these contents are involved in the process. The study aims to reflect on the characteristics of digital natives, children, players, viewers, consumers, and content producers, requiring a multidisciplinary team of story, audiovisual and game producers. Through literature review and content analysis and synthesis, changes in actions related to the development and importance of Transmedia Storytelling are observed and verified for individuals of this generation, and these products are already part of their lives, and their use can be beneficial if mediated, directed and planned by those in charge, educators and the team of professionals who produce them.
  • ItemResenha
    From fat to big size: The pluz size Fashion
    (Assoc Brasileira Estudos & Pesquisas Moda, 2020-09-01) Castro, Ana Lucia de [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
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    Two to tango: an analysis Brazilian-Argentine relations
    (Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política, 2013) Mariano, Karina Lilia Pasquariello [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
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    O processo decisório na Constituição de 1988: práticas institucionais
    (CEDEC, 2003) Souza, Márcia Teixeira De [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The making of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 is examined along two axis. The first concerns the establishment of a method for discussion and approval of the constitutional text. The second refers to the points of view of the legislators about the institutional relations involving the executive and legislative branches.
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    (Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2020-12-01) Guedes Martinez, Dayra Emile [UNESP]; Bizelli, Jose Luis [UNESP]; Reis, Marcia Lopes [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The social and economic relevance of digital information and communication technologies (DICT) encourages basic education to consider them, under the aegis of social justice, since school is the place for the full development of the individual. This work aims to analyze the political-pedagogical projects (PPP) of the Pedagogy courses at UNESP Araraquara campus, UNICAMP and USP Sao Paulo campus - highlighting the references and disciplines on DICT and social justice. It was possible to verify that social justice is considered by the analyzed institutions and that there is availability of subjects, in their majority, optative on digital technologies, however, the projects, which represent the intentionality of the pedagogical action, do not present explicit evidence that DICT is used and studied from the perspective of social justice.