Artigos - Educação - FC

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  • ItemArtigo
    Engaging Students from Introductory Physics Courses in Socio-scientific Debates
    (2023-03-01) Figueira, Maykell Julio De Souza [UNESP]; Nardi, Roberto [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
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    (Unesp-faculdade Ciencias & Letras, 2023-01-01) Siqueira, Jaqueline Cristina Freire; Silva, Luciene Ferreira da [UNESP]; Secretaria Educ Mogi Guacu SEMG; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Neoliberal public policies are harmful to education. Currently, the National Base for Teacher Education (BRASIL, 2019) and the National Common Curricular Base (BRASIL, 2017) are aligned in an attempt to make the education of students in public schools even more precarious. Both in basic education and higher level, an instrumental, superficial and quick technical teacher training aims at meeting the market needs. The purpose of this essay is to understand gender issues in physical education classes, by analyzing the speeches of teachers from a municipal school system in the State of Sao Paulo at the current moment, having historical-critical pedagogy as a reference and counterpoint. From common sense to philosophical awareness to overcome aggressive and destructive neoliberal policies for Brazilian society.
  • ItemArtigo
    Não existe flor hermafrodita: uma investigação das nomenclaturas utilizadas para as estruturas reprodutivas na alternância de gerações de Angiospermas
    (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação para a Ciência, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Faculdade de Ciências, campus de Bauru., 2022-12-05) Ganiko-dutra, Matheus [UNESP]; Bonadio, Letícia De Castro [UNESP]; Caffeu, Bruno Pazold [UNESP]; Bastos, Fernando [UNESP]; Cadeira, Ana Maria De Andrade [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Assigning sexual nomenclatures to plants or structures in the sporophyte phase of angiosperms, as in the term hermaphrodite flower, is a recurring practice in the teaching of Botany and may cause misunderstandings. This work aimed to identify the compatibility in textbooks of higher education and in scientific papers, between the nomenclatures of the reproductive structures of angiosperms with the life phases and then classify such terms according to their likelihood to cause misunderstandings. We created a list with the main nomenclatures of the reproductive structures of angiosperms and, based on it, we carried out a categorial analysis of the textbooks and papers. The results showed lack of standardization, as the same textbook or paper sometimes uses a sexual nomenclature referring to the sporophyte, and sometimes it does not assign sexuality to it. Therefore, we recommend a standardization and unification of the terms, namely, using a proper nomenclature of a structure according to the life phase of the plant and using an exclusive term for each structure.
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    Three Trips through Flatland: interdisciplinary studies
    (2022-01-01) Montoito, Rafael [UNESP]; Minks, Roger; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-Rio-Grandense (IFSUL)
    The scope of this article is to present three analyses elaborated in the interdisciplinarity field, based on the literary work Flatland – a romance of many dimensions, by Edwin A. Abbott. The book, whose characters are mathematical entities, is dealt here as a potential pedagogical resource to put Mathematics in dialogue with humanistic issues of historical, sociological, and philosophical interest, among other possible interpretations favored by its pedagogical appropriation. In a wider horizon, the article advocates a non-compartmentalized education that stimulates the development of complex thinking and a critical attitude towards society, pointing out literature as a way of reaching this intent.
  • ItemArtigo
    Current trends in brazilian research in chemistry teaching: a state of knowledge of specific journals
    (Univ Francisco Jose Caldas, Fac Science & Education, 2022-09-01) do, Thais Adrianne [UNESPReinal]; Piva, Gabriela Martins [UNESP]; Silva i, Andressa Algayer da [UNESPMorett]; Andradra, Ana Maria de [UNESPe Caldei]; Nardi, Roberto [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper presents a state of knowledge study on the current research trends in the area of Chemistry Teaching in Brazil. Thus, the objective was to identify and understand the investigative approaches, aiming to contribute to the understanding of educators and researchers about the particularities of the area. To this end, articles published in two Brazilian journals specific to Chemistry Teaching were reviewed in the last five years, from 2015 to 2019. The analysis process was based on the Content Analysis method and, thus, the research assumed a qualitative character associated with quantitative indicators, since these indicators provided a basis. The results showed that research on approaches and means for teaching, as well as the subjects involved in teaching and learning processes, are often present in Chemistry Teaching. In the case of teachers and undergraduates, studies concerning the aspects of initial and continuing training are predominated. Regarding investigations focusing on students, it was noted that the learning and meaning processes stood out as an object of study. However, it is concluded that the main trend is the research on educational actions and instruments, with an emphasis on themes involving social and environmental issues.
  • ItemArtigo
    Primo Levi’s dystopian science fiction and the new coronavirua: the formal defect of technology
    (Univ Federal Santa Maria, 2022-01-01) Maciera, Aislan Camargo; Massi, Luciana [UNESP]; Leonardo Junior, Carlos Sergio [UNESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The new coronavirus pandemic has made the idea that we are living in the eminences of a dystopia. Instigated by this idea, we explore in this essay the potential of dystopian science fiction texts to tension the notion of scientific truth by omitting information and generating uncertainties about the reality, involving technological artifacts that condition the possibilities of life and sociability, as in the novel The machine stops by E. M. Forster. Based on the short story Protection from the book Formal defect by Primo Levi - Jew, chemist and survivor of Shoa -, we discuss his perception of science and we establish a parallel with our context approaching technology as a restriction on freedom and truth and as an extension that limits human life. We hope this essay may help this literary subgenre to continue fulfilling their alert role for the imminent dangers of our society.
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    Computational thinking and teacher education: challenges and didactic possibilities using the Scratch tool
    (Univ Nove Julho, 2022-01-01) Amaral, Cybelle Cristina Ferreira do [UNESP]; Yonezawa, Wilson Massashiro [UNESP]; Barros, Daniela Melare Vieira; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Univ Aberta Portugal UAB PT
    The article constitutes the process of appropriation of knowledge in the subject Computational Thinking (PC) and Computer Science for Science and Mathematics Teachers at UNESP/Bauru, in 2021. The objective was to relate the theoretical -practical aspects of teacher training with the PC concept, signaling the challenges and didactic possibilities that its elements favor the teaching of Mathematics with the use of Scratch. The study was configured by the logical-historical movement of the concept of CP based on Papert (1986) and Wing (2006); presentation of Scratch and the relationship between the PC and the didactic possibilities developed by the teacher of the private network and the knowledge learned in the discipline. A semi-structured interview on Google Meet was used in order to capture information about the content covered and the discourses inherent to the process. Thus, the study signaled the contributions of the PC with the use of the tool to the continuing education and cognitive development of students
  • ItemArtigo
    Interschool sciences and technologies club: an internationalization experience
    (Univ Nove Julho, 2022-01-01) Tercariol, Adriana Aparecida de Lima; Moretti, Andressa Algayer da Silva[UNESP]; Souza, Aguinaldo Robinson de [UNESP]; Pontificia Univ Catolica Sao Paulo PUC SP; Univ Nove de Julho UNINOVE SP; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    The present article is built as a cut-off from the research project Robotics, Computational Thinking and Digital Technologies in Basic Schooling Strengthening Learnings and Competences in the Resignification of Science Teaching, which is being developed since November 2019, with funding from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico - CNPq and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications - MCTI, based on the Universal Call for Projects - MCTIC/CNPq - Public Notice n degrees 05/2019 - Science in School Program - Science Education in Basic Schooling, with support from Nove de Julho University-Uninove/SP-Brazil. Presented in this article are examples from gathered experiences and obtained results, from the perspective of the young participants of this project in the second half of 2021, aiming at clarifying the possible contributions of an Interschool Science Club for campaigns of internationalization, stemming from the partnership between universities and school institutions from multiple countries (Brasil y Ecuador) involved in this research. This paper is developed based on qualitative methodology, via intervention -research.
  • ItemArtigo
    O quadrante geométrico na situação desencadeadora de aprendizagem sob uma interface entre história e ensino
    (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação para a Ciência, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Faculdade de Ciências, campus de Bauru., 2022-04-20) Dias, Marisa da Silva [UNESP]; Silva, Ana Paula Minhano da [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The aim of this article is to investigate the movement of concepts in the learning of mathematics during a didactic activity based on the historical context of the geometric quadrant as a measurement instrument. Based on an interface between history and teaching of mathematics and on the principles of a Teaching Guidance Activity, the results were obtained in a certain trigger situation for learning as a way of organizing the teaching and learning of a 9th grade class, which can explain the process of signification of mathematical concepts involved in the work of the 16th-century mathematician and other aspects of that time, such as the great sea voyages, the modes of material and intellectual production, military practices and measuring instruments. The developed actions allowed for integration between history and teaching, in the movement of mathematical concepts, such as reasoning proportion, similarity of figures, oblique line, geometric figures and measurements.
  • ItemArtigo
    The Teaching Learning Activity in Mathematics for Youth and Adult Education
    (2021-12-01) de Souza Medrado, Jackelyne; Nardi, Roberto [UNESP]; da Silva Dias, Marisa [UNESP]; Ciências e Tecnologia Goiano (IF Goiano); Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The aim of this article is to present the results of a doctoral research developed through a formative practice carried out in the Supervised Curricular Internship (SCI) discipline with undergraduates of a Licenciate Mathematics course in the context of Youth and Adult Education (YAE). The research question was based on the question: What theoretical-practical learning, from the initial training of Mathematics teachers, developed at SCI, contribute to the constitution of being a teacher for YAE? The Historical-Cultural Perspective and Activity Theory were considered the theoretical references for the research. The constitution of the empirical data occurred through an open questionnaire, participant observation, field diary, productions of the participants throughout the development of the internship, and audio-video recordings of the interventions, conductors, and moments of reflections on these actions. With the analysis of the data, guided by the dialectical movement from the rise of the abstract to the concrete in the interrelationship between singular-particular-universal, of historical-dialectical materialism, there is a movement of appropriation of the Mathematics teaching activity in YAE, with highlights in the changes between motives, senses, and meanings in the formative process of being a teacher for this teaching modality.
  • ItemCapítulo de livro
    Analysis of Pedagogical Practices Carried Out in Continuing Education Activities for Physics Teachers: Limits and Possibilities
    (2018-01-01) Gatti, Sandra Regina Teodoro [UNESP]; Nardi, Roberto [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The chapter deals with a general methodological and epistemological contribution to continuing education activities for physics teachers. Researchers on science teaching seem to point to a consensus on the importance of the historical and philosophical approach to teaching. Nevertheless, the pedagogical practice developed in classroom hardly ever embodies such recommendations. In this research, the authors planned a continuing education course and followed the development of five in-service physics teachers during the school year of 2008. The researchers discussed with teachers, focusing on their experiences, and seeking to assist them in the construction of alternatives means of observing and understanding the students’ work. The authors seek to revisit the training actions by discussing the propositions and perceptions of two of the participants and the respective impacts of the experience, 3 years later, when one of them became a supervisor to pre-service teacher.
  • ItemResenha
    A metric profile of research highlighting teacher training in Science Education in Brazil
    (2019-01-01) Razera, Julio César Castilho; Matos, Carla Maria Santana; Bastos, Fernando [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia; Colégio Estadual Duque de Caxias; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper focuses on what current literature indicates about the need to learn about the teacher training research field in a wide-ranging and profound manner. Within this framework, the objective was to outline a metric profile of the research field of teacher training in Science Education in Brazil, based on articles from journals in this field. This project is part of extensive research on the subject, in which we make use of theoretical and methodological bases of descriptive statistics, bibliometrics and scientometrics. In this research, 406 articles on teacher training published in the following five Brazilian Science Education journals were analysed, from their first issue until the last issue of 2016: IENCI, Ciência & Educação, Ensaio, RBPEC and Alexandria. The set of indicators shows that the field merges own attributes (e.g. type of underlying literature; strong presence of female authors) with characteristics that are shared with other fields (e.g. distribution of productivity on a specific topic). The analyses performed suggest a profile of little theoretical production and low epistemic autonomy of the research field of teacher training in Science Education. There is clear import and use of theoretical and methodological references from other fields of research, particularly Education, Philosophy and Psychology.
  • ItemArtigo
    Adequate and inadequate communicational contexts for inclusion of students with visual impairment in modern physics classes
    (2013-01-01) De Camargo, Eder Pires [UNESP]; Nardi, Roberto [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article is inserted in a wider study that seeks to understand the main inclusion barriers in Physics classes for students with visual impairment It aims to understand which communication context favors or impedes the visually impaired student participation to the impairment visual student's real participation in Modern Physics activities. The research defines, from the empirical-sensory and semantics structures, the languages used in the activities, as well as, the moment and the speech pattern in which those languages have been used. As a result, this study identifies a strong relation between the uses of the interdependent empirical structure audio-visual language in the non-interactive episodes of authority; a decrease of this structure use in the interactive episodes; the creation of education segregation environments within the clasroom and the frequent use of empirical tactile-hearing interdependent language structure in these environments. Moreover, the concept of «special educational need» is discussed and its inadequate use is analyzed. Suggestions are given for its correct use of «special educational need,» its inadequate use, giving suggestions for its correct use.
  • ItemArtigo
    (2022-01-01) Barbosa, Andreza; Jacomini, Márcia Aparecida; Fernandes, Maria José da Silva [UNESP]; Venco, Selma; Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
    The article examines forms of hiring and designation, career, working hours, and salaries of the education professionals’ group – teachers, coordinating teachers, school principals, teaching supervisors, and administration fonctionnaires – linked to the São Paulo State Department of Education in the period between 1995 to 2018. Based on extensive documentary research and analysis of statistical data, it’s possible to verify a strong adherence, in the various mandates, to the intrinsic values of the New Public Management, which, according with business practices, promoted flexibility in labor relations, reconfiguring educational, and not complying with national laws, such as the Law on the National Teaching Salary Floor.
  • ItemTrabalho apresentado em evento
    O programa de formação continuada pró-letramento matemática no estado do amazonas
    (2010-01-01) Simão Moraes, Mará Sueli [UNESP]; Pirola, Nelson Antonio [UNESP]; Cezário De Almeida, Fabiana [UNESP]; Pereira Munhoz, Danilo [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • ItemArtigo
    A ocorrência de trilobitas Phacopida da Formação Pimenteira em João Costa, Piauí, Brasil
    (2013-09-01) De Moraes Leme, Juliana; Van Enck Meira, Felipe; Di Stasi, Andre Mori; Soares, Sabrina Pereira [UNESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The marine macroinvertebrate fossils from the Devonian of the Parnaíba Basin are among the most diverse of Paleozoic of Brazil. In recent years, most revisions on these fossils involved trilobites from the Pimenteira and Cabeças formations, in the region of Picos and Pimenteiras cities, in the Piauí State. This survey reports the occurrence of Devonian trilobites from the Pimenteira Formation cropping out at João Costa city, in the region of Serra da Capivara National Park, southeastern Piauí State, where two species were recognized: Burmeisteria notica Clarke, 1913 and Metacryphaeus cf. australis Clarke, 1913. The wide occurrence of these genera in the Malvinokaffric Realm shows that transgressive events during part of the Devonian favored the faunal communication between the Andean, Brazilian and South African provinces through the reduction of geographical barriers. Finally, although the still preliminary character of the studies on Pimenteira Formation trilobites, this unit is already providing new paleontological data that contribute to the understanding of these fossil assemblages.
  • ItemArtigo
    Construção de conceitos matemáticos na educação básica numa abordagem peirceana
    (2010-12-01) Manechine, Selma Rosana Santiago [UNESP]; De Andrade Caldeira, Ana Maria [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Peircean semiotic analysis is employed to examine the construction/ representation of signs-thinking of 32 early elementary school students regarding the concept of length measurement. The work consisted of developing concepts of standard unit, reading and interpretation of measurement by instruments, so that the mathematical language presented in the concrete materials was being signified and re-signified as a tool for perception and representation of new concepts. The pedagogical triad Feeling-Perceiving, Relating- Concept ( F-P/ R/C ) co-related with the dynamism of the semiosis process, defined by Charles Sanders Peirce ( 1839-1914 ) in his semiotic theory on the production of the sign (Object, Representamen and Interpretant), enabled the interpretation and analysis of the students' inferences in the phase of perception (feel, admire), induction (experience), and deduction (concept).
  • ItemArtigo
    Experimentos mentais e suas potencialidades didáticas
    (2010-01-01) Kiouranis, Neide Maria Michellan [UNESP]; de Souza, Aguinaldo Robinson [UNESP]; Filho, Ourides Santin; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)
    A review of some articles on thought experiments shows that the use of these tools as resources seems to be very useful in understanding some phenomena that are very difficult to be observed in a real laboratory. In this paper we present an analysis and discussion about the very characteristics of though experiments as a potential instrument for physics teaching. © The Sociedade Brasileira de Física.
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    A montagem e a utilização de lunetas de baixo custo como experiência motivadora ao ensino de astronomia
    (2009-10-01) Iachel, Gustavo [UNESP]; Bacha, Marcelo Gomes [UNESP]; de Paula, Marina Pereira [UNESP]; Scalvi, Rosa M. Fernandes [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This work reports on an experience of continual development courses for in-service teachers from some high schools of Bauru's (SP) region, for whom a specific workshop on assembling of refractor telescopes has been carried out in order to supplement their knowledge in astronomy. In the current article, the importance of the practice (or knowing) in the context of their academic formation is discussed as well as some steps on the assembling of low cost refractor telescopes are described. The main results obtained from the participation of these teachers in the proposed activities are also presented. © by the Sociedade Brasileira de Fsíca.
  • ItemArtigo
    Ensino da astronomia no Brasil: educação formal, informal, não formal e divulgação científica
    (2009-10-01) Langhi, Rodolfo [UNESP]; Nardi, Roberto [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper is part of a broader research on astronomy education and teachers' education, presenting a national overview about this subject. It tries to set up a classification system for Brazilian astronomy institutions and other enterprises, taking into consideration their aims, such as formal, informal, non-formal education, as well those addressed to the popularization of this science. We comment, in a brief essay, the importance of the contextual performance of these instances for the astronomy education, raising a challenge to be considered, related to the study of possible relations among these institutions and enterprises, aiming the advancement of the astronomy education, in a motion against the local and punctual activities dispersion and pulverization. We argue that the research in astronomy education has potential to exert this joint role. © by the Sociedade Brasileira de Fsíca.