Bosco Mendes, Ana CarolinaRestrepo, ManuelAzevedo, Elcilaine Rizzato [UNESP]De Cássia Loiola Cordeiro, RitaSantos-Pinto, LourdesZuanon, Angela Cristina Cilense2018-12-112018-12-112018-01-01Journal of Dentistry for Children, v. 85, n. 1, p. 3-7, 2018.1935-50681551-8949 To evaluate the effect of two molar clamps on artificially demineralized enamel of permanent teeth after three periods of isolation. Methods: Twenty extracted third molars were immersed in a biological solution for development of artificial white spot lesions and then were equally divided into two groups according to the clamp being placed (Group G205: clamp no. 205; Group G26: clamp no. 26). The loss of fluorescence and lesion area of demineralized surface after each isolation were assessed by quantitative light-induced fluorescence. Results: There were significant statistical differences in artificially induced white spot lesions after the second and third clamp placement with both clamps. There was also a significant difference in quantitative light-induced fluorescence readings between groups when molar clamps were placed for the third time. Conclusion: It is possible to lose dental structure when using rubber dam clamps on teeth with white spot lesions in the cervical enamel.3-7engDemineralizationDental cariesRubber damEffect of rubber dam clamps on demineralized cervical enamel of permanent teethArtigoAcesso restrito2-s2.0-85045481669