Schwardt, Tatianna Frate [UNESP]Vides, Juliana Peloi [UNESP]Pacheco, Acácio Duarte [UNESP]Langoni, Hélio [UNESP]Generoso, Diego [UNESP]Machado, Gisele Fabrino [UNESP]Laurenti, Márcia DalastraMarcondes, Mary [UNESP]2014-05-272014-05-272012-12-01Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, v. 49, n. 6, p. 442-451, 2012.1413-95961678-4456 leishmaniasis in dogs is described as a chronic disease whose main symptoms are progressive weigth loss, cachexy and dermatologic lesions. Recently, the disease has been associated to neurologic disorders. A total of 40 dogs with visceral leishmaniasis were divided into two groups. The first composed of dogs without neurological signs (n=30) and the second by dogs with neurological disorders (n=10). Brain samples were collected, stored in 10% buffered formalin and subjected to immunohistochemical examination for amastigotes forms of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi, CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes and macrophages. Imunnohistochemistry evaluation revealed no amastigote forms of the parasite. CD3+ T lymphocytes were present in 24/30 (80%) dogs without neurological signs and in all dogs from the second group (p=0.0011). CD4+ and CD8+ were rarely observed, with CD4+ immunostaining in 10/40 (25%) dogs, from which half of them had neurological disease (p=0.0090). The presence of CD8+ was detected only in 4/10 (40%) dogs from neurological group (p=0.0021). Macrophages were detected in 38/40 (95%) dogs, without significant differences between groups (p=0.7664).442-451engLeishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasiMacrophagesTCD3+TCD4+TCD8+Estudo da imunopatogenia das lesões no sistema nervoso central de cães naturalmente acometidos por leishmaniose visceralStudy of the immunopathogenesis of central nervous system lesions in dogs naturally affected by visceral leishmaniasisArtigoAcesso aberto2-s2.0-848764983702-s2.0-84876498370.pdf031040555812563418179466710900101817946671090010