Nakamura, Rodrigo Yuji Mizobe [UNESP]Clayton, Reginaldo Pereira [UNESP]Papa, João Paulo [UNESP]Falcão, Alexandre Xavier2014-05-272014-05-272011-12-01Proceedings - 24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, p. 181-188. recognition in large amount of data has been paramount in the last decade, since that is not straightforward to design interactive and real time classification systems. Very recently, the Optimum-Path Forest classifier was proposed to overcome such limitations, together with its training set pruning algorithm, which requires a parameter that has been empirically set up to date. In this paper, we propose a Harmony Search-based algorithm that can find near optimal values for that. The experimental results have showed that our algorithm is able to find proper values for the OPF pruning algorithm parameter. © 2011 IEEE.181-188engOptimum-Path ForestPattern RecognitionSupervised classificationClassification systemForest classifiersHarmony searchOptimal valuesPruning algorithmsReal timeSearch-based algorithmsTraining setsAlgorithmsClassification (of information)ForestryPattern recognitionParameter estimationInformation RetrievalOptimum-Path Forest pruning parameter estimation through Harmony SearchTrabalho apresentado em evento10.1109/SIBGRAPI.2011.25Acesso aberto2-s2.0-848571881609039182932747194