Ponsano, Elisa Helena Giglio [UNESP]Oliveira, Dayse Lícia de [UNESP]2016-05-172016-05-172015-06-15OLIVEIRA, Dayse Lícia de. Influência dos processos de lavagems de tipos de crioprotetores na produção de surimi de tilápia: Dayse Lícia de Oliveira. -. 2015. 70 f. Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, 2015.http://hdl.handle.net/11449/138414Surimi is a concentrate of myofibrillar proteins made of fish muscles that are ground, washed and added of cryoprotective agents. This study aimed at characterizing the surimi of tilapia fish obtained from variations at the washings (distilled water or distilled water + NaHCO3 + NaCl) and cryoprotectors (NaCl + sacarose or sorbitol + sodium tripolyphosphate), using a factorial design 2 x 2. The treatments were evaluated regarding to proximate composition, non-nitrogen protein (NNP) removal and yield. After cooking (90°C/30min), instrumental texture and color of the surimi gels were evaluated. Then, the surimi was used for the elaboration of a surimi product and sensory analysis regarding to global acceptance. The protein and moisture contents in the surimi were not influenced either by washings or by cryoprotectors, while the ash content was higher when NaCl and sucrose were the cryoprotectors and the yield was higher when only distilled water was used for the washings. The highest lipid removal was achieved with the use of distilled water for the washings and NaCl and sucrose as the cryoprotectors. The highest NNP removals were achieved at both combinations: water for washings and NaCl and sucrose as the cryoprotectors and water with salts for washings and sorbitol and sodium tripolyphosphate as the cryoprotectors. The different treatments produced surimi gels with similar colors and texture. The surimi product was approved by 55% of the panelists70 f.porPeixe - PesquisaPeixe - AlimentaçãoProteinas - PesquisaPeixe como alimentoTecnologia de alimentosSacaroseSorbitolFosfatos - IndústriaSalTripolyphosphateInfluência dos processos de lavagems de tipos de crioprotetores na produção de surimi de tilápia: Dayse Lícia de Oliveira. -Dissertação de mestradoAcesso aberto000863686http://www.athena.biblioteca.unesp.br/exlibris/bd/cathedra/15-04-2016/000863686.pdf33004021075P89501017500294164