Adhikari, Sadhan K. [UNESP]Salasnich, Luca2014-05-272014-05-272007-08-28Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, v. 76, n. 2, 2007.1050-29471094-1622 study an ultracold and dilute superfluid Bose-Fermi mixture confined in a strictly one-dimensional (1D) atomic waveguide by using a set of coupled nonlinear mean-field equations obtained from the Lieb-Liniger energy density for bosons and the Gaudin-Yang energy density for fermions. We consider a finite Bose-Fermi interatomic strength gbf and both periodic and open boundary conditions. We find that with periodic boundary conditions-i.e., in a quasi-1D ring-a uniform Bose-Fermi mixture is stable only with a large fermionic density. We predict that at small fermionic densities the ground state of the system displays demixing if gbf >0 and may become a localized Bose-Fermi bright soliton for gbf <0. Finally, we show, using variational and numerical solutions of the mean-field equations, that with open boundary conditions-i.e., in a quasi-1D cylinder-the Bose-Fermi bright soliton is the unique ground state of the system with a finite number of particles, which could exhibit a partial mixing-demixing transition. In this case the bright solitons are demonstrated to be dynamically stable. The experimental realization of these Bose-Fermi bright solitons seems possible with present setups. © 2007 The American Physical Society.engBosonsBoundary conditionsFermionsGround stateMean field theorySolitonsWaveguidesBose-Fermi mixtureGaudin-Yang energy densityLieb-Liniger energy densityMixing-demixing transitionFermi liquidsOne-dimensional superfluid Bose-Fermi mixture: Mixing, demixing, and bright solitonsArtigo10.1103/PhysRevA.76.023612Acesso aberto2-s2.0-345482544012-s2.0-34548254401.pdf