Ventura, Mauro de Souza [UNESP]Ito, Liliane de Lucena [UNESP], v. 8, p. 247-262, 2013.2255-5919 to technological advances and new communication paradigms, the field of music production has changed profoundly. The site MySpace, the social network that connects musicians and fans, enables the development of new forms of cultural mediation. Through literature research on topics such as convergence culture (Jenkins, 2008), affective and immaterial labor (Hardt and Negri, 2010) and the new role of cultural intermediaries (Featherstone, 1995); netnography and case study, it was found that rates of site visibility denote value and trigger the artistic consecration.247-262porMySpaceCultural intermediariesDigital musicIndependent musiciansCrowdsourcingTrabalho imaterial de fãs e consagração musical: um olhar sobre o site MySpace e o cenário contemporâneo da música digitalArtigoAcesso abertoISSN2255-5919-2013-08-247-262.pdf39801121017708866602671474725016