Garcia, G. J.Teixeira, A. L AGerardi, L. H O2014-05-272014-05-271989-12-01Geociencias, v. 8, p. 79-100.0101-9082 objective was the study of better areas for sugar cane exploitation, using variables related to the classes and exposition of slopes, edaphic and climatic variables. Data were analysed with the aid of a Geographic Information System supported by 8 bit microcomputer, and maps of North exposition, photosynthetically the most efficient, were produced for different gradients of slope. These maps combined with traditional maps can be a very helpful tool to planners. -from English summary79-100poragricultural planningGISmapping techniquephotosynthetic efficiencyslope orientationsugar caneIdentificacao e mapeamento de areas de maior eficiencia fotossintetica para a cana-de-acucarIdentification and mapping of areas of better photosynthetic efficiency for sugar caneArtigoAcesso restrito2-s2.0-0024920279