Palhaci, Maria do Carmo Jampaulo Plácido [UNESP]Hellmeister, Luiz Antonio Vasques [UNESP]Palhaci, Talitha Plácido [UNESP]Hellmeister, Carmen Francisca Lourenço Pinto [UNESP]2016-03-022016-03-022014Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, v. 13, p. 228-231, 2014.2317-4382 we discuss environmental issues, research shows that individuals do not seem to present a genuine perception of the natural environment, which can be justified by the current context of modernity, in which the contact of many people with a natural environment is scarce and in front of this, build a perception of environment through intermediaries, such as classes, books, magazines or television. The Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, located in Bauru - SP, allows its goers a direct contact with the Cerrado, since part of this biome reserve is located in the institution. This paper reports a research on perceptions related to the Cerrado, conducted with students of the first and last year of Graduation in Engineering. The aim was to investigate whether there are differences in perceptions found in beginners and senior students who attended about five years of disciplines on a campus present in the Cerrado area.228-231porSearchPerceptionBiome cerradoPercepções sobre o cerrado encontradas em graduandos em engenharias da Universidade Estadual Paulista de BauruArtigo10.14684/intertech.13.2014.228-231Acesso abertoISSN2317-4382-2014-13-228-231.pdf3618067810719564