Breinis, PauloAlves, Flavio GeraldesAlves, Camila A. E.Cintra, Rafael G.Almeida, DeboraPassarelli, Priscila C.Domingues, CamilaGerbim, TalitaGasparetto, RegiaAbreu, Luiz Carlos deValenti, Vitor EngrĂ¡cia [UNESP]Oliveira, Adriana Goncalves deMello Monteiro, Carlos Bandeira deWajnzstejn, Rubens2014-12-032014-12-032014-01-07Bmc Neurology. London: Biomed Central Ltd, v. 14, 4 p., 2014.1471-2377 The Mulvihill-Smith Syndrome was first recognized in 1975. After the recognition of the Mulvihill-Smith Syndrome, ten cases have been described.Case presentation: This article describes the eleventh case of this syndrome in a male patient, 24 years-old with short stature and microcephaly with mild cognitive impairment, deafness and allergic conjunctivitis. The patient was hospitalized several times for repeated infections, and the presence of multiple melanocytic nevi on his skin was noticed.Conclusions: Based on the entire set of signs and symptoms presented in our study, it was diagnosed the patient with Mulvihill-Smith Syndrome.4engCase reportsRare diseasesNeurologyThe eleventh reported case of Mulvihill-Smith syndrome in the literatureArtigo10.1186/1471-2377-14-4WOS:000329387200001Acesso abertoWOS000329387200001.pdf