Corrêa, Edvania Aparecida [UNESP]Moraes, Isabel Cristina [UNESP]Pinto, Sérgio dos Anjos Ferreira [UNESP]2018-12-112018-12-112015-01-01Geociencias, v. 34, n. 4, p. 848-860, 2015.1980-900X0101-9082 to understand the dynamics of erosion, this paper estimated the erodibility values and soil loss tolerance depending on the physical and chemical properties of soils derived from sandstones and mudstones. The determination of erodibility was calculated according to the method proposed by Denardin (1990) and to calculate the factor soil loss tolerance the method proposed by Lombardi & Bertoni (1975), modified by Bertol & Almeida (2000), was used. From the watershed of Jacutinga stream and Monjolo Grande stream, tributaries of the Corumbataí river - São Paulo east central sector, soil samples were collected in the soil units Quartzipsamment, Red Yelow Ultisol and Inceptisol. The extreme values of the erodibility factor ranged from 0,0075 to 0,1573 t h MJ-1mm-1respectively for units of Inceptisol and Quartzipsamment. The extreme values of tolerance of soil losses ranged from 4,0 (Inceptisol and Red Yelow Ultisol) to 10 t ha-1year-1(Quartzipsamment). It was concluded that the increase of the textural ratio caused an increase in erodibility and a decrease in soil loss tolerance. Comparing soils with different physical and chemical characteristics, it was found high variability of erodibility values and soil loss tolerance for samples of the same pedological class. We emphasize the importance of the variability of pedological class because it may present different behaviors against erosion, especially in the use of predictive models as USLE. The indirect method of erodibility factor proposed by Denardin (1990) and the calculation of soil loss tolerance proposed by Lombardi and Bertoni (1975) showed satisfactory capacity in the estimation of sample values, providing individualization of soil units.848-860engEstimativa da erodibilidade e tolerância de perdas de solo na região do centro leste paulistaEstimation of erodibility and soil loss tolerance in the east central region of São PauloArtigoAcesso restrito2-s2.0-84973345865