Leal, Aguinaldo José FreitasDa Hora, Rerison CatarinoTonin, Teimo AntonioBoliani, Aparecida Conceição [UNESP]2022-04-292022-04-292009-12-31Acta Scientiarum - Agronomy, v. 31, n. 2, p. 353-358, 2009.1679-9275http://hdl.handle.net/11449/231901The northwestern region of the state of Paraná, in the Caiuá sandstone area, lacks options for economically feasible agricultural exploration. Thus, pineapple appears as a growth option, needing further studies regarding its exploration in that region. The present review aimed to evaluate the feasibility of this culture and analyze the competitiveness of this region of Umuarama, Paraná State, compared to the state's main pineapple supplying regions. For this purpose, three producers in Umuarama, Cafezal do Sul and Cruzeiro do Oeste were visited, in order to survey the technical coefficient of this culture and its profit indicators. The analyzed region presents a good and competitive capacity compared to other traditional fruit producers, mainly due to the proximity of consumer markets. Pineapple is an excellent choice of culture in the familiar agricultural context.353-358porAnanas comosusProduction costProfitabilityViabilidade econômica do cultivo de abacaxi no arenito Caiuá, região noroeste do estado do ParanáEconomic feasibility of pincapple culture in the Caiuá sandstone arca, northwestern Paraná stateArtigo10.4025/actasciagron.v31i2.70412-s2.0-72749110020