Andrade, Alexandre Lima de [UNESP]Bomfim, Suely Regina Mogami [UNESP]Ferreira, Vanessa Borges costa [UNESP]2014-06-112014-06-112012-03-05FERREIRA, Vanessa Borges costa. Protocolo para obtenção do plasma rico em plaquetas de cães. . 52 f. Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria de Araçatuba, . as the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) have been widely used in tissue repair, aiming to accelerate the healing of wounds. The potencial of PRP to reduce the recovery time of injuries depends on the concentration of platelets, its function and their growth factors. The lack of protocols for obtaining PRP in dogs, combined with variations of the same, hinders the use of biotech. The aim of this study was to test three different protocols for obtaining PRP and verify effectiveness in dogs. 15 mL were collected blood of 20 healthy dogs, and the samples were subjected to protocols to obtain PRP second Anitua, Sonnleitner and Vendramin. The mean concentrations of each protocol provided by platelets were 247%, 351% and 439% respectively. The protocol Vendramin stood in relation to other, better platelet count in PRP, and has good reproducibility52 f. il.porBiotecnologiaCãoCentrifugaçãoCicatrização de feridasPlaquetas (Sangue)Protocolos medicosWound healingProtocolo para obtenção do plasma rico em plaquetas de cãesDissertação de mestradoAcesso aberto000713601ferreira_vbc_me_araca.pdf33004021075P864041764953061714265888153674520