Delbem, Alberto Carlos Botazzo [UNESP]Cunha, Robson Frederico [UNESP]Bianco, Karina Gerhardt [UNESP]Afonso, Rebeca Lima [UNESP]Gonçalves, Tais Carneiro2014-05-272014-05-272005-12-01Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, v. 30, n. 2, p. 157-160, 2005.1053-4628 are developmental disturbances which manifest in the form of denticles or amorphous informes masses comprising all dental tissues, especially enamel and dentin, with variable amounts of pulp and cement. We describe here two clinical cases of odontomas in children, focusing on diagnostic means and the importance of early treatment of these lesions. The standard treatment for the two present cases was surgical removal.157-160engcase reportdeciduous toothhumanmalemaxilla tumorodontogenic tumorpathologypreschool childtooth diseaseChild, PreschoolHumansMaleMaxillary NeoplasmsOdontomaTooth, DeciduousTooth, ImpactedOdontomas in pediatric dentistry: Report of two casesArtigoAcesso restrito2-s2.0-3364532293768443541499179570000-0002-8159-4853