Hasui, Yociteru [UNESP]2014-05-272014-05-272010-09-27Geociencias, v. 29, n. 2, p. 141-169, 2010.0101-9082http://hdl.handle.net/11449/71882This paper presents a review on the geotectonic framework of the Southeastern Brazil and neighborhoods, and its importance in the regional geologic evolution, which was exposed as a main conference at the XI Symposium of Southeast Geology (São Pedro, SP, 2009). Although the geologic history dates back to the Archean, and Paleo to Mesoproterozoic processes related to the evolution of the Columbia and Rodinia supercontinents occurred, it was in the Neoproterozoic that the most important structural features developed due to collisional tectonics. The collisions began in the Brasiliano I (900-700 Ma), but mainly developed during the Brasiliano II (670-530 Ma) and ended in the Brasiliano III (580-490 Ma), resulting the orogenic systems of Mantiqueira and Tocantins. The final consolidation resulted in Gondwana, around 460 My in the part which correspond to the South America Platform. The structural features represent an important heritage that controlled much the Phanerozic geologic and tectonic processes: the formation of the Paraná Basin in the Ordovician-Jurassic, the South Atlantian reactivation (active magmatism and Paraná LIP, rifting, morphogenesis and the Atlantic opening), and the Neogene-Quaternary intraplate discrete neotectonism.141-169porBrasiliano cycleContinental collisionMantiqueira orogenic systemNeoproterozoicTectonic heritageTocantins orogenic systemBrasiliano orogenyconsolidationcontinental collisionintraplate processmagmatismmorphogenesisneotectonicsPrecambriansupercontinentBrazilA grande colisão pré-cambriana do sudeste brasileiro e a estruturação regionalThe great Precambrian collision of the Southeastern Brazil and the regional structureArtigoAcesso aberto2-s2.0-779569364952-s2.0-77956936495.pdf