Lobato de Menezes, C. E. [UNESP]2014-05-272014-05-271993-12-01Revista de Ciencias Biomedicas, v. 14, p. 23-32.0101-322Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/11449/64431The present studies were conducted to determine the role of prostaglandins in the etiology of a rise of body temperature observed in rats after electrolytic lesion made on the dorsal mesencephalic areas. This hyperthermia was abolished by intraperitoneal administration of indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandins synthesis. These results strengthen the suggestion of a similar mechanism for both neurogenic hyperthermia and the fevers produced by pyrogens. However, until further experiments are carried out, the possibility of lesion in producing hyperthermia by different mechanisms cannot be ruled out.23-32spaindomethacininduced hyperthermiamesencephalonprostaglandinsratswounds and injuriesindometacinprostaglandin derivativeprostaglandin synthesis inhibitorunclassified druganimal experimentanimal modelbrain injurycontrolled studyhyperthermiaintravenous drug administrationmalenonhumanratthermoregulationHIPERTERMIA EM RATOS INDUZIDA PELA LESAO ELETROLITICA DO MESENCEFALO: PARTICIPACAO DAS PROSTAGLANDINASHyperthermia in rats induced by mesencephalic electrolytic lesion: Participation of prostaglandinsArtigoAcesso restrito2-s2.0-0027747024