De Andrade, Eliana X.L. [UNESP]Dimitrov, Dimitar K. [UNESP]De Sousa, Lisandra E. [UNESP]2014-05-272014-05-272004-06-01Archives of Inequalities and Applications, v. 2, n. 2-3, p. 339-353, 2004.1542-6149 0 < j < m ≤ n. Kolmogoroff type inequalities of the form ∥f(j)∥2 ≤ A∥f(m)∥ 2 + B∥f∥2 which hold for algebraic polynomials of degree n are established. Here the norm is defined by ∫ f2(x)dμ(x), where dμ(x) is any distribution associated with the Jacobi, Laguerre or Bessel orthogonal polynomials. In particular we characterize completely the positive constants A and B, for which the Landau weighted polynomial inequalities ∥f′∥ 2 ≤ A∥f″∥2 + B∥f∥ 2 hold. © Dynamic Publishers, Inc.339-353engBessel polynomialsExtremal polynomialsJacobi polynomialsLaguerre polynomialsLandau and Kolmogoroff type inequalitiesMarkov's inequalityRayleigh-Ritz theoremLandau and Kolmogoroff type polynomial inequalities IIArtigoAcesso restrito2-s2.0-11044237331