Fichet, Sylvainvon Gersdorff, Gero [UNESP]2014-12-032014-12-032014-03-24Journal Of High Energy Physics. New York: Springer, n. 3, 36 p., 2014.1029-8479 examine trilinear and quartic anomalous gauge couplings (AGCs) generated in composite Higgs models and models with warped extra dimensions. We first revisit the SU(2)(L) x U(1)(Y) effective Lagrangian and derive the charged and two-photon neutral AGCs. We derive the general perturbative contributions to the pure field-strength operators from spin 0, 1/2 resonances by means of the heat kernel method. In the composite Higgs framework, we derive the pattern of expected deviations from typical SO(N) embeddings of the light composite top partner. We then study a generic warped extra dimension framework with AdS(5) background, recasting in few parameters the features of models relevant for AGCs. We also present a detailed study of the latest bounds from electroweak and Higgs precision observables, with and without brane kinetic terms. For vanishing brane kinetic terms, we find that the S and T parameters exclude KK gauge modes of the RS custodial [non-custodial] scenario below 7.7 [14.7] TeV, for a brane Higgs and below 6.6 [8.1] TeV for a Pseudo Nambu-Goldstone Higgs, at 95% CL. These constraints can be relaxed in presence of brane kinetic terms. The leading AGCs are probing the KK gravitons and the KK modes of bulk gauge fields in parts of the parameter space. In these scenarios, the future CMS and ATLAS forward proton detectors could be sensitive to the effect of KK gravitons in the multi-TeV mass range.36engElectromagnetic Processes and PropertiesBeyond Standard ModelField Theories in Higher DimensionsTechnicolor and Composite ModelsAnomalous gauge couplings from composite Higgs and warped extra dimensionsArtigo10.1007/JHEP03(2014)102WOS:000333802700003Acesso abertoWOS000333802700003.pdf