Dias, Rogerio [UNESP]Cabianca Ramos, Clarissa [UNESP]Kerr-Corrêa, Florence [UNESP]Aparecida Trinca, Luzia [UNESP]De Abreu Ramos Cerqueira, Ana Teresa [UNESP]Dalben, Ivete [UNESP]Alberto Moreno, Ricardo2014-05-272014-05-272002-11-01Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica, v. 29, n. 4, p. 181-189, 2002.0101-6083http://hdl.handle.net/11449/67014The objective of this study is to translate to Brazilian Portuguese, and validate (criterion) it to the Brazilian population, the Women's Health Questionnaire (WHQ), questionnaire was developed by Hunter (1992) in order to evaluate physical and mental symptoms, which were experienced by women, along their climacteric transition. A sample of 63 women, from 45 to 65 years old, was selected from the HC-UNESP staff and HC-Community Health School Center users. The WHQ and the General Health Questionnaire - GHQ (Goldberg-1972 - 60 items) were answered by all of them. The GHQ was used as reference. Pearson correlation coefficient, sensitivity and specificity were calculated for assessing the validity of the questionnaire. Cut-off points were determined in the WHQ by linear regressions (the reference was GHQ's cut-off points - higher than 2). Outcomes highlighted a general index of sensitivity of 0.83, specificity of 0.87, and correlation of - 0.82 and reliability of 0.89. The study sample does not portray the general population because the persons interviewed had high level of education. As the WHQ is easy to be applied and analyzed, it could be used in general, gynecologic, oncology and psychiatric practice.181-189porAnxietyDepressionLife qualityMenopauseScaleadultattitudeBrazilclimacteriumcorrelation analysiseducationemotional stabilityfemalehealth surveyhumanmenopausal syndromenormal humanPortugalquestionnairereliabilityvalidation processAdaptação para o Português do questionário de auto-avaliação de percepção de saúde física e mental da mulher de meia-idade - Questionário da Saúde da MulherThe Brazilian Portuguese criterion validation of the Women's Health Questionnaire (WHQ) - Mid-aged women's perception of their emotional and physical healthArtigoAcesso aberto2-s2.0-003640176437204893664279559476843874583499947684387458349937204893664279559476843874583499