Neto, Trajano Pires da Nóbrega [UNESP]Interlando, J.Carmelo [UNESP]Lopes, José Othon Dantas2014-05-272014-05-272002-10-01Journal of Number Theory, v. 96, n. 2, p. 319-325, 2002.0022-314X conductor-discriminant formula, namely, the Hasse Theorem, states that if a number field K is fixed by a subgroup H of Gal(ℚ(ζn)/ℚ), the discriminant of K can be obtained from H by computing the product of the conductors of all characters defined modulo n which are associated to K. By calculating these conductors explicitly, we derive a formula to compute the discriminant of any subfield of ℚ(ζpr), where p is an odd rime and r is a positive integer. © 2002 Elsevier Science USA.319-325engCharactersConductorsCyclotomic fieldsDiscriminants of number fieldsHasse theoremOn computing discriminants of subfields of ℚ (ζp r)Artigo10.1016/S0022-314X(02)92796-4Acesso aberto2-s2.0-00368017812-s2.0-0036801781.pdf