Perusi, Maria Cristina [UNESP]Carvalho, Wolmar Apparecida2014-05-272014-05-272008-12-01Geociencias, v. 27, n. 2, p. 197-206, 2008.0101-9082 purpose of the work is to evaluate the stability by dry and humid of theaggregate in different systems or the use and management in Argissolos: agricultural, pasture and torest utilization. This work was realized in agricultural property, in Anhumas city, SR Several analyses including percentage of the aggregate (by way of dry and humid); the weighted mean diameter of the aggregate calculation and statistic analysis. Conclusion: the organic matter content of the A horizon of the soil under forest is 64 % more than the soil under pasture and 79 % more than the soil under annual crop; the WMDA of the aggregate obtained by dry and humid ways of the horizon A and its mean value for the soil decrease in the following sequence: PVAd - forest > PVe -pasture > PVd - annual culture, respectively, with the following values: 1.33560 and 1.445496 (D), 2.81114 and 2.351380 (H); 0.66748 and 1.011830 (D); 2.79642 and 1.624250 (H); 0.32468 and 0.993775 (S), 1.25808 and 0.983135 mm (H); the two methods are equally sensitive to reveal the effect of the soil use and management; the organic matter provides additional stability to the aggregates submitted to humid sieving and clay to the dry sieving: the WMDA obtained by dry and humid ways are statistically different for the soil profiles.197-206porAggregatesMethodsSoilUse and managementaggregatecomparative studysoil aggregatesoil managementsoil organic matterurban areaBrazilSouth AmericaComparação de métodos para determinação da estabilidade de agregados por vias seca e úmida em diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo do soloComparison of methods for the stability determination of the aggregate by dry and humid in the different systems of use and management of the soilArtigoAcesso aberto2-s2.0-647491088342-s2.0-64749108834.pdf6663145275454266