Gomes, Alessandra Cristina [UNESP]De Angelis Messias, Leciana Paula [UNESP]Delbem, Alberto Carlos Botazzo [UNESP]Cunha, Robson Frederico [UNESP]2014-05-272014-05-272010-12-01Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, v. 76, n. 1, 2010.0709-89361488-2159http://hdl.handle.net/11449/72172Developmental disturbances of permanent teeth can result from trauma to primary teeth because of the proximity of the root of the primary teeth to their permanent successors. We describe the case of a 14-month-old boy who was referred to the baby clinic of the School of Dentistry, Universidad Estadual Paulista, Araçatuba, Brazil, after sustaining a severe trauma that led to intrusion of the right primary central incisor. Radiographic examination 4 years after the trauma showed a developing morphological change in the germ of the permanent successor. On eruption of the permanent central incisor, a crown malformation along with enamel hypoplasia was observed. We concludethat radiographic follow-up is indicated after trauma to monitor possible sequelae in the permanent successors even before their eruption. © 2011 Canadian Dental Association.engcase reportcongenital malformationdeciduous toothenamel hypoplasiahumanincisorinfantinjurymalemaxillatooth crowntooth floratooth injuryDental Enamel HypoplasiaHumansIncisorInfantMaleMaxillaTooth AvulsionTooth CrownTooth GermTooth, DeciduousDevelopmental Disturbance of an Unerupted permanent incisor due to trauma to its predecessorArtigoAcesso aberto2-s2.0-779576844842-s2.0-77957684484.pdf68443541499179570000-0002-8159-4853