Silveira, Fabiane Ferraz [UNESP]Meyer, Sonia BeatrizBolsoni-Silva, Alessandra Turini [UNESP]2016-03-022016-03-022010International Journal of Behavioral and Consultation Therapy, v. 6, n. 2, p. 124-133, 2010.1555-7855 study described the interaction between therapist and clients in a group intervention with two mothers and a grandmother. Five out of thirteen taped sessions were designated for analysis. Main results: a) therapist’s categories that stood out: approval, recommendation, interpretation, information and information request; b) clients’ categories that stood out: report, agreement, relation, and opposition, c) the probability for recommendation coupled with use of approval exceeded the probability of occurrence of other combinations. Possible explanations for the results were offered and new research questions were raised.124-133engParent trainingTherapeutic interactionTherapist’s and client’s behavior categoriesTherapist’s directive and nondirective behavior: analysis of their effects in a parent training groupArtigoAcesso restrito539690013338067518059613830926907204239102184728