De Andrade, F. D P [UNESP]Vilegas, Wagner [UNESP]2014-05-272014-05-271998-12-01Revista de Ciencias Farmaceuticas, v. 19, n. 1, p. 129-139, 1998.0101-3793 chemical investigation of the leaves of Sorocea bomplandii Baillon (Moraceae) led to the identification of pentacyclic triterpenes, fatty acid ester and isoprenoids. Chromatographyc comparison between the infusion S. bomplandii with that of Maytenus aquifolium - a Celastraceae with proved antiulcer activity - has shown that they have different compositions: the first one is based on sugars and the last one is based on flavonoid glycosides.129-139porMoraceaePentacyclic triter penesSorocea bomplandii Baillonantiulcer agentfatty acid esterflavonoid glycosideisoprenoidplant extractsorocea bomplandii extractsugartriterpene derivativeunclassified drugchromatographydrug activitydrug discriminationdrug identificationdrug infusiondrug researchnonhumanplant leafConstituintes de Sorocea bomplandii BaillonConstituents from Sorocea bomplendii BaillonArtigoAcesso restrito2-s2.0-00324157430000-0003-3032-2556