Lima, Carlos H. M. de [UNESP]Alves, HirleyNardelli, Pedro. H. J.IEEE2018-11-262018-11-262018-01-012018 Ieee Wireless Communications And Networking Conference (wcnc). New York: Ieee, 5 p., 2018.1525-3511 paper proposes a novel analytical framework based on the Fox H-function distribution. To test its efficacy we focus on a study case where we derive closed form expressions for the distribution of the end-to-end signal to noise ratio, and corresponding outage probability for the dual-hop amplify-and-forward configuration over Weibull-fading channels with channel state information. An extensive simulation campaign was carried out to corroborate the proposed approach.5engMachine-to-machineH-function distributionamplify-and-forwardoutage probabilityFox H-function: a Study Case on Variate Modeling of Dual-Hop Relay Over Weibull Fading ChannelsTrabalho apresentado em eventoWOS:000435542401140Acesso aberto