Concário, Marcelo [UNESP]2016-03-022016-03-022014Revista Olh@ares, v. 2, n. 2, p. 405-423, 2014.2317-7853 text is the result of a larger study into the role of the mother tongue in the construction of school knowledge, with a view to promoting gains in the performance of teenagers. The three objectives in this particular paper are: (1) to address Feuerstein's ideas, how the mother tongue interrelates with specific content, and the management of pedagogical interaction; (2) to illustrate enriched interaction during interventions by the researcher; and (3) to point out that supervised internship actions may help underachieving students. This is done in light of an interpretive analysis of the specialized literature, course books, reports and notes concerning interventions with students, and video and audio recordings. The analysis of interactions and student output following the researcher's interventions reveals increased awareness and change regarding school knowledge and how speaking/writing about specific content may enhance their performance in the completion of pedagogical tasks.O título do artigo é o informado acima. No sumário da revista, entretanto, figura título da primeira versão submetida à revista (Baixo desempenho escolar e enriquecimento da interação: língua materna, conteúdos específicos e as propostas de Feuerstein).405-423porPerformanceCognitive modifiabilityInteraction and learningDesempenhoModificabilidade cognitivaInteração e aprendizagemBaixo desempenho e enriquecimento da interação: propostas de Feuerstein e mediação da aprendizagemPoor performance and interaction enrichment: feuerstein's proposals and the mediation of learningArtigoAcesso restrito76921789877437850000-0002-7051-7879