Briani, Ronaldo Valdir [UNESP]2022-07-142022-07-142022-07-13 pain (PFP) is characterized by anterior knee pain affecting one in four physically active individuals. Increased patellofemoral joint loading associated abnormal lower limb biomechanics (proximal, local and distal to the knee) is a common characteristic of individuals with PFP. Some of these biomechanical alterations found in individuals with DFP, such as reduced knee flexion and knee extensor moment, are considered compensatory patterns in an attempt to reduce symptoms and overload in the patellofemoral joint. Although they are effective for this purpose, they can have a negative effect on the tibiofemoral joint and increase its contact forces, which can make this joint more susceptible for future injuries, such as tibiofemoral osteoarthritis. Since no study has investigated tibiofemoral contact forces in individuals with PFP, the objectives of this project are: (1) to compare the tibiofemoral contact forces of individuals with and without PFP before and after exacerbating their symptoms; (2) to investigate the relationship between tibiofemoral contact forces with pain, symptom duration, function and quality of life in individuals with PFP. Biomechanical data of step descent, squatting, jumping and landing will be collected in individuals with and without PFP. Posteriorly, peak and impulse of the tibiofemoral contact forces will be calculated for each task. Self-reported data of pain and symptom duration, and questionnaires about function and quality of life will also be obtained for individuals with PFP.PDFengJoelhos DoençasForças de contato tibiofemoral de indivíduos com dor femoropatelar antes e após a exacerbação dos sintomas e sua relação com a dor, duração de sintomas, função e qualidade de vidaPlano de gestão de dadosRonaldo Valdir BrianiAcesso aberto20843077451843820000-0002-0452-7753