Marona, H. R N [UNESP]Lucchesi, M. B B [UNESP]2014-05-272014-05-272003-12-01Revista de Ciencias Farmaceuticas, v. 24, n. 1, p. 79-82, 2003.0101-3793 new protocol using 3-h fast animal for intestinal motility test was developed in our laboratory aiming the 3R's concept to reduce the stress of animals. Our results may aid in formulating recommendations that can be included in revised guidelines with regard to fasting time of mice.79-82engAnimal welfareIn vivo testIntestinal motilityLoperamideMiceloperamideanimal experimentanimal modelanimal stressanimal testing reductionanimal testing refinementanimal testing replacementanimal tissueanimal welfareclinical protocolcontrolled studydiagnostic testdiet restrictionfunction testin vivo studyintestine motilityintestine motility testmousemouse strainnonhumanpractice guidelinestressRefining the intestinal motility test in mice to reduce animal stressArtigoAcesso restrito2-s2.0-4644251922