Boscolo, DaniloNobrega Rodrigues, BárbaraFerreira, Patrícia AlvesLopes, Luciano ElsinorTonetti, Vinicius Rodrigues [UNESP]Reis dos Santos, Isabela CristhinaHiruma-Lima, Juliana AkemiNery, LauraBaptista de Lima, KarolinePerozi, JéssicaFreitas, André Victor LucciViana, Blandina FelipeAntunes-Carvalho, CaioAmorim, Dalton de SouzaFreitas de Oliveira, FavíziaGroppo, MiltonAbsy, Maria Lúciade Almeida-Scabbia, Renata JimenezAlves-Araújo, Andersonde Amorim, Felipe Wanderley [UNESP]Antiqueira, Pablo Augusto PoletoAntonini, YasmineAoki, Camilados Santos Aragão, DanieleBalbino, Tais Cristina Teixeirada Silva Ferreira Bandeira, MicheleBarbosa, Bruno Corrêade Vasconcellos Barbosa, Maria ReginaBaronio, Gudryan JacksonBarros, Leví OliveiraBeal-Neves, MarianaBertollo, Victor Martinsde Melo Bezerra, Antonio DiegoBuzatto, Cristiano RobertoCarneiro, Liedson TavaresCaron, EdilsonCarpim, Camila SilvaCarvalho, Emanuela SimouraCarvalho, Tuane LetíciaCarvalho-Leite, Ludimila JulieleCascaes, Mainara Figueiredode Castro, Flávio SiqueiraCavalleri, AdrianoCazetta, ElianaCerezini, Monise TerraCoelho, Luís Francisco MelloColares, RenatoCordeiro, Guaraci DuranCordeiro, Julianada Silva Corrêa, Angela Mariada Costa, Fernanda VieiraCovre, CléberCruz, Renata Drummond MarinhoCruz-Neto, OswaldoCorreia-da-Rocha-Filho, LéoDelabie, Jacques Hubert Charlesda Costa Dórea, Marcosdo-Nascimento, Viviany TeixeiraAlves dos-Santos, Jean MiguelDuarte, MarceloDuarte, Marília CristinaDuarte, Olívia Maria PereiraDutilh, Julie Henriette AntoinetteEmerick, Betina PereiraFabiano, Gabrielly dos SantosFarache, Fernando Henrique Antoniollide Faria, Ana Paula GelliFernandes, Geraldo WilsonMaria Abreu Ferreira, PedroFerreira-Caliman, Maria JulianaFerreira, Lívia Maria NegriniFilgueira de Sá, Túlio FreitasFranceschinelli, Edivani VillaronFranco-Assis, Greice AyraFregolente Faracco Mazziero, FredericoFreitas, Breno MagalhãesFreitas, JoelcioGalastri, Natália AriasGaletto, LeonardoGarcia, Caroline TitoAmela García, María TeresaGarcia, Nicole LuizeGarófalo, Carlos AlbertoGélvez-Zúñiga, IreneGoldas, Camila da SilvaGuerra, Tadeu JoséGuerra, Tânia MaraHarter-Marques, BirgitHipólito, JulianaKamke, RafaelKlein, Ricardo PabloKoch, Elmo Borges de AzevedoLandgref-Filho, PauloLaroca, SebastiãoLeandro, Cristiane MartinsLima, Reinandade Lima, Taysla Roberta AlmeidaLima-Verde, Luiz Wilsonde Lírio, Elton JohnLopes, Ariadna ValentinaLuizi-Ponzo, Andrea PereiraMachado, Isabel Cristina SobreiraMachado, TatianaMagalhães, Fabrício SeveroMahlmann, ThiagoMariano, Cléa dos Santos FerreiraMarques, Thamy Evellini DiasMartello, FelipeMartins, Celso FeitosaMartins, Mauricio NogueiraMartins, RafaelMascarenhas, André Luiz Santosde Assis Mendes, GeovanaMendonça, Milton de SouzaMenini Neto, LuizMilward-de-Azevedo, Michaele AlvimMiranda, Adrianne OliveiraMontoya-Pfeiffer, Paula MaríaMoraes, Andreza MagroMoraes, Bruna BorgesMoreira, Eduardo FreitasMorini, Maria SantinaMoure-Oliveira, DiegoDe Nadai, Letícia FabriNagatani, Victor HidekiNervo, Michelle Helenade Siqueira Neves, Fredericode Novais, Jaílson SantosAraújo-Oliveira, Évellyn Silvade Oliveira, João Henrique FigueredoPacheco-Filho, Alípio José de SouzaPalmieri, LucianoPareja, MartinPassarella, Marcella de AlmeidaPassos, Nayra da MataPaulino-Neto, Hipólito FerreiraLuna Peixoto, ArianePereira, Luciana CarvalhoPereira, Rodrigo Augusto SantineloPereira-Silva, BrendaPincheira-Ulbrich, JimmyPinheiro, MardiorePiratelli, Augusto JoãoPodgaiski, Luciana ReginaPolizello, Diego Santos [UNESP]Prado, Lívia Pires doPrezoto, FabioQuadros, Franciele Rosset deQueiroz, Elisa PereiraGlebya Maciel Quirino, ZelmaRabello, Ananza MaraRabeschini, Gabriela Beatriz PereiraRamalho, Monna Myrnna MangueiraRamos, Flavio NunesRattis, LudmilaRezende, Luiz Henrique Gonçalves deRibeiro, CarolineRobe, Lizandra JaquelineRocha, Ely Márley de Souza RibeiroRodrigues, Ricardo RibeiroRomero, Gustavo QuevedoRoque, NádiaSabino, William de OliveiraSano, Paulo TakeoReis, Patricia da Silva Santanados Santos, Fernando SilvaAlves dos Santos, Isabeldos Santos, Francisco de Assis RibeiroSilva dos Santos, IgorSartorello, RicardoSchmitz, Hermes JoséSigrist, Maria RosângelaSilva Junior, Juvenal CordeiroSilva, Ana Carolina Granero eda Silva, Carolina Veronese CorrêaAlves Vieira Silva, Beatriz SymaraSilva, Bruna Leticia de FreitasSilva, Cláudia Inêsda Silva, Fabiana OliveiraSilva, Jéssica Luiza Souza eSilva, Nathalia Sampaioda Silva, Otávio Guilherme MoraisSilva Neto, Carlos de Melo eSilva Neto, Edito RomãoSilveira, DeniseSilveira, Maxwell SouzaSinger, Rodrigo BustosSoares, Leiza Aparecida Souza SerafimLocatelli de Souza, Evelise Márciade Souza, Jana Magaly TesserolliSteiner, JosefinaTeixeira-Gamarra, Mara CristinaTrentin, Bruno AlvesVarassin, Isabela GalardaVila-Verde, GabrielYoshikawa, Vania NobukoZanin, Elisabete MariaGaletti, Mauro [UNESP]Ribeiro, Milton Cezar [UNESP]2023-07-292023-07-292023-03-01Ecology, v. 104, n. 3, 2023.1939-91700012-9658 between flowers and invertebrates are key events for the functioning of tropical forests. Assessing the structure of networks composed of the interactions between those partners leads to a better understanding of ecosystem functioning and the effects of environmental factors on ecological processes. Gathering such data is, however, costly and time-consuming, especially in the highly diverse tropics. We aimed to provide a comprehensive repository of available flower–invertebrate interaction information for the Atlantic Forest, a South American tropical forest domain. Data were obtained from published works and “gray literature,” such as theses and dissertations, as well as self-reports by co-authors. The data set has ~18,000 interaction records forming 482 networks, each containing between one and 1061 interaction links. Each network was sampled for about 200 h or less, with few exceptions. A total of 641 plant genera within 136 different families and 39 orders were reported, with the most abundant and rich families being Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Rubiaceae. Invertebrates interacting with these plants were all arthropods from 10 orders, 129 families, and 581 genera, comprising 2419 morphotypes (including 988 named species). Hymenoptera was the most abundant and diverse order, with at least six times more records than the second-ranked order (Lepidoptera). The complete data set shows Hymenoptera interacting with all plant orders and also shows Diptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Hemiptera to be important nodes. Among plants, Asterales and Fabales had the highest number of interactions. The best sampled environment was forest (~8000 records), followed by pastures and crops. Savanna, grasslands, and urban environments (among others) were also reported, indicating a wide range of approaches dedicated to collecting flower–invertebrate interaction data in the Atlantic Forest domain. Nevertheless, most reported data were from forest understory or lower strata, indicating a knowledge gap about flower–invertebrate interactions at the canopy. Also, access to remote regions remains a limitation, generating sampling bias across the geographical range of the Atlantic Forest. Future studies in these continuous and hard-to-access forested areas will yield important new information regarding the interactions between flowers and invertebrates in the Atlantic Forest. There are no copyright restrictions on the data set. Please cite this data paper if the data are used in publications and teaching events.engecological networksflorivoryflower visitorsfocal plant observationfood webherbivorymutualismneotropical forestsplant–animal interactionspollen surveypollinationtropical forest interactionsAtlantic flower–invertebrate interactions: A data set of occurrence and frequency of floral visitsData paper10.1002/ecy.39002-s2.0-85145750034