Abercrombie, DanielAkchurin, NuralAkilli, EceAlcaraz Maestre, JuanAllen, BrandonGonzalez, Barbara AlvarezAndrea, JeremyArbey, AlexandreAzuelos, GeorgesAzzi, PatriziaBackovic, MihailoBai, YangBanerjee, SwagatoBeacham, JamesBelyaev, AlexanderBoveia, AntonioBrennan, Amelia JeanBuchmueller, OliverBuckley, Matthew R.Busoni, GiorgioButtignol, MichaelCacciapaglia, GiacomoCaputo, ReginaCarpenter, LindaCastro, Nuno FilipeCeballos, Guillelmo GomezCheng, YangyangChou, John PaulCortes Gonzalez, ArelyCowden, ChrisD'Eramo, FrancescoDe Cosa, AnnapaolaDe Gruttola, MicheleDe Roeck, AlbertDe Simone, AndreaDeandrea, AldoDemiragli, ZeynepDiFranzo, AnthonyDoglioni, Caterinadu Pree, TristanErbacher, RobinErdmann, JohannesFischer, CoraFlaecher, HenningFox, Patrick J.Fuks, BenjaminGenest, Marie-HeleneGomber, BhawnaGoudelis, AndreasGramling, JohannaGunion, JohnHahn, KristianHaisch, UlrichHarnik, RoniHarris, Philip C.Hoepfner, KerstinHoh, Siew YanHsu, Dylan GeorgeHsu, Shih-ChiehIiyama, YutaroIppolito, ValerioJacques, ThomasJu, XiangyangKahlhoefer, FelixKalogeropoulos, AlexisKaplan, Laser SeymourKashif, LashkarKhoze, Valentin V.Khurana, RamanKotov, KhristianKovalskyi, DmytroKulkarni, SuchitaKunori, ShuichiKutzner, ViktorLee, Hyun MinLee, Sung-WonLiew, Seng PeiLin, TongyanLowette, StevenMadar, RomainMalik, SarahMaltoni, FabioMartinez Perez, MarioMattelaer, OlivierMawatari, KentarouMcCabe, ChristopherMegy, TheoMorgante, EnricoMrenna, StephenMoon, Chang-Seong [UNESP]Narayanan, Siddharth M.Nelson, AndyNovaes, Sergio F. [UNESP]Padeken, Klaas OlePani, PriscillaPapucci, MichelePaulini, ManfredPaus, ChristophPazzini, JacopoPenning, BjornPeskin, Michael E.Pinna, DeborahProcura, MassimilianoQazi, Shamona F.Racco, DavideRe, EmanueleRiotto, AntonioRizzo, Thomas G.Roehrig, RainerSalek, DavidPineda, Arturo SanchezSarkar, SubirSchmidt, AlexanderSchramm, Steven RandolphShepherd, WilliamSingh, GurpreetSoffi, LiviaSrimanobhas, NorraphatSung, KevinTait, Tim M. P.Theveneaux-Pelzer, TimotheeThomas, MarcTosi, MiaTrocino, DanieleUndleeb, SonainaVichi, AlessandroWang, FuquanWang, Lian-TaoWang, Ren-JieWhallon, NikolaWorm, StevenWu, MengqingWu, Sau LanYang, HongtaoYang, YongYu, Shin-ShanZaldivar, BryanZanetti, MarcoZhang, ZhiqingZucchetta, Alberto2020-12-102020-12-102020-01-01Physics Of The Dark Universe. Amsterdam: Elsevier, v. 27, 64 p., 2020.2212-6864http://hdl.handle.net/11449/195219This document is the final report of the ATLAS-CMS Dark Matter Forum, a forum organized by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations with the participation of experts on theories of Dark Matter, to select a minimal basis set of dark matter simplified models that should support the design of the early LHC Run-2 searches. A prioritized, compact set of benchmark models is proposed, accompanied by studies of the parameter space of these models and a repository of generator implementations. This report also addresses how to apply the Effective Field Theory formalism for collider searches and present the results of such interpretations. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.64engDark MatterSimplified modelsEFTLHCDark Matter benchmark models for early LHC Run-2 Searches: Report of the ATLAS/CMS Dark Matter ForumArtigo10.1016/j.dark.2019.100371WOS:000515668000008