Kopp, Peter A.Dutra, Iveraldo S. [UNESP]Döbereiner, JürgenSchmitt, MartinGrassmann, BarbaraBlobel, Hans2014-05-272014-05-271996-04-01Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, v. 16, n. 2-3, p. 53-57, 1996.0100-736Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/11449/64776Cara inchada of cattle (CI) is a periodontitis which occurs in calves in several regions of Brazil. Its progressive lesions, caused mainly by Bacteroides melaninogenicus and Actinomyces pyogenes, could lead to loss of teeth, malnutrition and possibly death of affected animals. For further analysis of the pathogenesis of this disease the influence of streptomycin on the adherence of the causative bacteria to oral epithelial cells of cattle was determined. Production of streptomycin by soil bacteria (Actinomycetes) in Brazil had been suggested by several authors. In our studies, streptomycin in subinibitory concentrations increased tenfold the rate of adherence with B. melaninogenicus (from 0.4 to 4.0 bacteria per bovine epithelial cell). On the contrary, streptomycin did not influence significantly the adherence of A. pyogenes nor streptococci of the viridans group. Thus, streptomycin could be a contributing factor to the development of the periodontal infections with B. melaninogenicus.53-57porCara inchadaAdherenceBacteroides melaninogenicusCattleOral epithelial cellPeriodontitisStreptomycinEstreptomicina aumenta a aderência em células epiteliais de Bacteroides melaninogenicus associado às lesões peridentárias da cara inchada dos bovinosStreptomycin increases the adherence on oral epitelial cells of Bacteroides melaninogenicus involved in the periodontal lesions of cara inchada in cattleArtigoAcesso restrito2-s2.0-0030515376