Luzzi, Lucinara Ignez Tavares [UNESP]Greghi, Sebastião Luiz Aguiar [UNESP]Passanezi, Euloir [UNESP]Sant'Ana, Adriana Campos Passanezi [UNESP]Lauris, José Roberto Pereira [UNESP]Cestari, Tânia Mary [UNESP]2014-05-272014-05-272007-11-01Journal of Applied Oral Science, v. 15, n. 6, p. 512-517, 2007.1678-77571678-7765 that tobacco smoking habit is a risk factor for periodontal diseases, the aim of this study was to compare clinical periodontal aspects between smokers and non-smokers. The clinical status were assessed in 55 patients, 29 smokers and 26 non-smokers, aged 30 to 50 years, with mean age of 40. The clinical parameters used were: probing depth (PD), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival recession (GR) and gingival bleeding index (GBI) for arches (upper and lower ) and teeth (anterior and posterior). Tooth loss was also evaluated in both groups. Multiple regression analysis showed: tendency of greater probing depth and clinical attachment level means for smokers; greater amount of plaque in smokers in all regions; greater gingival index means for non-smokers with clinical significance (p<0.05) in all regions. Although, without statistical significance, the analysis showed greater gingival bleeding index means almost always for nonsmokers; similar gingival recession means in both groups and tendency of upper tooth loss in smokers and lower tooth loss in non-smokers. The findings of this study showed that clinical periodontal parameters may be different in smokers when compared to non-smokers and that masking of some periodontal signs can be a result of nicotine's vasoconstrictor effect.512-517engPeriodontal diseasePeriodontal parametersSmokingEvaluation of clinical periodontal conditions in smokers and non-smokersArtigo10.1590/S1678-77572007000600011S1678-77572007000600011WOS:000256795100010Acesso aberto2-s2.0-380491706252-s2.0-38049170625.pdf