Hellmeister, Luiz Antonio Vasques [UNESP]Marar, João Fernando [UNESP]Sementille, Antônio Carlos [UNESP]Freitas, João Paulo de Oliveira [UNESP]2016-03-022016-03-022011Proceedings of COPEC World Congress, v. 5, p. 565-569, 2011.2317-4382http://hdl.handle.net/11449/134812The high competitiveness and the search for newtechnologies that differentiate the product from the project,require the use of new digital tools. The computer aideddesign - Computed Aided Design (CAD), with electronicmodeling, simulation, structural analysis and production,performed in a virtual environment through the applicationof specific software, are available but their use is stilllimited. There are various software available in languagesand extensions to industrial production which, from 3Dmodeling, they can manage through Computer NumericalControl - Computed Numerical Control (CNC) machiningcenters, laminating, stamping, mold making and otherprocesses productive. This project aims to encouragecreativity and entrepreneurship in the community throughthe provision of technology computer aided design - CAD,with a view to implementation of machining technology.565-569porCADCNCApplicationCreativityDifusão de tecnologia CAD e CNC como ferramenta básica de criação e produção em pequena escala, acessível à comunidadeArtigoAcesso restrito12330494844887613618067810719564