In situ three-dimensional imaging of strain in gold nanocrystals during catalytic oxidation

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Suzana, Ana Flavia [UNESP]
Rochet, Amélie
Passos, Aline Ribeiro
Castro Zerba, João Paulo
Polo, Carla Cristina
Santilli, Celso Valentim [UNESP]
Pulcinelli, Sandra Helena [UNESP]
Berenguer, Felisa
Harder, Ross
Maxey, Evan

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The chemical properties of materials are dependent on dynamic changes in their three-dimensional (3D) structure as well as on the reactive environment. We report an in situ 3D imaging study of defect dynamics of a single gold nanocrystal. Our findings offer an insight into its dynamic nanostructure and unravel the formation of a nanotwin network under CO oxidation conditions. In situ/operando defect dynamics imaging paves the way to elucidate chemical processes at the single nano-object level towards defect-engineered nanomaterials.



Como citar

Nanoscale Advances, v. 1, n. 8, p. 3009-3014, 2019.