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  • ItemArtigo
    Priorities in public policies: Messages to the National Congress on the government agenda 1991/2020
    (2022-01-01) Capella, Ana Cláudia Niedhardt [UNESP]; Brasil, Felipe Gonçalves; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    Introduction: Through the analysis of the Messages to the National Congress delivered by the elected presidents, we investigate the priorities in public policies in the formation of the governmental agenda, using the concept of symbolic agenda. Methods: All the “Messages to the National Congress” between 1991 and 2020 were analyzed. This type of document represents a constitutional obligation in which the President sends, at the opening of each year’s legislative session, a report outlining the country’s situation and the priorities of actions proposed for that year. The content of the texts was transformed into indicators of attention according to the type of sectoral policy portrayed in the original documents. Results: The data reflect government attention to the most different public policies in a longitudinal perspective, highlighting changes and permanence in the priorities of the presidents elected in Brazil under democratic rule. Certain sectoral policies, such as those linked to public administration and internal government and macroeconomics, have always been priorities in presidential speeches. In a different way, it is also possible to identify changes in priorities and distribution in the appearance of sectorial policies depending on the political party, the elected president and the external environment, as is the case of the peaks of attention on social policies and foreign policy in the governments of the PT, or the priorities in public administration reforms and foreign trade that marked the governments of former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso to the detriment of other sectors. Discussion: The results obtained from an innovative method that quantitatively organizes the themes selected as the priorities of elected presidents are analyzed based on the symbolic agenda literature, a recent approach within agenda-setting and public policy change studies. The article, then, discusses the process of choosing and prioritizing the issues that will gain the attention of the symbolic agendas in a document directed to the legislative branch, of great importance in defining the presidential agenda at the beginning of each year. It also presents analyzes on the relationship between the capacity and diversity of the agenda with the political context, demonstrating positive relationships between the growth of the agenda and its diversity in moments of reelection or maintenance of the same party (low institutional friction), as well as showing a retraction of the agenda with greater thematic concentration in moments of institutional tension (impeachment) and change in the leadership of the executive (turnover)
  • ItemArtigo
    Focusing events and the covid-19 pandemic: The emergency basic income on the brazilian agenda
    (2021-05-01) Brasil, Felipe Gonçalves; Capella, Ana Cláudia Niedhardt [UNESP]; Ferreira, Leandro Teodoro; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
    Observing and analyzing the causes, effects, and multiple economic, social, and health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have been essential to understand this worldwide phenomenon and find solutions that minimize the impacts on peoples’ lives. This article aims to understand the rise of the emergency basic income as a viable policy to tackle the pandemic in Brazil. Based on the agenda-setting literature, specifically on the concept of focusing events, we present a brief history of cash transfer and poverty reduction policies, as well as the actors involved. The study discusses the changes, adaptations, and solutions proposed during the formulation of the emergency basic income as a policy to be considered and effectively adopted in this specific moment of crisis.
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    Policy Change in Brazil: New Challenges for Policy Analysis in Latin America
    (2020-05-01) Brasil, Felipe [UNESP]; Capella, Ana Claudia Niedhardt [UNESP]; Fagan, E. J.; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); University of Illinois at Chicago
    From the emergence of punctuated equilibrium theory in the United States in the mid-1990s to the creation of the Comparative Agendas Project, scholars have predicted that punctuated equilibrium theory and related agenda-setting theories can be applied across all systems. Yet most of the literature to date has focused on Western countries. The Brazilian Agendas Project has now made data available on a wide range of policy inputs and outputs, the first such data available in Latin America. The objective of this article is introduce the data from the Brazilian project, justify the choices made in collecting and coding it, and present descriptive analyses on the dynamics of governmental attention toward different policy issues over time.
  • ItemArtigo
    A complexidade e o construtivismo na economia
    (2013-07-01) Junior, Arnaldo Mauerberg [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Complexity and constructivism in economics. This paper attempts to show and summarize the concept of rules, order and complexity introduced around the mid- -twentieth century by Friedrich August von Hayek. It also attempts to create a current parallel between those concepts and the field of complexity economics. At the time of his writings, the author sought to present arguments against the Cartesian rationality. Nowadays, the concepts presented by him could also serve as arguments against the way of thought used in mainstream microeconomics. A debate can now be seen between the mainstream microeconomics and the authors of the complexity theory applied to the economy, which can be understood as explanations guided by generic assumptions versus natural explanations guided in a computational approach.
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    Agenda-setting policy: strategies and agenda denial mechanisms
    (Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2016) Capella, Ana Cláudia Niedhardt [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This paper focuses on an aspect overlooked in literature on policy formulation: agenda denial, the political process by which issues are kept from policymakers’ consideration and deliberation. The theoretical study of agenda-setting has been successful in pointing out the reasons why some issues achieve meaningful consideration by political institutions. However, there are several issues that fail to gain serious consideration for a variety of reasons, including specific tools and strategies that opponents employ in order to deny the access of an issue to the agenda. The power to keep an issue off the agenda is exercised through non- recognition or denial of the problem, discrediting the issue itself or the group directly related to it, the co-optation of leaders or the group’s symbols, postponement and formal denial, among other mechanisms. This study aims to explore these actions, seeking to contribute to research on public policy and further study on setting governmental agendas.
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    O Programa Brasil Próximo na região Centro Paulista: uma experiência de cooperação internacional descentralizada
    (Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, 2016) Lorenzo, Helena Carvalho De; Fonseca, Sergio Azevedo [UNESP]; Santos, Larissa Maria Palacio; Centro Universitário de Araraquara; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This article reports the experience of an international decentralized cooperation project, called Programa Brasil Próximo, implemented in the central region of São Paulo State. The results and legacies were evaluated in the context of the literature on international decentralized cooperation and in the degree of achievement of objectives. Also suggested challenges for international decentralized cooperation to the present case.
  • ItemArtigo
    (Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento, 2015) Capella, Ana Cláudia Niedhardt [UNESP]; Brasil, Felipe Gonçalves; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); UFSCar
    From theoretical approaches to its incorporation in recent models of policies analysis, the subsystems have gained a prominent role in the international literature of public policies. The objective of this paper is to present the construction of the concepts of subsystems, policy communities and policy networks and check how the most recent theoretical models use these subunits as the locus of interaction between different actors, institutions and ideas to analyze the policy process.
  • ItemArtigo
    Business incubators as vectors to the promotion of clean technologies in small firms: Limits and possibilities
    (2015-01-01) Fonseca, Sergio Azevedo [UNESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This paper reports the results of a study that sought to reflect, based on two cases, upon opportunities and challenges, possibilities and limits, for the insertion of small business ventures - new ventures and micro and small enterprises - in the productive field that became known, especially after the Rio Conference 92, as green economy. The search for clean technologies has become a great challenge and at the same time, a great business opportunity. The possibilities were opened up for large companies, able to mobilize the necessary resources for this transition. The limits were evident for small businesses. Evidence has been pointing out the necessity of developing instruments, particularly on public policies, able to offer support to small businesses so that they can overcome their limits. The focus of the study was precisely on this point: the experience of two incubators, one American and another Brazilian, specialized in supporting small businesses oriented to the markets of clean technologies. Qualitative in the method and with exploratory purposes, the research was designed as a multiple case study (based on two cases), having the documentary research as strategy for data collection. Supported by the literature of environmental management (with emphasis on small businesses with clean technologies) and business incubators (with greater emphasis on the typology of incubators), the research revealed a large gap between the realities of the two countries, either in numbers of incubators within the field of clean technologies, or in the mobilization of institutional actors who act in support of these incubators. Based on the two case studies it was possible to identify a single strategic affinity between the two incubators and a set of dichotomous elements, both strategically and in terms of management. In view of these findings, as conclusions of the paper, some suggestions are pointed out for the Brazilian movement of incubators in the will to incorporate environmental elements into their strategies and their management systems.
  • ItemArtigo
    Policy Change in Brazil: New Challenges for Policy Analysis in Latin America
    (Wiley-Blackwell, 2020-05-01) Brasil, Felipe [UNESP]; Capella, Ana Claudia Niedhardt [UNESP]; Fagan, E. J.; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); Univ Texas Austin; Univ Illinois
    From the emergence of punctuated equilibrium theory in the United States in the mid-1990s to the creation of the Comparative Agendas Project, scholars have predicted that punctuated equilibrium theory and related agenda-setting theories can be applied across all systems. Yet most of the literature to date has focused on Western countries. The Brazilian Agendas Project has now made data available on a wide range of policy inputs and outputs, the first such data available in Latin America. The objective of this article is introduce the data from the Brazilian project, justify the choices made in collecting and coding it, and present descriptive analyses on the dynamics of governmental attention toward different policy issues over time.
  • ItemArtigo
    Translating ideas into action: Brazilian studies of the role of the policy entrepreneur in the public policy process
    (2017-01-01) Brasil, Felipe Gonçalves [UNESP]; Capella, Ana Cláudia Niedhardt [UNESP]; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar); Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Over the past decades, research on policy formulation, especially research on agenda-setting, has demonstrated that the actions of individuals (or groups) labelled ‘policy entrepreneurs’ constitute a central aspect of the public policy process. Agenda-setting theoretical models (John Kingdon’s multiple streams model and Baumgartner and Jones’s punctuated equilibrium theory) view those actors from different perspectives, stressing different features of their role in the policy process. Both models consider the policy entrepreneur an essential actor in their explanations of policy maintenance or change. In Brazil, although the study of public policy has experienced periods of strong expansion during the past decades, there is still a lack of detailed data on the application of such models and the role of policy entrepreneurs in such analyses. This paper aims to present and discuss the centrality of policy entrepreneurs in agenda-setting models by analysing this important actor and the limits and contributions of this conceptualization for understanding the policy process. In addition, this research analyses the central role of the policy entrepreneur and presents empirical findings of Brazilian policy studies, thus highlighting implications regarding the concept for these three theoretical approaches.
  • ItemCapítulo de livro
    Quality of life X quantity of life: The right to die with dignity protected by the advanced directives institutes
    (2015-01-01) Deserti, Bruna Sitta [UNESP]; Veiga, Hélio [UNESP]; Marchetto, Patrícia Borba [UNESP]; Corona, Roberto Brocanelli [UNESP]; Lamenha Gomes, Thiago Soares; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    In the last century we have witnessed a great development in medicine. New drugs and sophisticated surgical interventions present the proposal for a long life, almost as a product available on the market. Facing death as a natural process is increasingly distant from people's lives nowadays. Quantity of life does not mean quality of life. In cases of incurable diseases, the best treatment is to accept the condition and offer palliative cares to ensure the quality of life that still remains. It cannot be forgotten that behind all the medical techniques in development there are human beings who ought to be at the center of the medical-patient relation and have their dignity and autonomy respected. There is a juridical mechanism called Advanced Directives, popularly known as Living Will, which is a public document to register all the medical directions regarding health care treatments and procedures that the patients do not wish to be submitted to, that can be used to ensure that the patients wishes concerning his life will be respected when he may not be able to express his will. The advanced directives defend the dignity of every human being and the palliative cares rather than the pursuit of a cure.
  • ItemArtigo
    Análise de políticas públicas: Uma revisão da literatura sobre o papel dos subsistemas, comunidades e redes
    (2015-01-01) Capella, Ana Cláudia Niedhardt [UNESP]; Brasil, Felipe Gonçalves; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
    From theoretical approaches to its incorporation in recent models of policies analysis, the subsystems have gained a prominent role in the international literature of public policies. The objective of this paper is to present the construction of the concepts of subsystems, policy communities and policy networks and check how the most recent theoretical models use these subunits as the locus of interaction between different actors, institutions and ideas to analyze the policy process.
  • ItemArtigo
    Formulation and implementation, convergences and deviations: Facets of the Individual MicroEntrepreneur (MEI) public policy in the local plan
    (2017-07-01) Campanha, Lucas Jose; De Lorenzo, Helena Carvalho; Fonseca, Sergio Azevedo [UNESP]; De Oriani E Paulillo, Luiz Fernando; Universidade de Araraquara - UNIARA; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
    Public policies to support small enterprises have emerged in Brazil in the 2000s, having it as major milestones the Microenterprise and Small Size Business Statute, published in December 2006 via the complementary law n.123 and its successor, the Complementary Law 128 of December 2008, which became known as the Individual Micro Entrepreneur (MEI) Law (MEI's law). This paper addresses, as an object of study, the implementation process of the latter legal instrument in a spatiality defined by the municipality of Araraquara. The methodological strategy used was a qualitative research, outlined as a single case study of exploratory character, employing as instruments for data collection: both documental research as well as interviews with structured scripts. Results have shown that the dynamic imposed by the implementation of the law can be characterized by fragile inter-organizational ties and relations based on the maximization of individual interests, to the detriment of collective interests, which ought to be pursued by public policies. It was verified, on the analysis of the direct and indirect impacts and results, that the local government was not ready for the execution of the policy designed on the federal level. The agents in local level proceed in a manner to fragment the formalization into small bits, in which each one of them acts on its own environment, without interaction or complementation; as a consequence, the formalization process is carried out following a hierarchical order, which results in a segmented and fragmented implementation.
  • ItemArtigo
    Guerra fiscal na federação Brasileira: A contribuição das abordagens da sociologia econômica
    (2017-05-01) Colombo, Luciléia Aparecida [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Some themes of an economic nature have also become prominent in areas such as the social sciences, particularly political science, and economic sociology. The objective of this study is to emphasize the role of economic sociology in articulating some analytical sources for themes recurrently present in government agendas, using the phenomenon of fiscal war as the core of our study. Therefore, we aim in this work to discuss fiscal war not as an autonomous phenomenon, belonging to the economic sphere, but as a product of sociological and political interactions on the part of social actors, such as state governors. We use a secondary source bibliography, located in disciplines such as economics, economic sociology, and political science.
  • ItemArtigo
    The role of public policies to enhance innovation in low-tech small firms
    (Elsevier B.V., 2017-01-01) Bonotto Barboz, Ricardo Augusto; Fonseca, Sergio Azevedo [UNESP]; Freitas Ramalheiro, Geralda Cristina de; Ctr Univ Araraquara Uniara; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
    The need for organizations to innovate has always been a major factor for business competitiveness. From the beginning of the 2000's this need has turned even more important, especially with the advent and widespread of innovations, intensifying competition and shortening the life cycle of products. It is perceived, however, that companies operating in more traditional sectors of the economy have higher barriers to innovative procedures, barriers increased and enhanced when it comes to the universe of micro and small enterprises (MSEs). These difficulties, by itself, support the need for policies and public interventions in order to minimize the barriers. In this context, this paper addresses a research which studied two innovation supporting programs in Brazil: the business incubation, with particular focus in the Business Incubator of the city of Araraquara; and the Brazilian Service for Technical Answers (SBRT) in this particular case represented by one of his agents, the Integrated Service of Technical Answers (SIRT) of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP/Araraquara). This study reports the virtues, the limitations and difficulties of these two instruments of public policy as potential or actual inducers to innovations in non-technological micro and small enterprises (MSEs). The research analyzed the types, sources and mechanisms used to promote innovations in the MSEs. The methodology comprised a qualitative research, exploratory, designed as a simple case study, with data collected through interviews and participant observation. It was found that the MSEs, even those who participate in public programs and policies, have many difficulties to operationalize innovation. It was noted also that the joining of the two instruments leveraged innovative activities. (C) 2016 Departamento de Administracao, Faculdade de Economia, Administracao e Contabilidade da Universidade de Sao Paulo - FEA/USP. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
  • ItemArtigo
    (Univ Estado Rio Janeiro, 2017-01-01) Veiga Junior, Helio [UNESP]; Marchetto, Patricia Borba [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); Fundacao Carmelitana Mario Palmerio FUCAMP
    This article aims to analyze the relation between women's freedom and the right to life, studying the effects of emergency contraceptives such as Levonorgestrel and Ulipristal Acetate, in a bioethical analysis about the biological, social and legal contents brought by the mentioned drugs. Nevertheless, the personality theories are analyzed linked to the effects of the emergency contraception to promote and verify if the contraception would be mere emergency contraceptives or abortifacients. As it regards the analysis by the personality theories, the study carried out here seeks to solve the collision of existing principles when there is a contradiction between the life principle and the substantial female freedom over her body, weighing principles case by case. Furthermore, this study sought to bring an analysis of how the criminalization of abortion is harmful, and thus ineffective to the Brazilian reality, once the female society seeks for its social emancipation regarding issues concerning their own body as a form to actualize the right to health, especially public health. It is also presented in this article the Brazilian reality, which includes the use of Cytotec, a drug even banned from Brazil that can still be found and acquired illegally on the black market. Finally, using the deductive method, this study seeks to analyze possible civil effects that would be caused by abortion, in order to defend the decriminalization of abortion.
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    The State National Policy of Heritage Management: an assessment of the extinct RFFSA's non-operational properties management
    (Escola Nacl Adm Publica-enap, 2017-07-01) Paiva, Claudio Cesar de [UNESP]; Fonseca, Sergio Azevedo [UNESP]; Fernandes de Paiva, Suzana Cristina [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This paper's main objective is to report the research results which evaluated the Brazilian Federal Government real estate assets management policy. The focus of the research qualitative concerning the method, exploratory in its purpose, outlined as a single case study and using documental research and semi-structured screenplays for interviews as data collection instruments - was oriented to the management process of non-operating assets of the extinct RFFSA, seeking to evaluate, especially, the difficulties and challenges for the incorporation and allocation of approximately 52 thousand properties. The research revealed that, despite the new model of management adopted since the late 2000s, the Department of Heritage of the Federal Government (SPU) still presents the vicissitudes of an institution built under a patrimonial tradition, which does not guarantee compliance of the social function of public property.
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    (Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2016-01-01) Guedes, Alvaro Martim [UNESP]; Bassetto, Camila Fernanda [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This article seeks to demonstrate through empirical basis and correlation analysis, the validity of the statement that the inclusion in the labor market is directly correlated with the level of education, ie with the training received by the individual. The data sources were the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, IBGE, and Sectors of Economic Activity of the Annual Social Information, RAIS. The analysis covered the period 2002 to 2012 in a municipality of Sao Paulo, with a population of approximately 220,000 inhabitants. The study conducted on the merits was to demonstrate empirically based and analytical resources devoted to statistics that in fact there is clear correlation between school education placements in the labor market of individuals and economic development. This observation was obtained based on salary level, gender and economic sectors (primary, secondary and tertiary). Moreover, the correlation was observed between economic development and schooling, which strengthens the widespread assertion of Education strategic role for a country.
  • ItemResenha
    (Univ Estado Rio Janeiro, 2016-01-01) Marchetto, Patricia Borba [UNESP]; Falavinha, Diego Herminio Stefanutto; Veiga Junior, Helio [UNESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); Univ Barcelona; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar); Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU); Mario Palmerio Fdn
    The Judiciary has been used by Brazilian society to seek for the concretion of rights to health through bringing actions in order to force the State to grant drugs, surgeries and other services, creating the concept of Health judicialization, which is an expression derived from the concept of judicialization of Politics, gaining significance in the Brazilian territory. Unfortunately, as will be seen in the next sections, the legalization of Health has taken negative proportions focusing critics on the intervention of the Judiciary in Health and Politics. Nonetheless, the excessive and disorderly legalization of Health do not have their reasons only in poor performance of the Judiciary, but find their genesis in the governmental inefficiency, corruption and market influences. Thereby, the aim of this article is to instigate that the issue of legalization of Health in the Brazilian case is complex, not being enough the occasional interventions in the Judiciary, but a set/group of actions to measure the real dilemmas/quandaries and argue/fight/work towards effective actions to solve it through the balanced performance of all actors, governmental and social involved.
  • ItemArtigo
    Revisitando o pensamento de Jacques Ellul na sociedade do século XXI
    (Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Filosofia, 2015-06-01) Barrientos-parra, Jorge; Universidade Estadual de São Paulo Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Araraquara Departamento de Administração Pública