Brazilian Photographic Figure Rating Scale: Development and Psychometric Investigation

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Sage Publications Inc


This study reports on the development, reliability, and validity of a new instrument for obtaining respondents' body image perception, the Brazilian Photographic Figure Rating Scale (BPFRS). This instrument consists of eight photographic images (seven distorted and one accurate) of respondents themselves in standardized poses, taken just prior to requesting respondents to make self-ratings on the instrument. Participants involved in developing and evaluating this instrument were 142 Brazilian women (age 21.8 +/- 3.0 years). Ten experts assessed content validity and showed high agreement (defined by ratings of 4-5 on a 5-point scale) with items measuring underlying constructs and high (>70%) interrater agreement. A Pearson correlation demonstrated convergence between the BPFRS and other related scales; a positive correlation was also evident between actual and respondent-perceived body mass index. Both test-retest and Kappa confirmed temporal stability. These findings indicate that the BPFRS can accurately and reliably assess body image dissatisfaction and body perception in young women by deploying realistic, personalized images as stimuli for self-ratings. Implications for further research and treatment of body image problems are discussed.



body self-perception, body size perception, body image, psychophysical, body composition

Como citar

Perceptual And Motor Skills. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc, v. 124, n. 1, p. 131-144, 2017.