Exercise intensity and physical fitness modulate lipoproteins profile during acute aerobic exercise session

dc.contributor.authorAntunes, B. M. [UNESP]
dc.contributor.authorRossi, F. E. [UNESP]
dc.contributor.authorOyama, L. M.
dc.contributor.authorRosa-Neto, J. C.
dc.contributor.authorLira, F. S. [UNESP]
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade de São Paulo (USP)
dc.description.abstractPhysical inactivity has emerged as an important cardiometabolic risk factor; however, the beneficial impacts of physical exercise according physical fitness status are still unclear. To analyze the lipoproteins and immune-endocrine response to acute aerobic exercise sessions performed at different intensities according physical fitness status and evaluated the gene expression in monocyte cells. Twelve individuals, divided into Low and High VO2max, performed three randomized acute exercise sessions at low (<60% VO2max), moderate (60–75% VO2max), and high (>90% VO2max) intensities. Blood samples were collected pre, immediately post, and 60 minutes post-exercise to analyze NEFA, triacylglycerol, non-HDL-c, HDL-c, PAI-1, leptin and adiponectin concentrations. Blood samples were collected from another set of twelve individuals for use in monocyte cell cultures to analyze L-CAT, CETP, and AMPK gene expressions. Low VO2max group pre-exercise exhibited higher postprandial leptin and total cholesterol concentrations than High VO2max group (p < 0.05). Exercise performed in high-intensity promoted a decreased leptin and NEFA levels (p < 0.05, for both), but for PAI-1 levels was decreased (p < 0.05) only for the Low VO2max group. Triacylglycerol levels decreased after all exercise sessions (p < 0.05) for both groups, and HDL-c exhibited decrease during moderate-intensity (p < 0.05), but this scenario was attenuated in Low VO2max group. Low VO2max individuals exhibit some metabolic-endocrine disruption, and acute aerobic exercise sessions performed at low, moderate, and high intensities are capable of modulating metabolic-endocrine parameters, mainly at high-intensity, in a physical fitness-dependent way, given that Low VO2max group was more responsive and seem to be able to appropriate more exercise-related benefits.en
dc.description.affiliationExercise and Immunometabolism Research Group Post-Graduation Program in Movement Sciences Department of Physical Education São Paulo State University (UNESP) Presidente Prudente
dc.description.affiliationUniversidade Federal de São Paulo Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Fisiologia
dc.description.affiliationImmunometabolism Research Group Department of Cell Biology and Development Institute of Biomeical Science of University of São Paulo (USP)
dc.description.affiliationUnespExercise and Immunometabolism Research Group Post-Graduation Program in Movement Sciences Department of Physical Education São Paulo State University (UNESP) Presidente Prudente
dc.identifier.citationScientific Reports, v. 10, n. 1, 2020.
dc.relation.ispartofScientific Reports
dc.titleExercise intensity and physical fitness modulate lipoproteins profile during acute aerobic exercise sessionen
