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PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto
A transformação da indústria criativa: explorando a emergência da economia criativa e seu papel na economia global(2024-02-21) Carvalho, Juliano Maurício de; Serra, Camila Roberta Muniz
; Zamberlan, Victor Simões
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
A agenda de pesquisa sobre o tema das indústrias criativas segue pertinente desde que foi concebida no contexto da última década do século XX. As mudanças paradigmáticas, que colocarem o assunto em evidência, correspondem a alterações do próprio capitalismo no momento de consolidação do neoliberalismo e substituição do modelo de produção industrial para a valorização intelectual. Este artigo de revisão narrativa, baseado em pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória, se debruça sobre o progresso conceitual da indústria criativa para a economia criativa. Os resultados apontam para o distanciamento entre os conceitos de indústrias culturais e indústrias criativas, mas aproximação deste último com a economia criativa, por vezes confundidos. Baseada na propriedade intelectual e capital simbólico, as estratégias para seu desenvolvimento parecem corresponder ao crescimento econômico, social e preservação cultural e artística, respondendo ao desenvolvimento sustentável dos territórios.PublicaçãoTese de doutorado Acesso Aberto
Jornalismo do interior e atuação política em Ribeirão Preto: imprensa e sociedade - 1961-1964(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2024-02-23) Nayara Kobori ; Vicente, Maximiliano Martin; Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes, Comunicação e Design
A pesquisa “Jornalismo do interior e atuação política em Ribeirão Preto: Imprensa e Sociedade – 1961-1964” visa analisar os textos jornalísticos opinativos dos órgãos “Diário da Manhã” e “Diário de Notícias”, ambos pertencentes ao município de Ribeirão Preto, interior do Estado de São Paulo, nos anos que antecederam o golpe civil-militar de 1964, bem como na passagem do regime democrático para o ditatorial. Priorizou-se a verificação dos escritos de Antônio Machado Sant’Anna e Antônio Carlos Sant’Anna, editor e redator-chefe do “Diário da Manhã”, respectivamente; e do Pe. Celso Ibson de Syllos, editor do “Diário de Notícias”, até os anos de 1964. A partir do enfoque teórico-metodológico da Hermenêutica em Profundidade (HP), de Thompson (1995), compreende-se como as formas simbólicas operam nos editoriais e artigos selecionados, para manifestar determinadas ideologias, especialmente a ideologia auto-ritária, que pairava como um espírito dos anos 1960 nas Américas Latinas. Para isso, a análise parte da verificação dos modos de operação da ideologia, mediante o uso de estratégias de típicas de construção simbólica, elencadas por Thompson (1995). Além disso, para o emprego completo da HP, a tese está dividida em três partes, que compõem a tríplice da proposta teóri-co-metodológica, sendo elas: a análise sócio-histórica, a análise formal e discursiva e, final-mente, a reinterpretação. A tese central é que as estratégias discursivas de operação da ideolo-gia foram aplicadas pelo “Diário da Manhã” e o “Diário de Notícias” em multiperspectivas, isto é, trazendo diferentes ideologias que, em determinados momentos, estavam mais alinhadas ao regime autoritário e, em outros, operavam como uma forma resistência às violências cometidas. Ademais, verifica-se que os dois objetos de estudo acabaram passando por um pe-ríodo de autocensura, com críticas mais amenas ou silenciamentos, justamente pelo contexto da época, com cerceamento de opiniões e perseguições dos jornalistas. Tratando especificamente dos editores dos jornais, Antônio Machado Sant’Anna e Pe. Celso Ibson de Syllos, bem como do redator-chefe Antônio Carlos Sant’Anna, avalia-se como eles se portaram enquanto intelectuais orgânicos de Ribeirão Preto, participando não somente da produção jornalística do interior, mas também de movimentos sociais, entidades e outros grupos sociais atuantes na cidade. Por fim, a pesquisa contribuiu para verifica como se dá a continuidade do pensamento autoritário no Brasil, a partir de uma perspectiva historiográfica, já que a análise da ideologia, proporciona a compreensão de como as formas simbólicas de mobilização para a formação de sentidos, seja para a manutenção ou contestação de pensamento hegemônicosPublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto
O uso do TikTok pelos presidenciáveis durante o primeiro turno das eleições gerais de 2022(INTERCOM, 2022-12-07) Alberto, Leonardo de Andrade ; Belluzzo, Regina Celia Baptista; Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação
Popularmente conhecido por apresentar vídeos de danças e trends, o TikTok vem sendo utilizado, também, com fins políticos e eleitorais. O processo eleitoral constitui em importante instrumento de exteriorização de um regime democrático formado por diversas etapas, dentre elas, com maior impacto, salvo sufrágio, é a propaganda políticoeleitoral caracterizada pela veiculação de concepções ideológicas. Assim, o objetivo principal do presente trabalho é analisar o uso do TikTok pelos quatro presidenciáveis mais bem votados no primeiro turno das eleições gerais brasileiras de 2022, por ordem do candidato com mais votos: Lula (PT); Jair Bolsonaro (PL); Simone Tebet (MDB); e Ciro Gomes (PDT). O trabalho apoia-se em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, sendo utilizado o método hipotético-dedutivo e a análise de conteúdo.PublicaçãoDissertação de mestrado Acesso Aberto
O streaming como modelo de negócio na TV aberta brasileira: desafios e oportunidades(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2024-03-20) Custódio, Márcio ; Machado Filho, FranciscoA convergência midiática é um tema de destaque nos estudos contemporâneos de comunicação, evidenciando a estreita interação entre diversas plataformas, como televisão e streaming, seja por meio de conteúdo sob demanda (VOD) ou transmissões ao vivo. Diante desse cenário, esta pesquisa se propôs a investigar os desafios e oportunidades desse modelo de negócio nos streamings da TV aberta brasileira. O estudo concentrou-se em analisar dois importantes players do mercado: o Globoplay, com seu modelo híbrido, assinatura (SVOD) e gratuito (FreeVOD), e o SBT Vídeos, que oferece seu conteúdo na modalidade gratuita (FreeVOD). O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar os modelos de negócios adotados pelas respectivas emissoras, buscando identificar práticas eficazes que possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento de modelos sustentáveis e sólidos. A metodologia empregada nesta pesquisa foi predominantemente qualitativa e teve como base a revisão bibliográfica de artigos científicos, sites e livros relevantes. Além disso, foi realizada entrevista com Roberto Grosman, diretor de transformação digital do SBT, e extraído dados de entrevistas, em domínio público, de dois diretores da área digital da TV Globo, Renata Fernandes e Marcelo Souza. Nos resultados obtidos, observou-se que tanto o Globoplay, quanto o SBT Vídeos visualizam no streaming uma oportunidade para escalar seus negócios, ambas as emissoras apostam na TV Conectada e nos chamados canais FASTs. Além disso, reconhecem a publicidade como a principal fonte de monetização de suas plataformas. Ademais, foram identificados esforços significativos no aprimoramento da experiência do usuário, seja por VOD (vídeo sob demanda) ou canais ao vivo. Nesse sentido, foi possível inferir que o fator “sob demanda" não é o mais relevante nesse modelo de negócio, mas sim, a experiência do espectador. Nesse sentido, os dados apresentados mostraram que mais de 71% dos usuários preferem a experiência das TVs conectadas, ou seja, a tela grande. Por conseguinte, ambas as emissoras apostam na TV 3.0 como tendência para experiência do usuário, bem como para novas formas de monetização.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto
Famílias tipográficas em anúncios comerciais do Almanack Illustrado do Lavrador Paulista, 1908(Blucher Design Proceedings, 2024-01) Shimizu, Andressa Licka ; Piaia, Jade SamaraCom o intuito de contribuir para os estudos sobre memória gráfica brasileira, em particular sobre impressão com tipos móveis em oficinas paulistanas atuantes no início do século XX, a pesquisa relatada neste artigo teve como objetivo analisar parte do repertório tipográfico da Tipografia Hennies Irmãos. Tomou-se como objeto de estudo a 4ª edição do periódico Almanack Illustrado do Lavrador Paulista, impresso em 1908. Por meio da identificação, tratamento de imagem e catalogação dos caracteres tipográficos, foi possível selecionar famílias tipográficas e compará-las com publicações produzidas anteriormente e por outro impressor. Os estudos da memória gráfica que partem da análise de artefatos como este almanaque mostram-se relevantes para a compreensão das tendências tipográficas e contribuem para o resgate da cultura da impressão na cidade de São Paulo.PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto
Mídia laranja: a informação como indicador de inovação(Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación (ALAIC), 2020-12-02) Zamberlan, Victor Simões; Carvalho, Juliano Maurício de
Os novos negócios da mídia ensejam cenários de inovação. O desenvolvimento de novos arranjos em torno da criatividade potencializa dinâmicas que contribuem também para o setor de mídia em sua forma de projetar valores tangíveis e intangíveis. O estudo qualitativo, de caráter exploratório e revisão integrativa, desvela o indicador informação da Economia Laranja e sistematiza formas de mensuração da inovação na mídia. O trabalho denota que a inovação midiática dentro do pilar estudado está aferida através da potencialidade de prover fluxo informativo para os demais pilares da Economia Laranja, segmentada pela mensuração de capacidades que permitam a incorporação de novos atores, indivíduos ou instituições, o aperfeiçoamento dos fluxos já estabelecidos e a definição clara e objetiva, por garantia de lei, que respalde a inovação midiáticaPublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto
A ressignificação da velhice feminina: das mediações à Indústria Cultural(PUC - Goiás, 2021-06) Sampaio, César Augusto; Gonzales, Lucilene dos Santos
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
A ressignificação da velhice feminina não estaria imune à ideologia da indústria cultural: manter-se sempre desejável e atraente com a beleza e o viço da juventude. É o que se nota em revistas femininas, na publicidade e em movimentos como ageless e going gray. De caráter bibliográfico, o estudo é focado nas mediações de Jesús Martín-Barbero: sociabilidade, ritualidade, institucionalidade e tecnicidade.PublicaçãoTrabalho apresentado em evento Participation of Users in the Development of the Information Architecture of a Telecare Application for Smartphones Based on the Card Sorting Method(2022-01-01) Delgado, Cristina Nieves Perdomo; Paschoarelli, Luis Carlos
; Zitkus, Emilene ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Loughborough University
Access to new technologies by the elderly is gradually increasing. However, although more and more people make use of technology to improve their day-to-day, there are still problems that affect the accessibility and usability of these systems. The objective of this study has been to describe the process, analysis, results, and implication of a card sorting as a usability study to obtain relevant information for the decision making of the information architecture in the development of Telecare applications. The study has involved ten elderly people using the card sorting method in which users are given a predetermined set of category names and asked to sort individual cards into these predetermined categories, related to the telecare application. While the participants placed the cards, the method of thinking aloud was also used to have a view of two cognitive processes of the participant during the execution of the task, generating qualitative knowledge. Most of the participants showed confusion due to the terminology of the different functions of the application. The categories in which the participants had the most difficulty was in the registration and application configuration area. In general, the card sorting process can be considered a very useful technique in information architecture when designing a technological interface, as it is applied to understand how future users think about the content and usability of the system/service.PublicaçãoArtigo THEORY AND PRACTICE OF PARTICIPATION IN BBC'S QUESTION TIME(2022-08-01) Seridório, Daniele Ferreira ; Rothberg, Danilo; Erich Brost Institut ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Connections between public service broadcasters and viewers can take place in a variety of contexts, including TV programs where practices of interaction and participation seek to ensure the fulfillment of public media duties. Our research developed an analysis of BBC's Question Time, a television show first broadcast in 1979 and still on. Our goal was to investigate theoretical and empirical aspects of audience participation in the program. Our methods were document and program analysis, and interviews with BBC journalists. The results include a wide view of how Question Time and the participation it provides have evolved. We argue that participation in the media may be a way of reinforcing public service broadcasting commitments with the health of democracy.PublicaçãoArtigo Jet cutter technique as a tool to achieve high lipase hydrolytic activity(2023-01-01) Almeida, Francisco Lucas Chaves; Silveira, Mariana Pereira ; Alvim, Izabela Dutra ; da Costa, Talles Barcelos ; da Silva, Thiago Lopes ; Vieira, Melissa Gurgel Adeodato ; Prata, Ana Silvia ; Forte, Marcus Bruno Soares
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Ital
Lipase immobilization has been widely studied because it allows for enzyme reuse and provides more assertive control over the catalytic process. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of bead size on the performance of entrapped lipase. Eversa® Transform 2.0 was immobilized on calcium alginate beads by jet cutting and dripping. Beads produced by jet cutting were small (D[3,4] = 803.36 ± 16.9 µm) and had a relatively narrow size distribution (span of 0.79). Beads obtained by extrusion dripping measured 2459.98 ± 15.6 µm and had a span of 0.45. Infrared spectroscopy and microscopic analysis confirmed the presence of lipase in both types of beads. Lipase showed high hydrolytic activity in its free form (15,000 U g−1). Immobilization in calcium alginate was effective but decreased recovered enzyme activity. The porosity of loaded beads varied with size. The high surface area (5.46 vs 3.13 m2 g−1) and porosity (76.33% vs 21.65%) of beads produced by jet cutting, as compared with those produced by dripping, favored enzyme activity (3000 vs 1500 U g−1 protein). The results indicate that facilitated mass transfer is an important factor in the development of immobilized enzymes.PublicaçãoArtigo Experimental Assessment of the Thermal Influence of a Continuous Living Wall in a Subtropical Climate in Brazil(2023-02-01) Cruciol-Barbosa, Murilo; Fontes, Maria Solange Gurgel de Castro
; Azambuja, Maximiliano dos Anjos
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
A continuous living wall is a vertical garden that allows the cultivation of a wide variety of species on vertical surfaces, consisting of a sequence of layers that shade and add thermal resistance to the external façades of buildings. Thus, the living wall can be an alternative to increase the thermal efficiency of the building and reduce the use of air conditioning for cooling the indoor environment. This work experimentally investigated the thermal influence of a continuous living wall on the surface temperatures of an east façade in a subtropical climate with hot summers (Cfa), during the summer period. The experiment included the implementation of a real living wall in a seasonally used building and the delimitation of two sample plots (i.e., protected and bare wall). Campaigns were carried out to measure the external and internal surface temperatures of the protected plot, the living wall, and the bare wall, as well as the cavity air temperature, from 08:00 to 17:45, at 15-min intervals. The results show the efficiency of the living wall in reducing the external (up to 10.6 °C) and internal (up to 2.9 °C) surface temperatures of the protected plot compared to the bare wall, along with a reduction in thermal variation (average reduction of 6.5 °C externally and 3.6 °C internally) and an increase in thermal delay (up to 6 h for external and 1 h for internal), in addition to a reduction in temperature and greater thermal stability of the cavity between the garden and the protected land in comparison to the external space.PublicaçãoArtigo Multipurpose plants in home gardens of Guarulhos (São Paulo State, Brazil): from biodiversity conservation to public health(2022-01-01) dos Santos, Silvia Rosana ; Ferreira, Maurício Lamano ; Francos, Maria Solange ; Benini, Sandra Medina; Tavares, Armando Reis
; do Nascimento, Ana Paula Branco ; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; ANAP
Introduction: Among the human adaptive strategies, plant cultivation is one of the most important over the last ten thousand years. However, with the development of large urban centers, human population resign some habits in relation of plant cultivation. Recently home gardens have received attention as an important germplasm bank, preserving many non-commercial species. Objective: This study aims to investigate the diversity of plants cultivated in home gardens. Was also explored how the human population relation with these resources. Originality: Home gardens have a high potential to maintain resources for urban biodiversity through the variety of plants that are cultivated. However, predominantly small cities are targets of studies of this nature, and large cities are the ones that suffer the most from urbanization pressure. Thus, this work brings this approach to the second largest city in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. Methodology: The population of President Dutra and Bonsucesso in the city of Guarulhos, SP, was studied. We interview 150 people, being 102 at the Presidente Dutra district and 48 in Bonsucesso neighborhood. It was used a semi-structured and random selection of households surveyed. Results: The neighborhoods prevailed the cultivation of ornamental plants which were represented by 51 botanical families, followed by food related plants with 38 botanical families and medicinal plants with 15 botanical families. Contributions: These data indicate a preference for the cultivation of ornamental plants in backyards in the city of Guarulhos, SP. Conclusions: Residential backyards of the city of Guarulhos showed numerous purposes such as leisure space, housework, car garage and shelter for animals; however, there is a strong occurrence of cultivated plants.PublicaçãoTrabalho apresentado em evento A Systematic Review of Differences Between Conventional Orthoses and 3D-Printed Orthoses(2021-01-01) Rodrigues, Ana Cláudia Tavares; Garcez, Letícia Vasconcelos Morais
; Medola, Fausto Orsi
; Baleotti, Luciana Ramos
; Sandnes, Frode Eika ; Vaezipour, Atiyeh ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) ; Kristiania University College ; The University of Queensland
Rapid prototyping and 3D printing technologies have been innovative options for orthotic development, that are assistive devices applied to any part of the body to different disabilities or injuries. The aim of the study was to investigate scientific evidence about the effectiveness of using 3D printed orthoses in relation to conventional orthoses, through a systematic literature review in the years 2010 to 2020. Scientific evidence identifies that there are improvements associated with the development and use of rapid prototyped and 3D printed orthoses however the publications found present were small in sample sizes and lack comprehensive end-user evaluation.PublicaçãoArtigo People's team, struggling and freedom: the symbolic constructions of Sport Club Corinthians Paulista strengthened by Democracia Corinthiana(Univ Federal Sergipe, 2023-01-01) Marques, Jose Carlos; Azevedo, Nubia Maria Silva de
; Tsutsui, Ana Lucia Nishida
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Univ Anhembi Morumbi
Carrying lots of symbolic factors, soccer in Brazil transcends the limits of sports itself and becomes an important social tool. From a cultural and political perspective of soccer, this article aims to analyze the affective manifestations around Corinthians Paulista, questioning how the symbolic constructions potentiated by Democracia Corinthiana (Corinthians Democracy) reverberate in the team's beliefs and behaviours. Methodologically, the study is based on bibliographical research, discursive textual analysis, and content analysis. The article concludes that the team, in order to legitimize itself, makes use of episodes from its history, building for itself an identity based on the concepts of people, struggle and freedom.PublicaçãoArtigo Journalists and journalism: brazilian development and modernization(Sindicato Secretarias Estado Sao Paulo, 2023-01-01) Simon, Luciana Galhardo Batista; Magnoni, Antonio Francisco
; Rosa, Luciane de Fatima Giroto
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
This article records the purpose of reflecting on the transformations in journalism from the incorporation of digital devices by newsrooms. Based on bibliographic research of an exploratory and interdisciplinary nature in the areas of Social Communication and Digital Technology, it was possible to visualize the changes in activities and the problems that afflict contemporary commercial journalism, which is increasingly convergent and multiplatform. Factors such as production speed, response time, acceptance of the message by the audience in real time, creation of content in multiple versions, valuation and even overestimation of image content in messages made for all vehicles, the constant customization of the languages used, the growing use of bots to carry out various activities on networks and computer platforms, such as programming for search engines and interpretation of algorithms to monitor digital social networks, among other resources and communicative activities that began to impose on journalists an increasingly extensive list of knowledge vast with much more comprehensive and specialized demands and professional routines. Currently, journalistic production demands from its professionals diverse technological skills, broad and diversified informative repertoires and editorial versatility, which go beyond the repertoires obtained with university education, are qualities acquired and improved during the daily production of multimedia languages on various themes to meet various types of information vehicles. Updating and professional expertise is paramount in a moment of constant transformation of technologies, modes of production and financing of vehicles, verification processes, editing in various hybrid languages with information dissemination carried out in increasingly reduced time periods. Most of the activities carried out use equipment that combines powerful, versatile and up-to-date digital hardware and applications, both to produce material goods and to create symbolic products. The dependence on new capital goods provided by digitized productive and financial resources that in less than half a century surpassed the industrial, commercial and communicative analog matrices, whose use became predominant in the last decades of the 19th century, among developed societies is increasing. The new media and digital labor relations enable much greater productivity and profitability than those obtained by the old forms of factory production, services and physical commerce.PublicaçãoTrabalho apresentado em evento The Impact of the Interface on the Perception of Trust of Older Adults Users When Using the Smartphone(Springer, 2022-01-01) Oliveira Camargo, Mayckel Barbosa de; Rino, Marcelo Valerio
; Landim, Paula da Cruz
; Sementille, Antonio Carlos
; Gao, Q. ; Zhou, J. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
The older adults, who were born and grew up in an analog era where digital technologywas not part of their lives, look with some suspicion on currently existing digital artifacts, such as the smartphone. This damaged trust relationship not only refers to the technology itself, but also to the way these older adults users interact with it. Thus, in this scenario, the interface is highlighted as a gateway to interaction for being, in most cases, responsible for the presentation and translation of systemic elements into graphic results that will serve as a subsidy for the entire cognitive process of the user. Based on this context, through the case study carried out with three users from exploratory research and qualitative questionnaires. The present work identified that visual representation on the graphic interface of apps has a direct impact, being negative or positive, on the trust relationship of older adults users in the using of the smartphone depending on their characteristics of real-world representation and facility of use.PublicaçãoArtigo GDPR APPLICATION ANALYSIS IN a PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION: a CASE STUDY(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2022-07-01) Souza, Jackson Gomes Soares; Belda, Francisco Rolfsen
; Arima, Carlos Hideo ; Fed Inst Educ Sci & Technol Sao Paulo IFSP ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Dept Social Commun ; Paula Souza State Technol Educ Ctr CEETEPS ; Program Management & Technol Product Syst ; Paula Souza Ctr
The intensification of data collection, storage and processing by institutions calls attention to personal data protection. This basic applied research aims to verify, through a case study, the compliance between a public institution of technological education's data protection regulation instruments and the addressed by the General Data Protection Law (GDPR). The answers were collected by a structured questionnaire, being subsequently tabulated and processed. The results demonstrate the relationship between the institutional context and dimensions analyzed for the implementation of protocols, good practices and a privacy governance program that meets institutional policies.PublicaçãoArtigo EXPERIMENTING WITH MEDIA EDUCATION, CIVIC ENGAGEMENT, AND SUSTAINABILITY IN BRAZILIAN SCHOOLS(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2017-01-01) Siqueira, Alexandra Bujokas de ; Berardi, Andrea ; Mistry, Jayalaxshmi ; Rothberg, Danilo; Robinson, L. ; Schulz, J. ; Dunn, H. S. ; UFTM Fed Univ Triangulo Mineiro ; Open Univ ; Royal Holloway Univ London ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Purpose - This paper presents the results of research carried out by the Media Education for Sustainability Project, based at the Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (UFTM). The project investigated the potential for engaging marginalized communities with educational centers to generate and utilize media and networks, which can be used to promote healthier and resilient lifestyles in the community. Methodology/approach - The project's activities used the Design of Meaning theoretical framework to design collaborative group work in order to foster key skills for promoting agency and awareness of local problems affecting the environment. Underpinned by Action Research methodology, a series of workshops were piloted with the participation of 20 secondary school students. Findings - Results suggested that such a creative learning environment can help students develop the skills needed to be active citizens, such as the ability to access, evaluate, use, and contribute to public information addressing issues of democratic participation and accountability. Nevertheless, challenges centered around student motivation and difficulties in engaging with their communities' contexts will need to be dealt with in future Action Research cycles. Originality/value - Based on our observations during the workshops, and subsequent feedback from participants, we suggest that Media Education tools show potential for improving school learning, encouraging the community in the search for answers based on local knowledge, and engaging students in a debate about critical issues and challenges at the local level. We believe that this outcome was achieved in part due to the deployment of multimodal languages and creative use of technologies.PublicaçãoArtigo Objects from Prehistory, a Study from the Point of View of Ergonomics - a Reference in Brazil(Crc Press-taylor & Francis Group, 2012-01-01) Menin, Mariana; Placido da Silva, Jose Carlos
; Paschoarelli, Luis Carlos
; Vink, P. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
The Ergonomics has the exact date of its birth but the events preceding the formal launching of today are little explored. Specifically this issue in Brazil is still little explored in books or conference proceedings that area. The article aims to reflect and discuss the development of ergonomics in the prehistory, specifically in Brazil through sample of lithic artifacts from museums of the cities in the State of Sao Paulo. Thus, archaeological remains of instrument from chipped stone are important to research the history that precedes the formal launching of Ergonomics in Brazil and the world and to understand the criteria that the man was sought, unconsciously, comfort, safety and ease in building their tools.PublicaçãoArtigo How Do Orthoses Impact Ease of Donning, Handwriting, Typewriting, and Transmission of Manual Torque? a Study of Three Prefabricated Wrist-Hand Orthoses(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021-07-01) Ferrari, Ana Lya M.; Medola, Fausto O.
; Sandnes, Frode E. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Oslo Metropolitan Univ ; Kristiania Univ Coll
Introduction: Many upper-limb injuries have work-related causes such as continued use of computers, typing activities, mouse manipulation, and repetitive movements performed for long periods. This study evaluated the performance of wrist-hand orthoses in manual tasks and in transmission of torque measurement during canned glass opening. Methods: Thirty healthy participants performed donning, typing, and handwriting tasks and transmission ofmanual torque. The procedures were performed in four conditions: with three different orthoses and with no orthosis as a control. Results: The results showed a significant difference in the time of manual writing (P < 0.001) and in the number of words per minute (P < 0.001) in the typing task with and without orthoses. The perceived difficulty in performing typing (P < 0.001) and manual writing (P < 0.001) was lower with no orthoses and higher for canvas orthosis and the two neoprene orthoses. Transmission of manual torque also decreased with the orthoses compared with using no orthosis (P < 0.001). Among the orthoses, the canvas fabric orthosis yielded a lower performance compared with the two different neoprene fabric orthoses for all the tasks. Conclusions: There are effects of the materials used and the orthosis design when performing handwriting typing tasks and twisting tasks (transmission of manual torque), as well as the correctness of how users donned the orthosis.