Unidade: Araçatuba, Faculdade de Odontologia - FOA
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PublicaçãoDissertação de mestrado Acesso Aberto
Avaliação do programa de educação em saúde bucal da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2002) Pereira, Alessandro Aparecido; Sundefeld, Maria Lúcia Marçal Mazza
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Um programa de Educação em Saúde para ser considerado eficiente precisa ser avaliado de maneira objetiva. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o Programa de Educação em Saúde Bucal desenvolvido pela Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba-UNESP. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa por amostragem em alunos de 5as.e 8as. séries da rede pública de Araçatuba/SP, onde o tamanho mínimo da amostra foi de 384 escolares para cada série. Para participar da pesquisa as crianças e adolescentes deveriam ter estudado em Araçatuba/SP da 1a. a 4a. série do ensino fundamental em escola da rede pública estadual ou municipal. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário com questões sobre o conhecimento em saúde bucal e analisados utilizando o software EPI 2000. Nas 23 questões de múltipla escolha obteve-se o número médio de acertos de 14, na 5a. série e 15, na 8a. série, correspondendo a mais de 50,0% de acertos em ambas as séries. As perguntas abertas foram analisadas pelo método de análise de conteúdo, quando o que mais se destacou foi a importância de escovar os dentes para evitar a cárie, 79,2% dos escolares da 5a. série e 77,2% da 8a.série demonstraram a influência positiva do Programa no cuidado dos dentes. Após a análise dos resultados pode-se concluir que o Programa de Educação em Saúde Bucal avaliado, mostrou-se eficaz e tem proporcionado um bom nível de conhecimento sobre saúde bucal nos escolares atendidos pelo Programa.PublicaçãoTese de doutorado Acesso Aberto
Plataforma regular versus switching: estudo mecânico por meio de testes laboratoriais de fadiga e análise de elementos finitos em implantes com hexágono externo e interno(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-06-30) Freitas Júnior, Amilcar Chagas; Rocha, Eduardo Passos
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Proposição. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência do conceito de plataforma switching na confiabilidade e modo de falha de restaurações unitárias sobre implante com hexágono externo ou interno na região anterior da maxila. Adicionalmente, análises de elementos finitos foram realizadas para avaliar o padrão de distribuição de tensão dentro do complexo pilar-implante e no tecido ósseo peri-implantar. Materiais e Métodos. 84 implantes foram divididos em 4 grupos (n = 21) para realização dos testes de fadiga: SWT-EH e REG-EH (implantes de conexão externa com plataforma switching ou regular, respectivamente); SWT-IH e REG-IH (implantes de conexão interna com plataforma switching ou regular, respectivamente). Análises estatísticas de Weibull foram realizadas considerando as missões de 50.000 ciclos a 210N e 300N. Adicionalmente, foram construídos 4 modelos de elementos finitos considerando as mesmas variáveis para obtenção das tensões equivalentes de von Mises (σvM) no complexo pilar-implante e das máximas tensões principais (σmax) no osso peri-implantar. Resultados. Os valores de Beta para os grupos SWT-EH (1,31), REG-EH (1,55), SWT-IH (1,83) e REG-IH (1,82) indicaram que a fadiga acelerou a falha em todos os grupos. Os valores de confiabilidade calculados para os grupos SWT-EH, REG-EH, SWT-IH e REH-IH foram 0,53 (0,33 - 0,70), 0,93 (0,80 - 0,97), 0,99 (0,93 - 0,99) and 0,99 (0,99 -de tensão estiveram no pilar (SWT-IH = 186 MPa e REG-IH = 88.8 MPa). No osso cortical, os implantes com plataforma switching geraram menor tensão (σmax) tanto para conexão externa (SWT-EH = 49.0 MPa e REG-EH = 56.5 MPa) como para conexão interna (SWT-IH = 37.7 MPa e REG-IH = 45.5 MPa)...PublicaçãoTrabalho de conclusão de curso Acesso Aberto
Características da oclusão de crianças participantes do programa de prevenção da saúde bucal(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-09-26) Branco, Adriana Senra de; Cuoghi, Osmar Aparecido
; Cunha, Robson Frederico
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the characteristics of occlusion in children that participated in the Oral Health Prevention Program and to compare them with other children in the same age group who did not participate in prevention programs. A total of 100 children between the ages of 5 - 9 years old were examined in the mixed dentition stage (first transitory period and intertransitory period), in the Odontopediatrics Clinic from Faculty of Dentistry of Araçatuba-UNESP. The obtained data were compared with information extracted from literature researches that did not performed dental preventive procedures. The results show that among the 100 patients analyzed, 49% of the children present normal occlusion. On the malocclusions incident 33% present class I, 17% class II, and 1% class III. In addition 3% had anterior crossbites, 5% unilateral posterior crossbites and 1% bilateral posterior bites. Regarding the level of overbite, 84% presents normal overbite with no deep bite, and 17% open bites. When compared with the literature 40.60% presents Class I, 21.60% Class II and 6.20% Class III; 10.41% has anterior crossbites, 6.45% unilateral posterior crossbite, and 2.72% bilateral posterior bite. In relation to the level of overbite, 34.46% present normal overbite, 18.09% deep bite, and 15.85% open bites. The conclusion of this research is that the effective prevention and interception programs should be introduced in the deciduous and mixed teething phase, establishing a more suitable occlusion developmentPublicaçãoArtigo Quantitative proteomic analysis in symptomatic and asymptomatic apical periodontitis(2021-06-01) Loureiro, C.; Buzalaf, M. A.R. ; Moraes, F. R.N.
; Ventura, T. M.O. ; Pelá, V. T. ; Pessan, J. P.
; Jacinto, R. C.
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Aim: To quantitatively and qualitatively compare the host proteomic profile in samples of symptomatic and asymptomatic apical periodontitis (AP) using nano-liquid chromatography–electron spray tandem mass spectrometry. Methodology: Samples were obtained from 18 patients with radiographically evident AP, divided into symptomatic and asymptomatic groups (nine per group) according to clinical characteristics. After sample collection, protein extraction, purification and quantification of the samples were performed, which were analysed by reverse-phase liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Label-free quantitative proteomic analysis was performed by Protein Lynx Global Service software. Differences in expression of proteins between the groups were calculated using the Monte Carlo algorithm, considering P < 0.05 for down-regulated proteins and 1 − P > 0.95 for up-regulated proteins. Proteins were identified with the embedded ion accounting algorithm in the software and a search of the Homo sapiens UniProt database. Results: A total of 853 individual human proteins were identified. In the quantitative analysis, common proteins to both groups accounted for 143 proteins. Differences in expression between groups resulted in 51 up-regulated proteins (1 − P > 0.95) in the symptomatic group, including alpha-1-antitrypsin, protein S100-A8, myeloperoxidase, peroxiredoxin and lactotransferrin. This group also had 43 down-regulated proteins (P < 0.05), comprising immunoglobulin, neutrophil defensin, pyruvate kinase and alpha-enolase. The qualitative analysis considered only the exclusive proteins of each group. For the symptomatic group, 318 complete proteins and 29 fragments were identified, such as dedicator of cytokinesis protein, intersectin, prostaglandin, phospholipase DDHD2 and superoxide dismutase. For the asymptomatic group, 326 complete proteins and 37 fragments were identified, including azurocidin, C-reactive protein, collagen alpha, cathepsin, heat shock and laminin. Conclusions: Quantitative differences in the expression of common proteins in cases of symptomatic and asymptomatic AP were found, which were mostly related to host immune response in both groups. Exclusive proteins in the symptomatic group were mainly related to the host response to the presence of viruses in endodontic infections, oxidative stress and proteolytic enzymes. The results provide a basis for a better understanding of cellular and molecular pathways involved in AP, establishing specific proteomic profiles for symptomatic and asymptomatic conditions.PublicaçãoArtigo Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm: diagnostic difficulty and proposed flowchart for histopathological diagnosis(2023-01-01) Castolde, Gabriel Taylor ; Pontes, Alexandre Lizardo Lourenço ; Cortopassi, Gabriel Macedo ; Xavier-Júnior, José Cândido Caldeira; Centro Universitário Católico Unisalesiano Auxilium ; Private Practice ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Instituto de Patologia de Araçatuba
PublicaçãoArtigo Acesso Aberto
Análise por computação gráfica das alterações produzidas em próteses totais superiores imersas diretamente em água e pela termociclagem(2010) Gennari Filho, Humberto; Amoroso, Andressa Paschoal
; Mazaro, José Vitor Quinelli
; Alves, Luciana Mara Negrão
; Silva, Cristina Ramos
; Goiato, Marcelo Coelho
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Objectives: This study aimed to assess dimensional changes in acrylic resin base and artificial teeth position after water storage and thermocycling using computer graphics measurements. Methods: Twenty-four waxed replicas were obtained from a previous upper complete denture. For linear measurements, points in cusps tips of left central incisor and second premolars and molars were marked in one of the prostheses with graphite and transferred to the others using an acrylic resin guide. The prostheses were scanned after waxing, polymerization and treatments and the images were exported to “AutoCad 2002 Today®” software for measurements. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in changes of each segment for each group and between the phases evaluated after polymerization and thermocycling. In groups I and III, the values after polymerization are higher than those after treatment, which suggests shrinkage while the prostheses in group II have expanded. Conclusion: The three groups exhibited artificial teeth movement after tests in comparison to the polymerized prosthesis. The prostheses submitted to water storage in kiln at 36ºC during seven days showed different behavior than the other groups.PublicaçãoResumo Acesso Aberto
O papel da implantodontia na reabilitação oral concretizando a socialização e melhora na qualidade de vida do paciente: Unesp – Araçatuba-SP(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2009) Ribas, Simoni Soares; Coléte, Juliana Zorzi
; Santiago Junior, Joel Ferreira
; Carvalho, Bruno Machado de
; Aranega, Alessandra Marcondes
; Garcia Junior, Idelmo Rangel
; Goiato, Marcelo Coelho
; Pellizzer, Eduardo Piza
; Magro Filho, Osvaldo
; Saad Neto, Michel
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
PublicaçãoArtigo The hypotensive effect of the ruthenium complex [Ru(terpy)(bdq)NO](3+) is higher in male than in female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR)(Springer, 2014-11-01) Potje, Simone R.; Hildebrand, Mariana C.
; Munhoz, Felipe C.
; Troiano, Jessica A.
; Pereira, Ariana A. F.
; Nakamune, Ana Cláudia de Melo Stevanato
; Silva, Roberto S. da ; Bendhack, Lusiane M. ; Silva, Cristina Antoniali
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
We have previously demonstrated that the hypotensive effect of the ruthenium complex [Ru(terpy)(bdq)NO](3+) (TERPY) is slow, long lasting, and does not lead to reflex tachycardia. TERPY's hypotensive effect is increased in hypertensive rats (SHR or 2 kidney-1clip) compared with normotensive rats. We hypothesized that sexual differences could interfere in the hypotensive effects of nitric oxide (NO) donors in SHR. Therefore, here we aimed to investigate the role of sexual differences and endogenous NO in the hypotension induced by TERPY. In conscious, unrestrained animals, we evaluated the hypotensive effect of TERPY before and after the administration of N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (nonselective NO synthase inhibitor), APOCYNIN (NADPH/NOX inhibitor), and TEMPOL (superoxide dismutase mimetic). The hypotensive effect of TERPY was higher in male than in female SHR, but this difference was not observed in the normotensive Wistar group. The effect of TERPY increased after administration of L-NAME in Wistar rats; however, this effect was not altered by L-NAME in SHR. In SHR, sexual dimorphism in TERPY effect was still observed in animals treated with L-NAME. TEMPOL increases the effect of TERPY only in female SHR. After TEMPOL, the sexual dimorphism in TERPY effect was abolished in the SHR group. APOCYNIN increased the effect of TERPY in male and female Wistar and SHR, but maintained the previously observed difference between male and female SHR. Thus, this study shows that TERPY's hypotensive effect increased in male compared with female SHR and indicates that sexual dimorphism in TERPY effect is associated with oxidative stress.PublicaçãoArtigo Tratamento conservador de fratura de arco zigomátio: uma visão conservadora(2011) Gaetti-Jardim, Ellen Cristina; Faverani, Leonardo Perez
; Ramalho-Ferreira, Gabriel
; Nogueira, Lamis Meorin
; Garcia Júnior, Idelmo Rangel
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Introduction: The zygomatic maxillary complex is the second most affected area of the face due to injuries, surpassed only by the nasal bones. The zygomatic arch fracture is under the direct action of trauma (punch, head butt), its fragile structure, losing its normal convex curvature in the temporal area. Objective: To report a case, using a reduction technique of zygomatic arch fracture using a hook or Ginestet Barros. Case report: A male patient, 25 years of age, leukoderma, showing zygomatic arch fracture right. The patient underwent closed reduction with the hook adapted to the skin. The patient was instructed to keep care of the region for at least four weeksPublicaçãoArtigo Perfil de acidentes envolvendo risco biológico em profissionais de saúde de Araçatuba-SP: uma caracterização dos envolvidos(2014) Massunari, Loiane; Gaetti-Jardim Júnior, Elerson
; Okamoto, Ana Cláudia
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Each year individuals have sought a better quality of life and work, in this case, the science of Bio-insurance needs to keep up with technological advances and the needs of society to minimize or eliminate the risks of accidents. This study evaluated the most common accidents involving health staff from 2007 to 2011 in Araçatuba-SP. 478 accidents were recorded, and 78.7% with percutaneous involvement, 9% with intact skin, 4% with no skin intact, with 7.3 mucous and 1.05% other types of exposures. Most accidents were caused by needles with lumen (68.0%), followed by other agents (14.1%), accidents with blades (8.5%) or needles without lumen (5.5%); 3.7% did not answer and 0.2% were accidents with glasses. When checking the condition in which the accident occurred, 26.0% did not specify, 25.1% occurred in the disposal and / or handling sharp objects, 12.0% at the time of drug administration, 6.9% puncture, 3.7% occurred during recapping the needle. These data show that the most common accidents are those involving needles with lumen and / or sharp objects and due to these factors, the industry of health materials have sought alternatives to minimize such accidents as needles with protective, vacuum collection . Thus, it appears that reporting accidents is important for the development of technical and / or safer materials for patients and health workers.