Fecundity and fertility in a freshwater population of the neotropical amphidromous shrimp Macrobrachium acanthurus from the southeastern Atlantic

dc.contributor.authorBertini, Giovana [UNESP]
dc.contributor.authorAntonio Baeza, J.
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade de São Paulo (USP)
dc.contributor.institutionClemson Univ
dc.contributor.institutionSmithsonian Marine Stn Ft Pierce
dc.contributor.institutionUniv Catolica Norte
dc.description.abstractThe neotropical amphidromous shrimp Macrobrachium acanthurus is one of various freshwater crustaceans heavily exploited in the southwestern Atlantic. Fecundity (n degrees early embryos female(-1)) was examined during 2007 at four different localities (Iguape, Registro, Sete Barras, and Eldorado) along a stretch of river extending over 85 km (Ribeira de Iguape, Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Also, fertility (n degrees hatched larvae female(-1)) was examined at one locality (Registro) during 2009-2010. Fecundity (mean +/- SD: 5191 +/- 2635; range: 1086-13,014 embryos female(-1)) did not vary throughout the segment of river studied. Fecundity increased with female body size (carapace length, CL). However, fecundity scaled negatively with shrimp body size; females produce disproportionably fewer eggs with a unit increase in CL. The conditions explaining the negative allometric relationship between fecundity and female body size in M. acanthurus remain to be addressed. Nevertheless, natural food constraints limiting the ability of large but not small females to acquire enough resources to produce and fill their gonads with oocytes represents a plausible explanation for the negative scaling of fecundity with body size. Fertility varied between 545 and 12,465 hatched larvae female(-1) with an average (+/- SD) of 3981 (+/- 2693) and increased isometrically with a unit increase in female body size. M. acanthurus has an average fecundity and fertility that represents one of the extremes regarding the trade-off between fecundity/fertility and egg-size reported for caridean shrimps. All of this information needs to be considered in assessing shrimp stocks and establishing a sustainable management plan for this exploited species in the southwestern Atlantic.en
dc.description.affiliationUniv Estadual Paulista, LABCRUST Lab Biol & Cult Crustaceos, UNESP, BR-11900000 Sao Paulo, Brazil
dc.description.affiliationNEBECC Crustacean Biol Ecol & Culture Study Grp, Botucatu, SP, Brazil
dc.description.affiliationClemson Univ, Dept Biol Sci, Clemson, SC 29634 USA
dc.description.affiliationSmithsonian Marine Stn Ft Pierce, Ft Pierce, FL 34949 USA
dc.description.affiliationUniv Catolica Norte, Dept Biol Marina, Fac Ciencias Mar, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo, Chile
dc.description.affiliationUnespUniv Estadual Paulista, LABCRUST Lab Biol & Cult Crustaceos, UNESP, BR-11900000 Sao Paulo, Brazil
dc.description.sponsorshipFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
dc.description.sponsorshipIdFAPESP: 05/56131-0
dc.identifier.citationInvertebrate Reproduction & Development. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Ltd, v. 58, n. 3, p. 207-217, 2014.
dc.publisherTaylor & Francis Ltd
dc.relation.ispartofInvertebrate Reproduction & Development
dc.rights.accessRightsAcesso restrito
dc.sourceWeb of Science
dc.subjectfreshwater prawnen
dc.subjectexploited speciesen
dc.titleFecundity and fertility in a freshwater population of the neotropical amphidromous shrimp Macrobrachium acanthurus from the southeastern Atlanticen
dcterms.rightsHolderTaylor & Francis Ltd
unesp.campusUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias do Vale do Ribeira, Registropt
unesp.departmentEngenharia Agronômica - FCAVRpt
