Características morfométricas, rendimentos no processamento e composição centesimal da carne do barbado


This study was carried out to evaluate the morphometric characteristics, the yield and the centesimal composition of different cuts of the Barbado's (Pinirampus pirinampu) flesh, captured in the Itaipu Reservoir. Were used 55 animals randomly distributed into three classes of body weight [less than 620 g (n = 15), between 620 and 1.120 g (n = 16) and greater than de 1.120 g (n = 24)]. Were measured the standard length (SL), the total length (TL), the head length (HL), the head height (HH), the trunk length (TRL), the trunk height (TH) and width of the trunk (WT). Then were established the morphometric relationships: (HL/SL), (HL/HH), (SL/TL), (WT/TRL), (WT/TH) (TH/TRL). Afterwards were measured the flesh's cut yield and the residue waste yield called: trunk (TC), fillet (FILLET), abdominal fillet (AF), head (HEAD), viscera (VISC), fin, spine and skin (SKSF). The levels of moisture, ash, fat and crude protein from FILLET and AF were determined. The body weight affected (P<0.05) the WT/TRL, WT/TH, TH/TRL, TR, FILLET, HEAD and SKSF, however didn't affected the centesimal parameters. In conclusion, the Barbado (Pinirampus pirinampu) has allometric growth and the flesh processing from fishes with more than 620 g provides better yields of edible parts. In addition, the chemical composition of meat suggests its potential for use in the manufacture of artisanal or industrial products.



Adding value, meat's cut, fillet, fish, fishery, fish technology

Como citar

Boletim do Instituto de Pesca. São Paulo: Inst Pesca, v. 40, n. 2, p. 251-260, 2014.