Jaboticabal - CAUNESP - Centro de Aquicultura da Unesp

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  • PublicaçãoDissertação de mestradoAcesso Aberto Acesso Aberto
    Efeitos do uso de hidrolisado proteico de resíduo de incubatório em dietas de tilápia- do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) sobre o desempenho zootécnico e imunológico
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-11-07) Thayse Michielin ; Leonardo Susumu Takahashi
    Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os efeitos da proteína hidrolisada de resíduo de incubatório de aves (PHRIA) em diferentes níveis de inclusão nas dietas (0; 0,6; 1,2; 1,8; 2,4; 3,0%) nas variáveis imunológicas, desempenho e parâmetro hematológico de tilápia-do-Nilo Oreochromis niloticus, antes e após o desafio com bactéria inativada de Streptococcus agalactiae. Os animais foram divididos de forma aleatória em 24 tanques de polietileno de 200 L com densidade de 14 juvenis em cada, e peso médio de 32 ± 0,45 g. Os peixes receberam as dietas experimentais durante 60 dias. Ao final do experimento avaliou-se as variáveis de desempenho zootécnico: peso final (PF), ganho de peso (GP), conversão alimentar aparente (CAA), taxa de crescimento específico (TCE) e sobrevivência, também três peixes escolhidos aleatoriamente de cada caixa foram submetidos ao desafio com a inoculação da bactéria Streptococcus agalactiae. Foram observadas diferenças (P>0,05) nas variáveis de desempenho avaliadas. Por outro lado, as tilápias apresentaram adequado ganho de peso (109 a 118 g) e peso final (141 a 151 g), além do consumo não ser prejudicado pela inclusão de hidrolisado nos níveis testados. Bem como foram avaliados a atividade respiratória de leucócitos (burst), ativação do sistema complemento, atividade lisozima e volume corpuscular (VCM). No entanto, todas as variáveis obtiveram diferença significativa antes e após o desafio, destacando a inclusão de 1,20% que resultou em aumento significativo em variáveis imunológicas (burst e lisozima). Estes resultados comprovam que o hidrolisado de resíduo de incubatório pode ser utilizado em dietas de tilápia-doNilo (Oreochromis niloticus) como imunoestimulante melhorando as variáveis imunológicas.
  • PublicaçãoDissertação de mestradoAcesso Aberto Acesso Aberto
    Efeito do AQUATE MQMT no desempenho produtivo e qualidade do filé de tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) produzida em tanque-rede
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-09-22) Kishimoto, Marcio Kazuaki ; Takahashi, Leonardo Susumu
    Resumo Micronutrientes são essenciais aos peixes, atuam de forma direta e indireta no metabolismo, e conforme disponibilizados na dieta em doses e combinações diferentes podem alterar a homeostase metabólica dos peixes, refletindo no desempenho produtivo e qualidade do pescado. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a suplementação dietética de um blend de microminerais orgânicos (Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Se e Cr), glucomananas, mananas e ácido docosahexaenóico (DHA) no desempenho zootécnico e análises físico-químicas de filés da tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) produzidas em tanque-rede. Foram avaliados dois níveis de inclusão do Aquate MQMT (0,0 e 1,5%) e dois períodos de alimentação (7 e 15 dias) anteriores ao abate. Após o período de alimentação com as dietas experimentais, foram coletados aleatoriamente 60 exemplares de tilápia-do-Nilo previamente distribuídos em 20 tanque-rede. Nessa captura foi realizada a biometria dos peixes, e em seguida a retirada dos filés. Após a filetagem os filés foram armazenados em sacos plásticos, mantidos sobre refrigeração em caixas de isopor com gelo e transportados para realização das análises de qualidade. Foram avaliados o desempenho produtivo e variáveis físico-químicas da qualidade de filés, como: cooking loss, capacidade de retenção de água, drip loss, potencial hidrogênico, rendimento de filé, textura, lipoperoxidação na musculatura branca e vermelha e concentração de bases nitrogenadas voláteis. Os resultados foram submetidos a ANOVA, tendo como fatores os níveis de Aquate MQMT e períodos de alimentação, seguido pelo teste de Tukey. Com a inclusão de 1,5% do Aquate MQMT houve diferença (p<0,05) no peso final (1,91 ± 0,14 kg), no ganho de peso diário (11,32 ± 1,25 g), mas sem diferença (p>0,05) na taxa de crescimento específico. Nas variáveis de qualidade do filé foram observadas diferenças (p<0,05) no cooking loss (14,11 ± 1,51%), na capacidade de retenção de água (82,98 ± 4,12%) e no drip loss (2,97 ± 1,22%), para o potencial hidrogênico (pH) (6,46 ± 0,11) e na concentração de bases nitrogenadas voláteis (12,71 ± 1,63) não foram observadas diferenças (p>0,05). Analisando tais resultados, podemos concluir que a estratégia pré-abate teve resultado positivo melhorando a qualidade físico-química do filé e desempenho zootécnico da tilápia-do-Nilo.
  • PublicaçãoDissertação de mestradoAcesso Aberto Acesso Aberto
    Viabilidade de utilização da ictiofauna acompanhante da pesca artesanal do camarão-sete-barbas (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri) na alimentação escolar: um estudo prospectivo
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2023-12-18) Faria, Gustavo Adolfo Marconcin ; Dariane Beatriz Schoffen Enke
    A captura do camarão-sete-barbas é de grande relevância econômica e social para a pesca artesanal, constituindo muitas vezas a única fonte de renda das famílias que atuam na atividade. A fauna acompanhante, além de ser muito diversificada, pode superar a quantidade de camarão. Além do impacto ambiental, essa é uma das causas de perdas econômicas, pois causa obliteração das redes, reduz a seletividade da captura, aumenta o desgaste da embarcação e o consumo de combustível. Nesse estudo foram mapeadas as espécies que compõem a ictiofauna acompanhante na pesca do camarão-sete-barbas no município de Balneário Piçarras-SC, através do acompanhamento de uma família da pesca artesanal durante 06 meses. As principais espécies foram coletadas para elaboração de carne mecanicamente separada (CMS) que teve seu rendimento calculado e foi caracterizada do ponto de vista físico-químico e microbiológico. A ictiofauna acompanhante representou 51,7% da captura, sendo composta por duas espécies principais: Maria-Luiza (Paralonchurus brasiliensis) e Cangoá (Steliffer spp.), que representaram 41,5% e 38,9% da ictiofauna, respectivamente. A CMS obtida com essas espécies apresentou rendimento de 38,6% e se mostrou uma alternativa viável para seu aproveitamento, sobretudo nos indivíduos de menor tamanho que apresentam baixa produtividade e rendimento para elaboração de filés. A unidade familiar apresentou condições para a elaboração de produtos, sendo necessárias algumas adequações para obtenção do registro no Serviço de Inspeção Municipal. A elaboração de CMS com a ictiofauna acompanhante da pesca de arrasto do camarão-sete-barbas no litoral norte de SC é uma alternativa viável para incremento da renda, desde que sejam desenvolvidos equipamentos de baixo custo de aquisição e compatíveis com a pequena escala de produção. O projeto apresenta potencial de escalabilidade para os demais municípios do litoral norte catarinense que praticam a pesca artesanal de arrasto do camarão-sete-barbas.
  • PublicaçãoDissertação de mestradoAcesso Aberto Acesso Aberto
    Ração enriquecida promove maior produção absoluta de ovócitos e qualidade de larvas de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1816)
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2024-02-22) Silva, Erica Eloy ; Sanches, Eduardo Antônio ; Gonzaga Júnior, Marcondes Agostinho ; CAUNESP
    A alimentação desempenha um papel crucial no desempenho reprodutivo dos peixes. A oferta de uma ração balanceada para peixes reprodutores promove uma reprodução eficiente e consequentemente larvas de qualidade satisfatória. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho reprodutivo de fêmeas Colossoma macropomum, alimentadas com ração comercial formulada específica para peixes reprodutores. Para tanto, dois viveiros foram utilizados com 20 reprodutores cada, sendo 10 fêmeas e 10 machos, os dois lotes foram alimentados durante 11 meses com dois tipos de ração, sendo o grupo REP: ração comercial específica para reprodutores e grupo CTR: ração comercial para engorda de peixes onívoros. A cada 30 dias observou-se as fêmeas dos dois grupos e as que apresentavam características reprodutivas realizava-se o processo de reprodução induzida, coleta de dados de desempenho zootécnicos, reprodutivo, crescimento larval e econômicos. Observou-se que fêmeas alimentadas com ração específica para reprodutores apresentaram desempenho superior (p<0,05) para total de ovócitos produzidos, total de ovos fertilizados, estimativas totais de larvas normais, representando resultados médias de 12,7, 20,3 e 19,8% superiores ao controle, respectivamente. Verificou-se ainda que estes peixes apresentaram proles com maior tamanho, evidenciado pelo comprimento inicial e final de larvas que foram alimentadas com zooplâncton em sistema de recirculação por sete dias. Ainda, foi possível evidenciar que economicamente, peixes alimentados com ração específica para reprodutores possibilitaram maior lucro estimado (R$ 46.929,29) com a venda das larvas. A partir disso, recomenda-se que a alimentação de fêmeas de Colossoma macropomum com ração específica para reprodutores, possibilitando maior produção e lucro aos produtores.
  • PublicaçãoTese de doutoradoAcesso Aberto Acesso Aberto
    Efeito da lisina dietética no desempenho, mantença, eficiência de utilização de lisina e composição química corporal em pacus (P. mesopotamicus)
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 0017-03-23) Neto, Manuel Rosa da Silva ; Fernandes, João Batista Kochenborger
    Foram realizados dois experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho e estimar a manutenção e a eficiência de utilização da lisina, em duas fases de vida do pacu, na fase de crescimento foram utilizados 120 peixes com peso inicial médio de 184,24±0,40g e na fase de terminação 120 peixes com peso inicial médio 854,68±17,38g, distribuídos em 20 unidades experimentais de 1.000 litros, cada unidade, uma contendo seis peixes. Nas duas fases os peixes foram alimentados com dietas contendo os níveis totais de (0,70; 1,32; 1,74; 2,17 e 2,59%). As dietas foram isoenergéticas e os ensaios ocorreram em 80 e 91 dias respectivamente. O delineamento foi inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (níveis de lisina) e quatro réplicas. Cada ensaio teve foi adicionado uma dieta contraprova contendo o nível de lisina (0,95%) com quatro réplicas, para validar a limitante da lisina. Nos dois ensaios, os peixes que ingeriram os maiores níveis de lisina, apresentaram melhor desempenho, eficiência alimentar, deposição de proteína e redução de gordura corporal. Para atender às necessidades nutricionais dos pacus, foi estimado em média de 1,96% de lisina digestível durante o crescimento, considerando uma conversão alimentar de 1,99 e uma taxa de eficiência proteica de 1,93, e 1,97% de lisina digestível na fase de terminação, levando em conta uma conversão alimentar de 1,91 e uma taxa de eficiência proteica de 2,03. Essas quantidades otimizam o crescimento e o desempenho dos pacus em diferentes estágios. Também foi constatado variações de acordo com a idade para a exigência na mantença 53,05 mg/kg-0,8-/dia-1 na fase de crescimento e 19,38 mg/kg-0,8/dia-1 na terminação.
  • PublicaçãoTese de doutoradoAcesso Aberto Acesso Aberto
    Eficiência no uso de nutrientes em cultivos integrados de peixes e camarões
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2024-02-27) Dalton Belmudes Neto ; Wagner Cotroni Valenti
    Nos últimos anos o cultivo integrado tem sido utilizado na aquicultura para aumentar a sustentabilidade, podendo otimizar o uso de recursos, espaço e água. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência no uso de nutrientes em viveiros de terra, com adição de espécies de habitat bentônico. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um experimento em doze viveiros, com dois tratamentos e 6 repetições: 1) lambari-do-rabo-amarelo (Astyanax lacustris) e camarão-da-malásia (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) (LP) 2) lambari-do-rabo-amarelo, camarão-da-malásia e curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus) (LPC). O lambari (espécie-alvo) foi alimentado com dieta equivalente a 10% de sua biomassa. O curimbatá e o camarão se beneficiaram dos nutrientes e de resíduos desta dieta. Foram coletadas amostras do sedimento, da água, dos gases trocados com a atmosfera, da ração ofertada ao lambari e dos animais povoados e despescados para a quantificação dos nutrientes. Respectivamente, nos tratamentos LP e LPC, o fósforo entrou no sistema principalmente por meio da dieta ~86,1 e 75%. A maior parte do fósforo que entrou no sistema se acumulou no fundo dos viveiros como sedimento ~55,9 e 57,6% e na biomassa dos peixes ~30,3 e 29,4%. O nitrogênio entrou no sistema principalmente por meio da dieta ~56,4 e 46,4% e da entrada de água ~43,4 e 45%. A saída de nitrogênio do sistema ocorreu principalmente como N2 liberado por bolhas ~46,3 e 40,3% e acumulado no sedimento ~23,9 e 27,9%. O carbono entrou no sistema principalmente por meio da entrada de água ~59,3 e 57,3%, seguido pela dieta ~32,1 e 22,9%. A saída de carbono ocorreu principalmente pela água de infiltração ~49,5 e 49,7%, seguida do acúmulo no sedimento ~33,1 e 35,6%. Os dados sugerem que os nutrientes entram principalmente por meio da dieta (fósforo e nitrogênio) e da água de abastecimento (carbono), e os cultivos integrados retém uma parcela desses nutrientes no sistema. No caso do fósforo boa parte é acumulado na biomassa dos animais despescados. Portanto, a aquicultura integrada apresenta potencial para otimizar o uso de nutrientes.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Attempts for increasing Astyanax altiparanae spawning rates and percentage of responsive oocytes
    (2023-07-01) Ariki, Daniel Guimarães Figueiredo ; Roza de Abreu, Mariana ; de Jesus Silva, Laíza Maria ; Sato, Rafael Tomoda ; Batlouni, Sergio Ricardo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this study, we aimed to propose changes in the protocol of cultured Astyanax altiparanae hypophysation to increase the maximum ovulation rate of 60% registered previously. To that two consecutive experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, three carp pituitary homogenate (CPH) doses (3, 6, and 9 mg/kg) were administered in a single injection, while in the second experiment, the 6 mg/kg CPH dose was tested either in single or double injections. In the first experiment, a single injection of 3 mg/kg CPH did not induce final oocyte maturation or spawning, while a dose of 6 mg/kg CPH resulted in an increase in the plasma level of prostaglandin (PGF2α) at ovulation. The single higher dose of 9 mg/kg CPH did not improve reproductive performance and even though anticipated the resumption of meiosis it was detrimental to the spawning rate. In the second experiment, the dose of 6 mg/kg CPH fractionated into two injections led to a higher spawning rate, spawning volume per female body mass, frequency of post-ovulatory complexes, and PGF2α concentration at ovulation compared to the single injection. The most effective treatment remained the 6 mg/kg of CPH fractionated into two injections, but still providing very low proportion of ovulated females (∼40 %). Overall, this study indicates that the spawning protocols for this species need to be improved to induce ovulation in a larger number of females and be more potent in those females that respond positively.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Using stable isotopes (C and N) to determine plankton contribution in tambaqui juvenile growth in earthen ponds
    (2023-01-01) da Costa, Jesaías Ismael ; Carneiro, Dalton José ; Oliveira, Ana Cristina ; Jomori, Rosângela Kiyoko ; Martins, Maria Inez ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Av. General Rodrigo Octávio ; Ituverava Educational Foundation
    Tambaqui production is commonly performed in fertilized ponds, considering that this species feeds from zooplankton throughout its life. This study evaluated plankton’s participation in the production of tambaqui juveniles in ponds using different stocking densities. A total of 72,000 fish (1.9 ± 0.01 cm and 0.4 ± 0.1 g) were stocked in 12 ponds (600 m2), in the densities of 5, 10, or 15 fish.m−2, with four replicates in a completely randomized design. Fish were fed twice a day to the point of satiety, with a commercial diet containing 36% of crude protein for 56 days. Zootechnical performance parameters were evaluated, and limnological variables were monitored. With the aid of stable isotopes, both the diet and plankton participation were assessed in the produced biomass of fish. Turbidity and Secchi were the only limnological variables that varied due to stocking density, while final biomass and final average density were the only zootechnical indexes that presented differences. Plankton contributed to the formation of muscles throughout the production period, with an average participation of 22.75 ± 12.82%.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Digestible protein levels and metabolic responses in juvenile piapara (Megaleporinus obtusidens)
    (2023-04-12) De Almeida, Viviane Do Nascimento Santana ; Carli, Gabriela Castellani ; Sátiro, Thaise Mota ; Do Nascimento, Thiago Matias Torres ; Takahashi, Leonardo Susumu ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This study aimed to determine the effects of dietary digestible protein (DP) on growth and physiological indicators in piapara. Three hundred piapara juveniles (24.0 ± 1.3 g) were distributed in 20 tanks of 130 L (15 fish/tank) with continuous aeration and water. Five isoenergetic diets (14.0 MJ·kg-1) were formulated to contain increasing levels of DP (21, 24, 27, 30 and 33%). After 77 days of feeding, increasing levels of digestible protein influenced final weight, specific growth rate and weight gain linearly (p < 0.05). Water ammonia concentration and liver alanine aminotransferase activity also showed a linear effect with an increasing DP level (p < 0.05), but no relationship was found between DP level and serum ammonia (p > 0.05). There was no linear and quadratic effect for hepatosomatic index, liver glycogen and liver lipid content (p > 0.05). On the other hand, the muscle lipid content decreased linearly with the increase in the DP level (p < 0.05), while the mesenteric fat index showed a linear and quadratic effect (p < 0.05) with an increasing curve until the peak of 25.77% DP. The activity of the hepatic malic enzyme also followed a quadratic pattern (p < 0.05) with a maximum point of 27.08% of DP. This contrasts with the hepatic enzyme glucose- 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which increased linearly with the increase in the DP level (p < 0.05). The results showed better productive performance for fish fed with the highest levels of DP, though greater excretion of ammonia in the water was also shown. Diets below 27% DP resulted in greater energy reserve, amino acid catabolism and lipogenesis. Therefore, the inclusion of 28 to 30% DP in the diet will be ideal for growth and physiological responses in piapara.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Combination of extractive techniques followed by HPLC-MS/MS analysis to monitor ent-agathic acid in fish treated with Copaifera duckei Dwyer
    (2023-05-30) da Silva, Jonas Joaquim Mangabeira ; Campanharo, Sarah Chagas ; da Silva, Agnaldo Fernando Baldo ; de Jesus, Raphael Barbetta ; Figueredo, Tais Alexandra Mário ; Pilarski, Fabiana ; Heleno, Vladimir Constantino Gomes ; Paschoal, Jonas Augusto Rizzato ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University de Franca (UNIFRAN)
    Plants are used as therapeutic alternatives in Veterinary Medicine, including therapies for food-producing animals. However, these medicinal resources can sometimes contain dangerous substances, and when used in animals that supply food, they stand out from the point of view of food safety. The diterpene ent-agathic acid, a component of Copaifera duckei oleoresin, is an example of substances already described with toxic activity in mammals. Thus, this study aimed to propose combining two extractive techniques followed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled mass spectrometry analysis to monitor residues of ent-agathic acid in Piaractus mesopotamicus fillet treated in an immersion bath with Copaifera duckei oleoresin. An optimized combination of solid–liquid extraction (using acidified acetonitrile) and dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (using acidified water and chloroform as dispersive and extracting solvent, respectively) was performed to recover the target analyte, added to the development of HPLC-MS/MS method with adequate validation parameters to quantify the ent-agathic acid present in the fish fillet. In vivo tests of residual persistence of ent-agathic acid in fishes treated with C. duckei oleoresin were performed, indicating the non-detection of the target diterpene (< 6.1 µg/mL). The combined extractive procedure followed by quantitative analysis in the in vivo test of residual persistence of the target analyte in fish indicated the absence of ent-agathic acid in all samples. Thus, the data found might contribute to understanding the use of oleoresins from C. duckei as an alternative to traditional veterinary products.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Interaction between reduced pH and multiple stressors affects the physiology of the fiddler crab Leptuca thayeri (Rathbun, 1900) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Ocypodidae)
    (2022-12-01) De Andrade, Isabel M. ; Ferreira, Julia R. Do C. ; Ramaglia, Andressa C. ; Augusto, Alessandra ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Increasing ocean acidification combined with other impacts may cause changes in homeostatic mechanisms of intertidal invertebrates. Stressors do not act in isolation, and experimental work is needed to assess their synergistic potential. We evaluated the effect of exposure to multiple stressors on the survival, osmoregulation, metabolism, Q10, excretion, hepatosomatic index, and energy substrate oxidation on of the fiddler crab Leptuca thayeri (Rathbun, 1900). Crabs were exposed to two pH values (7.0, 6.3) combined with temperatures (20, 25, 30, 35, 40 °C) and these pH values combined with salinities (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 psu) during acute exposure. All individuals died at 40 °C. Crabs osmoregulated, suggesting that the factors evaluated did not affect salt absorption or secretion. Individuals were weak hyperosmorregulators at lower salinities in the pH 7 control, but they became strong hyperosmoregulators at acidified pH 6.3. Alterations in oxygen consumption and hepatosomatic index were observed in individuals exposed to the acidified pH combined with temperatures or salinities, compared to those kept in the control pH. Q10 was elevated under an acidified pH, with crabs using proteins and lipids as energy substrates. The interaction between reduced pH and temperature or salinity thus affected physiological mechanisms related to the energetic metabolism, but elevated temperatures are more limiting because they affected survival. These physiological effects of acute exposure offer clues about extreme climatic events, which have a short duration but can affect the related energy demands.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Soil solution and rice nutrition under liming and water management in a soil from Amazonian natural fields
    (2023-01-01) Radmann, Vairton ; de Sousa, Rogério Oliveira ; Weinert, Cristiano ; Jordão, Half Weinberg Corrêa ; Carlos, Filipe Selau ; Colegiado de Agronomia ; Campus Capão do Leão ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Soils of natural grasslands in the Amazon region play an essential role in local food production and preservation of the Amazon rainforest. However, in general, these soils have high acidity, which limits irrigated rice production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of liming and irrigation management on the dynamics of soil reduction, nutrients in the soil solution, nutrition, and aboveground plant biomass in natural fields soil in southern Amazonia, Brazil. The experiment evaluated the correction factors for soil acidity and irrigation management, flooded and saturated soil. The experiment was carried in pots in a greenhouse. Liming reduced the Eh of the soil and had a higher influence than the soil irrigation condition. Liming also had a higher influence on soil pH than irrigation conditions. Liming and saturated soil had the lowest Fe content in the soil solution. Higher Ca and Mg contents were observed in the soil solution under liming and flood irrigation. Thus, liming is an essential strategy to improve chemical conditions for plant development in the soil of natural Amazonian grasslands and can be used in conjunction with saturated irrigation, which is more efficient in using water and reduces the effects of iron toxicity.
  • PublicaçãoResenha
    Perspectives on aquaculture's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals for improved human and planetary health
    (2023-04-01) Troell, Max ; Costa-Pierce, Barry ; Stead, Selina ; Cottrell, Richard S. ; Brugere, Cecile ; Farmery, Anna K. ; Little, David C. ; Strand, Åsa ; Pullin, Roger ; Soto, Doris ; Beveridge, Malcolm ; Salie, Khalid ; Dresdner, Jorge ; Moraes-Valenti, Patricia ; Blanchard, Julia ; James, Philip ; Yossa, Rodrigue ; Allison, Edward ; Devaney, Christopher ; Barg, Uwe ; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences ; Stockholm University ; University of New England ; University of Leeds ; University of Tasmania ; Soulfish Research and Consultancy ; University of Wollongong ; University of Stirling ; IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute ; The Irish Sea Centre Ltd ; INCAR ; Universidad de Concepcion ; Crieff ; Stellenbosch University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Fisheries and Aquaculture Research ; Jalan Batu Maung ; University of Washington ; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
    The diverse aquaculture sector makes important contributions toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)/Agenda 2030, and can increasingly do so in the future. Its important role for food security, nutrition, livelihoods, economies, and cultures is not clearly visible in the Agenda 21 declaration. This may partly reflect the state of development of policies for aquaculture compared with its terrestrial counterpart, agriculture, and possibly also because aquaculture production has historically originated from a few key hotspot regions/countries. This review highlights the need for better integration of aquaculture in global food system dialogues. Unpacking aquaculture's diverse functions and generation of values at multiple spatiotemporal scales enables better understanding of aquaculture's present and future potential contribution to the SDGs. Aquaculture is a unique sector that encompasses all aquatic ecosystems (freshwater, brackish/estuarine, and marine) and is also tightly interconnected with terrestrial ecosystems through, for example, feed resources and other dependencies. Understanding environmental, social, and economic characteristics of the multifaceted nature of aquaculture provides for more context-specific solutions for addressing both opportunities and challenges for its future development. This review includes a rapid literature survey based on how aquaculture links to the specific SDG indicators. A conceptual framework is developed for communicating the importance of context specificity related to SDG outcomes from different types of aquaculture. The uniqueness of aquaculture's contributions compared with other food production systems are discussed, including understanding of species/systems diversity, the role of emerging aquaculture, and its interconnectedness with supporting systems. A selection of case studies is presented to illustrate: (1) the diversity of the aquaculture sector and what role this diversity can play for contributions to the SDGs, (2) examples of methodologies for identification of aquaculture's contribution to the SDGs, and (3) trade-offs between farming systems’ contribution to meeting the SDGs. It becomes clear that decision-making around resource allocation and trade-offs between aquaculture and other aquatic resource users needs review of a wide range of established and emergent systems. The review ends by highlighting knowledge gaps and pathways for transformation that will allow further strengthening of aquaculture's role for contributing to the SDGs. This includes identification and building on already existing monitoring that can enable capturing SDG-relevant aquaculture statistics at a national level and discussion of how a cohesive and comprehensive aquaculture strategy, framed to meet the SDGs, may help countries to prioritize actions for improving well-being.
  • PublicaçãoCarta
    Low microbiome diversity in threatened amphibians from two biodiversity hotspots
    (2022-12-01) Greenspan, Sasha E. ; Peloso, Pedro ; Fuentes-González, Jesualdo A. ; Bletz, Molly ; Lyra, Mariana L. ; Machado, Ibere F. ; Martins, Renato A. ; Medina, Daniel ; Moura-Campos, Diego ; Neely, Wesley J. ; Preuss, Jackson ; Sturaro, Marcelo J. ; Vaz, Renata I. ; Navas, Carlos A. ; Toledo, Luís Felipe ; Tozetti, Alexandro M. ; Vences, Miguel ; Woodhams, Douglas C. ; Haddad, Célio F. B. ; Pienaar, Jason ; Becker, C. Guilherme ; The University of Alabama ; Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) ; Instituto Boitatá de Etnobiologia e Conservação da Fauna ; Florida International University ; University of Massachusetts Boston ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) ; SENACYT - City of Knowledge ; The Pennsylvania State University ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; The Australian National University ; Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina ; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos ; Braunschweig University of Technology
    Microbial diversity positively influences community resilience of the host microbiome. However, extinction risk factors such as habitat specialization, narrow environmental tolerances, and exposure to anthropogenic disturbance may homogenize host-associated microbial communities critical for stress responses including disease defense. In a dataset containing 43 threatened and 90 non-threatened amphibian species across two biodiversity hotspots (Brazil’s Atlantic Forest and Madagascar), we found that threatened host species carried lower skin bacterial diversity, after accounting for key environmental and host factors. The consistency of our findings across continents suggests the broad scale at which low bacteriome diversity may compromise pathogen defenses in species already burdened with the threat of extinction.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Zooplankton community dynamics in response to water trophic state in integrated multitrophic aquaculture
    (2023-04-12) Ibrahim, Adriana Nabil Abdel Fattah ; Castilho-Noll, Maria Stela Maioli ; Valenti, Wagner Cotroni ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) is an alternative means to optimize feed usage in aquaculture which combines species of different trophic levels. The addition of substrate to IMTA has also been used to promote a lower release of phosphorus, thus minimizing eutrophication and impacts of effluents. In these aquaculture systems, the zooplankton community is important because it acts as a link in trophic chains. This study aimed to verify the dynamics and the structure of the zooplankton community in IMTA (tilapia-prawn), in response to trophic conditions in earthen ponds with different substrates. The object of the study was 12 earthen ponds organized in three treatments: no substrate (control), geotextile substrate, and bamboo substrate. Zooplankton samples were taken biweekly through a water bilge pump. Rotifers and microcrustaceans were identified and counted to determine changes in community diversity during the experiment. Eutrophication was determined through phosphorus and chlorophyll water concentrations. There were no differences in zooplankton communities among treatments, even though increases in levels of eutrophication of the system heavily influenced this community, by altering its diversity and abundance. Small organisms were the most representative ones under polyculture eutrophic conditions.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Eimeria maxima infection impacts the protein utilisation of broiler chicks from 14 to 28 days of age
    (2023-01-01) Freitas, L. F.V. ; Dorigam, J. C.P. ; Reis, M. P. ; Horna, F. ; Fernandes, J. B.K. ; Sakomura, N. K. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Evonik Operations GmbH
    In floor-raised broilers, coccidiosis is responsible for reducing the use of nutrients, mainly by impairing intestinal tissue function and activating the immune system. Understanding and quantifying how balanced dietary protein (BP) is used when birds are challenged will allow nutritionists to make decisions regarding challenged flocks. This study aimed to determine the effects of Eimeria maxima on broiler performance and body composition, and to calculate changes in the maintenance and efficiency of protein utilisation (Ep). A total of 2 400 male 14-day-old Cobb500 broiler chickens were randomly allotted to ten groups with six replications of 40 birds each, with a 5 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Five levels of BP in reference to digestible lysine (3.6, 7.2, 10.8, 14.4, and 18.0 g/kg) were fed to unchallenged (NCH) and challenged (CH) broilers with 7 × 103 E. maxima sporulated oocysts from 14 to 28 days of age. Performance and body deposition were measured using a comparative slaughter technique to compare BP maintenance requirements and Ep. ANOVA followed by a posthoc test was performed to compare the effects of BP levels, challenge, and their interactions. A monomolecular model describing the responses of NCH and CH broilers to BP intake, maintenance, and maximum protein deposition was compared. There were significant interactions between body weight gain and digestible lysine intake among the factors studied. Infection had a negative impact on all variables analysed, proving the efficacy of the challenge. The maintenance did not differ between the CH and NCH groups. Increased levels of dietary BP did not recover the maximum protein deposition in CH broilers. Eimeria maxima significantly reduced Ep by a factor of 0.09 times on Ep compared to the control group. The Eimeria maxima challenge was responsible to modify the use of BP altering the body composition and impairing broilers performance.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Effects of Supplementation of Zinc, Manganese, or Copper and Different Phytase Levels in Serum and Bone Acid and Alkaline Phosphatases of Broiler Chicks
    (2023-01-01) Santos, L. F.J. ; Gonçalves, Adriano Marques ; Neira, L. M. ; Nakagi, V. S. ; Macari, M. ; Laurentiz, A. C. ; Pizauro, J. M. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Faculdade de Tecnologia de Ribeirão Preto (FATEC) ; University of Araraquara (Uniara) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    The knowledge of biological trace minerals and phytase requirements for modern broiler genotypes is not established and the pressure to reduce their usage in animal feeding due to environmental issues is increasing. Here, the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and tartarate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) of the tibia and serum of broilers fed with diets containing various levels of phytase and reduced levels of zinc, manganese, and copper was evaluated. The experiment was performed using 1,200 male Cobb broilers raised according to standard commercial husbandry techniques. Data were analyzed as a 4×3 factorial arrangement with four concentrations of zinc (0.34, 0.49, 0.64, and 0.79 ppm), manganese (0.18, 0.43, 0.68, and 0.93 ppm), or copper (0.09, 0.12, 0.15, and 0.18 ppm) and three concentrations of phytase (0, 500, and 1,000 FTU/kg) for age periods of 1-21 and 36-42 days. While the dietary supplementation with copper did not induce a significant effect in bone tissue biochemical markers, serum TRAP activity of 42-day old broilers increased with higher copper levels. Increasing dietary zinc levels linearly increased ALP activity in tibia growth, suggesting that zinc is essential for longitudinal bone growth. Phytase significantly promoted the increase of TRAP and ALP activities, suggesting that manganese increased growth plate activity, accelerated calcification, and remodeled the newly formed tissue into trabecular bone. Although not every enzymatic activity was affected by the treatments, the phytase use, along with trace minerals, improved the animal response to the rapid growth required nowadays and provided the nutrients for adequate bone metabolism.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Effect of low water temperature on the stress, innate immune, and antioxidant responses of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, a sub-tropical fish
    (2023-01-01) Pereira de Faria, Camila de Fátima ; Piedade, Allan Emilio ; Urbinati, Elisabeth Criscuolo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The sustainability of aquaculture is subject to environmental changes, such as changes in temperature, which affect the physiological homeostasis of fish. Thermal shock (natural or anthropogenic) is a stress condition that results in a sequence of physiological responses and even mortality. Considering the impact of sudden reductions in temperature on the biological systems and that this occurrence is common in regions where pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) is farmed, we evaluated the stress, immune, and antioxidant responses of the species exposed to temperature drop. Two groups of fish were exposed to 28 °C or 16 °C for 24 h, and then fish were kept at 28 °C to recover and be sampled: before the temperature drop (baseline); after 24 h of cold exposure; and 3, 8, and 24 h after the return to 28 °C (recovery). The exposure of pacu to 16 °C did not alter the stress biomarkers after 24 h, but it activated the innate immune system (leukocyte respiratory activity, hemolytic activity of the complement system, and serum lysozyme concentration). It also promoted oxidative stress without altering most of the antioxidant system indicators, except for an initial reduction of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity after exposure to 16 °C and a late activation, besides the late activation of glutathione transferase (GST), probably as a compensatory process to reduce tissue damage. Pacu was sensitive to temperature changes, but it was able to activate immune and compensatory responses to mitigate oxidative stress. The results will help producers in the management of pacu during periods of thermal changes, such as in autumn and winter.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Analysis in Proceratophrys boiei genome illuminates the satellite DNA content in a frog from the Brazilian Atlantic forest
    (2023-01-01) João Da Silva, Marcelo ; Gazoni, Thiago ; Haddad, Célio Fernando Baptista ; Parise-Maltempi, Patricia Pasquali ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Satellite DNAs (satDNAs) are one of the most abundant elements in genomes. Characterized as tandemly organized sequences that can be amplified into multiple copies, mainly in heterochromatic regions. The frog P. boiei (2n = 22, ZZ♂/ZW♀) is found in the Brazilian Atlantic forest and has an atypical pattern of heterochromatin distribution when compared to other anuran amphibians, with large pericentromeric blocks on all chromosomes. In addition, females of Proceratophrys boiei have a metacentric sex chromosome W showing heterochromatin in all chromosomal extension. In this work, we performed high-throughput genomic, bioinformatic, and cytogenetic analyses to characterize the satellite DNA content (satellitome) in P. boiei, mainly due to high amount of C-positive heterochromatin and the highly heterochromatic W sex chromosome. After all the analyses, it is remarkable that the satellitome of P. boiei is composed of a high number of satDNA families (226), making P. boiei the frog species with the highest number of satellites described so far. Consistent with the observation of large centromeric C-positive heterochromatin blocks, the genome of P. boiei is enriched with high copy number of repetitive DNAs, with total satDNA abundance comprising 16.87% of the genome. We successfully mapped via Fluorescence in situ hybridization the two most abundant repeats in the genome, PboSat01-176 and PboSat02-192, highlighting the presence of certain satDNAs sequences in strategic chromosomal regions (e.g., centromere and pericentromeric region), which leads to their participation in crucial processes for genomic organization and maintenance. Our study reveals a great diversity of satellite repeats that are driving genomic organization in this frog species. The characterization and approaches regarding satDNAs in this species of frog allowed the confirmation of some insights from satellite biology and a possible relationship with the evolution of sex chromosomes, especially in anuran amphibians, including P. boiei, for which data were not available.
  • PublicaçãoArtigo
    Sharing is living: The role of habitat heterogeneity in the coexistence of closely related species
    (2023-03-01) Sanches, Fábio H. C. ; De Grande, Fernando R. ; Costa, Tânia M. ; Barreto, Rodrigo E. ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In biologically diverse ecosystems, an essential process to support competing species to coexist is ecological differentiation. Habitat heterogeneity is, hence, important in establishing species abundance and richness, favoring the coexistence of species due to habitat partition. In this context, shading and species thermal tolerance can be good factors to elucidate the role of habitat heterogeneity in the habitat partition among closely related species. Herein, we study shading effects in microhabitat selection, behavior, and physiological limitation on two species of fiddler crabs (Leptuca leptodactyla and Leptuca uruguayensis). Indeed, shading conditions influenced fiddler crabs species proportion over time, with L. leptodactyla more associated with nonshaded/warmer areas while the L. uruguayensis to shaded/cooler ones. They also adjusted their behavior differently from each other to deal with thermal stress. Finally, we have demonstrated that these effects are related to species' physiological limitations. We conclude that biologically diverse ecosystems, such as intertidal regions from estuaries (e.g., mudflats and mangroves), support the coexistence between closely related species by reducing competition due to habitat partition.