Asymmetry parameter for nonmesonic hypernuclear decay

dc.contributor.authorBarbero, Cesar
dc.contributor.authorGaleão, Alfredo P. [UNESP]
dc.contributor.authorKrmpotić, Francisco
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidad Nacional de la Plata
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.contributor.institutionUniversidade de São Paulo (USP)
dc.description.abstractWe give general expressions for the vector asymmetry in the angular distribution of protons in the nonmesonic weak decay of polarized hypernuclei. From these we derive an explicit expression for the calculation of the asymmetry parameter, aÎ, which is applicable to the specific cases of Î 5He and Î 12C described within the extreme shell model. In contrast to the approximate formula widely used in the literature, it includes the effects of three-body kinematics in the final states of the decay and correctly treats the contribution of transitions originating from single-proton states beyond the s-shell. This expression is then used for the corresponding numerical computation of aÎ within several one-meson-exchange models. Besides the strictly local approximation usually adopted for the transition potential, we also consider the addition of the first-order nonlocality terms. We find values for aÎ ranging from -0.62 to -0.24, in qualitative agreement with other theoretical estimates but in contradiction with some recent experimental determinations. © 2005 The American Physical Society.en
dc.description.affiliationDepartamento de Física Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Universidad Nacional de la Plata, C.C. 67, 1900 La Plata
dc.description.affiliationInstituto de Física Teórica Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rua Pamplona 145, 01405-900 São Paulo, SP
dc.description.affiliationInstituto de Física Universidade de São Paulo, C. P. 66318, 05315-970 São Paulo, SP
dc.description.affiliationInstituto de Física la Plata CONICET, 1900 La Plata
dc.description.affiliationFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas Universidad Nacional de la Plata, 1900 La Plata
dc.description.affiliationUnespInstituto de Física Teórica Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rua Pamplona 145, 01405-900 São Paulo, SP
dc.identifier.citationPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics, v. 72, n. 3, 2005.
dc.relation.ispartofPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
dc.titleAsymmetry parameter for nonmesonic hypernuclear decayen
