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Hortas urbanas e ativismo(Instituto de Saúde, 2024) Nagib, Gustavo; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Reconhecendo o vasto espectro socioespacial que contempla a pluralidade de práticas de agricultura urbana, este capítulo aborda especificamente um conjunto de hortas comunitárias intraurbanas, localizadas no centro expandido da cidade de São Paulo, em espaços públicos (institucionais ou de livre acesso), sem fins comerciais, materializadas após o surgimento, em 2011, de uma rede ativista denominada “Hortelões Urbanos”. Apresenta-se o processo de estruturação da referida rede, cujo papel volta-se ao fomento do debate público e à troca de informações sobre a autoprodução de alimentos dentro da cidade e a promoção da horticultura comunitária. Dada a capilaridade da rede Hortelões Urbanos, o capítulo também aborda a consequente articulação política entre as experiências de hortas comunitárias que se perenizaram ao longo da década de 2010 na cidade de São Paulo, culminando, em 2018, na criação da “União de Hortas Comunitárias de São Paulo (UHCSP)”. Esta última reúne uma dezena de iniciativas a fim de promover a ajuda mútua, a resolução de problemas comuns e o fortalecimento político da horticultura comunitária em espaços públicos da capital. Objetiva-se, assim, demonstrar a relação entre um tipo de ativismo urbano e a materialização de hortas comunitárias em São Paulo a partir da década de 2010, contribuindo para inserir a horticultura urbana no debate contemporâneo acerca do direito à cidade. Esta análise visa compreender a relação entre horticultura urbana e ativismo a partir de um esforço tanto teórico quanto empírico, reconhecendo as particularidades socioambientais de cada horta comunitária estudada, especialmente devido à inexistência de uma política ou um programa público municipal voltado às hortas comunitárias. Estas, em sua expressão ativista, revelam-se experiências de baixo consumo (energético, de insumos etc.), de promoção da saúde, da alimentação saudável, da autonomia (individual e coletiva) e da biodiversidade urbana, além de serem territorialidades de redes de solidariedade que questionam o planejamento estatal por meio da ação “radical” de cultivar alimentos na cidade.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Contested Landscapes: Territorial Conflicts and the Production of Different Ruralities in Brazil(2022-01-01) Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano; Welch, Clifford Andrew ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
It is through landscape that we see and feel the complexity of the relations and objects that make up space, territory, region, and place. Landscape is the expression of the multidimensionality and multiscalarity of territory and its ruralities (Marsden, Sociologia Ruralis 29:312–317, 1989). In rural studies landscape is made manifest by rurality. Rurality is the configuration of social life in relation to natural resources, goods, services, cultural values, and social categories like class—the social formation, as it were—of the territories that make up rural landscapes (Hecht, Land Use Policy 27:161–169, 2010; Wanderley, Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura 15:87–145, 2000).PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Accumulation by Land Rent and Territorial Disputes in a Brazilian Agricultural Frontier(2022-01-01) Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano; Frederico, Samuel
; Pereira, Lorena Izá
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Land grabbing has changed the agrarian question on a world scale, much more intensely from the first decade of the twenty-first century with the financialisation of agriculture, producing the global agrarian question. In Brazil, a new ‘administrative region’—MATOPIBA—was created mainly to meet the territorialised interests of financial capital in the production of flexible commodities.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro For a Powerful Geography in the Brazilian National Curriculum(2021-01-01) Castellar, Sonia Maria Vanzella ; Pereira, Carolina Machado Rocha Busch ; Guimarães, Raul Borges; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Federal University of Tocantins ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
This chapter presents an overview of the elaboration of the Brazilian Common Core Curriculum (BNCC), that is, the national school curriculum, in the specific context of Geography teaching, for which the BNCC is both the national reference and the methodological framework. The process of the consolidation of the primary, elementary and secondary school curricula is presented, and the implementation of these curricula by the different Brazilian states and municipalities is also discussed. The chapter is organised in three sections: (i) the historical context of educational policies in Brazil, including its political implications and organisational boundaries, (ii) geographical reasoning based on real situations, and (iii) the role of Geography in the Brazilian Common Core Curriculum.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Re-peasantization, Resistance and Subordination: The Struggle for Land and Agrarian Reform in Brazil(2021-01-01) Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
The process of re-peasantization in Brazil occurs primarily through the peasant struggle for land and agrarian reform. Adopting a geographic method and using territorialization as a central axis of study, this article analyzes the history of peasant formation, particularly focusing on the formation of the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST), the peasant movement that has most contributed to the process of recreating the peasantry through land occupations. The process of re-peasantization occurring over the last 30 years is supported by data showing that more than a million families have been settled through agrarian reform. However, these fractional territorial gains have not eliminated the subordination of peasants by capitalized land rent. Using data from the most recent Agricultural Census, we highlight the situation of dependence to which Brazilian peasants are submitted. The hegemony of agribusiness has provoked a reflux in the peasant struggle for land and agrarian reform, which currently finds itself stagnant. The greatest challenge for peasant movements is the creation of a development model for their territories which would enable them to recuperate the process of re-peasantization.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Vibrational characterization methods for and with nanostructures(2020-01-01) Alessio, Priscila; Aoki, Pedro H.B.
; Aroca, Ricardo F. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Faculty of Science
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro URBAN GROWTH, METROPOLIZATION, AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN(2022-01-01) Abellán, Francisco Cebrián ; Sposito, Maria Encarnação Beltrão; Dammert-Guardia, Manuel ; Castilla-La Mancha University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)
The recent decades have been characterized by the increasingly prominent role of cities on different scales. They have also been typified by contradictory realities: the maturing of the urbanization process, the deceleration of demographic growth, the concentration of the most important functions in big cities, the growing importance of intermediate cities, an increase in spatial dynamics, and the generalization of urban sprawl and urban areas. From the perspective of urban space, there is growing concern about ecological transition, environmental impacts, and sustainability, given social imbalances and the diversification and integration of different sectors of cities. These processes are also common in Latin American and Caribbean cities, which are among the most urbanized regions in the world. The structural change of this subcontinent in the 20th century is the result of migratory processes, segmentation and shifts in labor markets, large-scale forms of socio-spatial segregation, and the predominance of informal/irregular channels of access to housing and land. However, the 21st century presents new urban circumstances. In this chapter, we discuss: a) the specific characteristics of urban growth, with a special focus on heterogeneity between countries and urban agglomeration scales; b) the increasing prominence of intermediate cities; and c) the metropolitization process and governance at the urban level in recent decades.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Electrical Impedance-Based Electronic Tongues(2022-01-01) Facure, Murilo H.M. ; Braunger, Maria L.; Mercante, Luiza A. ; Paterno, Leonardo G. ; Riul, Antonio ; Correa, Daniel S. ; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) ; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) ; Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Electronic tongues (e-tongues) are analytical tools using an array of sensors operating under distinct transduction mechanisms, combined with data treatment techniques to analyze complex liquid systems. Electrical impedance spectroscopy has been proven a useful detection method to e-tongues toward numerous analytes. In this book chapter, we address fundamental concepts of electrical impedance spectroscopy, interdigitated electrodes (IDEs), and their fabrication techniques. We also exemplify different (nano)materials and distinct deposition techniques for a functional coating of the IDEs. Alternative approaches for low-cost electrode fabrication and devices, including microfluidics and 3D printing, are also discussed. We also briefly survey data mining, machine learning, and visualization strategies in the big data context for e-tongues. Finally, applications of impedimetric e-tongues for the analyses of basic tastes, beverages, food, soil nutrients, pollutants, and other analytes of interest are illustrated and discussed.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro New solutions and methodologies for data acquisition and management in small municipalities(2021-04-09) Juliao, Rui Pedro ; Amorim, Amilton; Hespanha, João Paulo ; de Souza, Guilherme Henrique Barros
; Correia, Ronaldo Celso Messias
; Destro, Rafael Delli Colli
; Universidade NOVA de Lisboa ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade de Aveiro
Promoting and managing sustainable territorial development require adequate tools that enable territorial managers to formulate appropriate choices. Technological solutions have emerged, and the paradigm has shifted from isolated GIS to a more collaborative production and dissemination of geographic data using spatial data infrastructures (SDI). A critical dataset for municipal land administration is cadastre. ISO 19152 standard of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) was published in 2012. Also, technology evolution, namely unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), has changed data acquisition for cadastre. These are three pillars of modern territorial management: openness, co-production, and data sharing (SDI); models (LADM); affordable technology (UAV). This chapter presents how municipalities can develop an SDI project, incorporating LADM guidelines and UAV data acquisition. The case study is based on a group of 32 small municipalities from São Paulo state, in Brazil, known as UNIPONTAL.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Geoenvironmental Analysis Under the Perspective of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Landscape Archaeology: Guarani and Kaingang Sites in the Anhumas Stream, Lower Paranapanema Region, SP(2022-01-01) Figueiredo Daves, Larissa ; Barrocá Faccio, Neide; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
The relationship of society with the environment in past times shows the relevance of interdisciplinary studies between Geography and Archaeology. In this case, we discuss the landscape of Guarani and Kaingang archaeological sites located near the banks of Ribeirão Anhumas, Municipality of Narandiba, SP. Cartography and the logic used in GIS for spatial analysis were carried out with emphasis on location, distribution of archaeological remains, as well as to demonstrate the form of implantation of the indigenous site Guarani or Kaingang in the relief, thus contributing to the analysis of geoenvironmental contexts in interdisciplinary research, especially by the triad—Geography, Landscape Archaeology, and Cartography, through the study of material culture and the form of implantation of archaeological sites.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Nanoscience and nanotechnology in latin America(2010-12-01) Nemirovsky, Adolfo ; Audebert, Fernando ; Oliveira Jr., Osvaldo N. ; Constantino, Carlos J.L.; Barrientos, Lorena ; González, Guillermo ; de la Rosa, Elder ; LatIPnet Inc. ; University of Buenos Aires ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Chile and Universidad de Chile ; Chile and CEDENNA ; Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica
Latin America (LA) can count some strong research centers with a tradition of research excellence in certain disciplines such as medicine and biology, nuclear technology, metallurgy and materials, among others. Latin American countries have generated networks of researchers across disciplines, centers, etc. within a country, and linking two or more countries in the region (e.g., Argentina-Brazil Bi-National Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, CABN). Additionally, collaborations have extended beyond LA, mainly to the EU and the USA. In general, these programs have been quite successful in the generation of interdisciplinary nanoscience and nanotechnology (N & N) research. The relation between academia and industry has been improving in the last few years, but it is still weak. In particular, funding incentives for N&N efforts have encouraged joint efforts and contributed to new dimensions in collaborations. This chapter reviews the state of nanoscience and nanotechnology in Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. © 2010, IGI Global.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Controlled Architectures in LbL Films for Sensing and Biosensing(2012-05-21) Oliveira, Osvaldo N. ; Aoki, Pedro H.B.; Pavinatto, Felippe J. ; Constantino, Carlos J.L.
; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Vibrational characterization methods for and with nanostructures(2019-08-13) Alessio, Priscila; Aoki, Pedro H. B.
; Aroca, Ricardo F. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University of Windsor
PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro An online programme to prepare teacher tutors: An experience involving a university-school partnership(2013-01-01) Rinaldi, Renata Portela; Monteiro, Maria Iolanda ; de Medeiros Rodrigues Reali, Aline Maria ; Anunciato de Oliveira, Rosa Maria Moraes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
The Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) has become a partner with Open University of Brazil (UAB) to offer five undergraduate programmes at a distance, among which is K-4 Teacher Education (LPe-UAB/UFSCar). The overall goal of this online programme is to carry out actions, programmes, projects, and activities related to public policies elaborated so as to expand opportunities of access to quality, tuition-free higher education in Brazil.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Water, land, socioterritorial movements, labour, and capital: Territorial disputes and confl ictuality in Brazil(2016-01-01) Filho, José Sobreiro; Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano
; Cunha, Tássio Barreto
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
This chapter is the result of a collective effort by a group of geographers in which we propose a territorialized reading of certain complex questions related to water, land, socioterritorial movements, capital, and labour in contemporary Brazil. Our starting point is that an understanding of territorial issues is fundamental as part of an integrated approach to sectoral issues, and that we need to understand territory as being something more than just the ground surface of an area of land. Territory is more than surface; people are also territories. We make reference to actions that produce social relations and, in that sense, create territories. People create territories as much as territories create people. Territories and people are therefore inseparable. We emphasize the complexity of socioterritorial relations, and argue that a territorialized understanding is essential when analysing disputes over natural resources and the processes that produce new territories. Territorial disputes are key when considering power relations through a typology of territories, meaning that a multidimensional analysis is required; in a one-dimensional examination of a territory as simply an area of land, these realities are likely to be overlooked.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Climates of Brazil: Past and Present(2015-01-01) Sant’anna Neto, João Lima; Galvani, Emerson ; Vieira, Bianca Carvalho ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
This chapter describes the climactic patterns that prevailed in the Brazilian territory, particularly in the Quaternary, some observations made by travelers and naturalists, particularly during the colonial historic period, the first systematic studies of climactic geomorphology in Brazil, and, finally, the types of current, regional climates. It is noteworthy that the studies based on geological and climatic events have developed various methods to observe and understand the distinct and beautiful Brazilian landscapes. However, for decades, studies have not used climatic and geomorphological data to effectively contribute to the understanding of the origin and evolution of Brazilian landscapes. This situation may certainly be associated with Brazil’s territorial extension, the great geomorphological complexity and absence of data and information climatic and geomorphological data.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro The urban climate system and the impacts of flooding on Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(2019-02-23) Armond, Nubia Beray ; Sant'Anna Neto, João Lima; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Despite their individual socio-spatial paths of development, the countries of Latin America underwent similar urbanization processes. Analyzed from the geographical perspective of the spatial relationship between society and nature, the different forms of urbanization, especially in their material dimension, directly affect the creation of different climates. Based on this assumption, Carlos Augusto de Figueiredo Monteiro originally proposed, in his associate professorship thesis, the Urban Climate System (UCS) theory in Brazil with the goal of analyzing the climates of specific locations and their urbanization. Based on the work by Monteiro, combined with a climate geographical perspective, the goal of our study was to analyze the urban climate, specifically the hydrometeorological subsystem that triggers extreme events in the urban portion of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. First, the specifics of urbanization of a Latin American metropolis underlining the particularities of its urban climate are briefly introduced. Subsequently, the UCS theory is presented, focusing on the perceptual channels and the specifics of flood events, which is followed by a characterization of the climate dynamics of the study area, including those that occur on an hourly scale. Last, the hours of highest precipitation are identified, and the ways in which social groups are related to the urban climate of Rio de Janeiro are explained.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Analysis of Coffees Using Electronic Tongues(2016-01-01) Alessio, Priscila; Constantino, Carlos José Leopoldo
; Daikuzono, Cristiane Margarete ; Riul, Antonio ; de Oliveira, Osvaldo Novais ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
This chapter presents a short review of electronic tongues (e-tongues) applied in coffee analysis, one of the most consumed beverage worldwide resulting in a billion dollar market. These e-tongues are useful for the food industry, particularly if the fast, reliable analysis of samples is correlated to the human taste sensation. The use of electrochemical methods in several papers in research literature is described, which demonstrate the possible distinction of overall differences between coffee samples (distinct global quality), in addition to quantification of caffeine and chlorogenic acid concentrations in coffee. Recent developments using microfluidics are also discussed, in which only microliters are needed for sampling and discharge, making it possible to fabricate lab-on-a-chip devices for coffee analysis.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Acesso Aberto
Performance evaluation of data migration methods between the host and the device in CUDA-based programming(2016-04-01) Santos, Rafael Silva; Eler, Danilo Medeiros
; Garcia, Rogério Eduardo
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
CUDA-based programming model is heterogeneous – composed of two components: host (CPU) and device (GPU). Both components have separated memory spaces and processing units. A great challenge to increase GPU-based application performance is the data migration between these memory spaces. Currently, the CUDA platform supports the following data migration methods: UMA, zero-copy, pageable and pinned memory. In this paper, we compare the zero-copy performance method with the other methods by considering the overall application runtime. Additionally, we investigated the aspects of data migration process to enunciate causes of the performance variations. The obtained results demonstrated in some cases the zero-copy memory can provide an average performance on 19% higher than the pinned memory transfer. In the studied situation, this method was the second most efficient. Finally, we present limitations of zero-copy memory as a resource for improving performance of CUDA applications.PublicaçãoCapítulo de livro Acesso Aberto
Performance indicators analysis in software processes using semi-supervised learning with information visualization(2016-04-01) Bodo, Leandro; de Oliveira, Hilda Carvalho
; Breve, Fabricio Aparecido
; Eler, Danilo Medeiros
; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Software development process requires judicious quality control, using performance indicators to support decision-making in the different processes chains. This paper recommends the use of machine learning with the semi supervised algorithms to analyze these indicators. In this context, this paper proposes the use of visualization techniques of multidimensional information to support the labeling process of samples, increasing the reliability of the labeled indicators (group or individual). The experiments show analysis from real indicators data of a software development company and use the algorithm bioinspired Particle Competition and Cooperation. The information visualization techniques used are: Least Square Projection, Classical Multidimensional Scaling and Parallel Coordinates. Those techniques help to correct the labeling process performed by specialists (labelers), enabling the identification of mistakes in order to improve the data accuracy for application of the semi-supervised algorithm.