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    Accumulation by Land Rent and Territorial Disputes in a Brazilian Agricultural Frontier
    (2022-01-01) Fernandes, Bernardo Mançano ; Frederico, Samuel ; Pereira, Lorena Izá ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Land grabbing has changed the agrarian question on a world scale, much more intensely from the first decade of the twenty-first century with the financialisation of agriculture, producing the global agrarian question. In Brazil, a new ‘administrative region’—MATOPIBA—was created mainly to meet the territorialised interests of financial capital in the production of flexible commodities.
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    Mathematics Education and Democracy: An Open Landscape of Tensions, Uncertainties, and Challenges
    (2015-01-01) Skovsmose, Ole ; Penteado, Miriam Godoy ; Aalborg University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In their classic study assuming the perspective of analytical philosophy, Benn and Peters (1959) relate democracy to notions such as justice, equality, freedom, and responsibility. A further investigation of justice is provided by Rawls (1971/1999), who begins his inquiry in analytic philosophy but expands his investigations beyond this tradition. Ideas about deliberative democracy, as for instance presented by Bohman and Rehg (1997), relate the notion of democracy to participation, negotiation, and dialogue. Democracy can also be related to citizenship, autonomy, human rights, and inclusion. Together all such notions belong to an extended family of open concepts.
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    Algae harvesting: Application of natural coagulants
    (2022-01-01) Speranza, Lais Galileu ; Silva, Gustavo Henrique Ribeiro ; Neto, Ana Maria Pereira ; Tiburcio, Rodolfo Sbrolini ; Moruzzi, Rodrigo Braga ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Associação Oceano Verde (GreenCoLab) ; Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
    Microalgae are separated and harvested using natural-based coagulants (NBC). Microalgae are grown to provide bioproducts that may be utilized in the tertiary phase after anaerobic digestion at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation are the most often used processes for harvesting algal biomass and recovering organic and inorganic components from it. The choice of coagulant is critical because it affects both separation performance and biomass harvesting. On the one hand, inorganic coagulants (such as aluminum-based coagulants) are frequently used and can improve the catalyst process during thermochemical conversion; they are toxic (depending on their subsequent use, such as fertilizers), non-biodegradable, and can increase the biomass ash content, thereby decreasing its heating value. It has therefore been suggested as an alternative to using inorganic coagulants, such as NBC. Other auto-flocculant microalgae like Moringa oleifera seeds and chitosan are examples of the many different kinds of coagulants that have been developed. As a consequence, the chapter discussed the characteristics and uses of natural coagulants, as well as the potential drawbacks of their future use. Additionally, coagulation techniques have been explored, as well as their effects on the characteristics of biomass and their use as fertilizers or energy sources.
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    Ocean fracture zones: their evolution and impact on tectonic and magmatism of the South and Southeast Brazilian continental margin
    (2021-01-01) Alves, Eliane C. ; Araujo, Rogério S. ; Ramos, Edmarley C. ; Maia, Márcia ; Santos, Anderson Costa dos ; Hackspacher, Peter Christian ; Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) ; University of Western Brittany ; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Consideration of Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic and magmatic activities of the South and Southeast Brazilian continental margin shows that fracture zones (FZs) had a fundamental role in the forming the South Atlantic during the formation of the oceanic plate between the early Cretaceous and Cenozoic. FZs have the most significant morphotectonic and magmatic characteristics, identified from north to south as the Santa Helena FZ, Vitória Trindade FZ, Martin Vaz FZ, Rio de Janeiro FZ, and Rio Grande FZ. We compiled a set of geological and geophysical data, including bathymetry, gravimetry (free air, vertical gravity gradient, and geoidal), and magnetometry (magnetic and isochronous anomalies), associated with the reflection seismic from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (its transforming characteristics) and its extensions in oceanic and continental crusts. This integration allowed an elaboration of hypotheses about the influence of mechanisms in the oceanic and continental crusts, and the influence on tectonic and magmatic segmentation in the continental margin and on the adjacent continental border beyond breakup spreading from south to north in three stages: (1) 122-125Ma, (2) 125-118Ma, and (3) 118-116Ma, physically separated by oceanic FZs. The width of the stretched and strongly intruded continental crust also showed an increase in three stages in the same direction and the same FZ. Consequently, the Continental-Oceanic Boundary showed three stages of marked changes from west to east and from south to north, resulting in margin segmentation. Rifting also spread from west to east, toward the final division, in each of these three defined segments.
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    Uplift and subsidence of the RGR: U-Th/He in apatite and EPFT in zircon
    (2021-01-01) Hackspacher, Peter Christian ; Venancio da Silva, Bruno ; Constantino, Renata Regina ; Françoso de Godoy, Daniel ; Siqueira Ribeiro, Marli Carina ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) ; Lamont-Doherty Columbia University
    The Rio Grande Rise (RGR) has key importance for the understanding of the South Atlantic Ocean opening and the evolution associated with lithospheric plate margins. Here we review the last 100 years of scientific work regarding the RGR history and also bring new insights on its evolution based on apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology. We have analyzed basalt fragments sampled across the RGR NW-SE rift structure. The samples were dredged during the Rio Grande Rise Project (PROERG) expedition in 2011 from the Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM). The RGR is interpreted as part of a tectono-sedimentary evolution that extends from the first basaltic flows in the Santonian-Coniacian, until the tectonic reactivations of the South Atlantic Plate, affecting the most recent sediments. The AHe method results address to the continuous reactivation from Late Cretaceous to Neogene and is consistent with a microplate boundary environment.
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    Pre-Quaternary Glaciations
    (2020-01-01) Assine, Mario Luis ; Warren, Lucas Verissimo ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Pre-Quaternary glaciations were recognized worldwide and have deeply influenced and conditioned the bioevolutive events and geochemical cycles of the Earth. Geological history has revealed that glaciations during icehouse intervals are typically periods of global sea level falls, while greenhouse intervals are marked by rising sea levels and reduced, or even absent, polar ice sheets. Defining the causes of glaciations is a complex task because the triggers, related to terrestrial and orbital forcing factors, are diverse and sometimes controversial. Glaciations were not common events in most of the Precambrian time, which covers about nine tenths of Earth's history. The glacial rocks of the Meso-Archean Pongola Supergroup and those related to the Huronian glaciation are evidences of ice ages before the Proterozoic “Boring Billion” period. Glaciations in Earth's history became frequent since the beginning of the Cryogenian, suggesting a global cooling of the planet's climate, influenced by a progressively complex biosphere and important changes in geochemical cycles. Ice sheets covered large areas of the planet land surface during three Cryogenian-Ediacaran glaciations, when the Earth was possibly completely covered by ice (“Snowball Earth” hypothesis). Following the long Neoproterozoic icehouse interval, the Earth experienced greenhouse conditions from Cambrian to Middle Devonian, only interrupted by the short-lived widespread late Ordovician glaciation (Hirnantian). The Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) encompasses glaciations occurred from late Devonian to Permian in many parts of Gondwana. During the Paleozoic, landmasses were concentrated in high southern latitudes forming this supercontinent, and glacial centers migrated following the drift of this huge landmass across the South Pole. The Late Cenozoic Ice Age is the icehouse interval that started at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary and is still ongoing, encompassing all known Quaternary glaciations.
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    A comparative hydrochemical study of bottled mineral waters
    (2020-05-01) Bonotto, Daniel Marcos ; Roveratti, Gabrielle ; Eslamian, Saeid ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Claretiano Faculdade ; Isfahan University of Technology
    In the last few decades, the consumption of natural drinking water, either spring or mineral (bottled or not), increased in several countries. Despite drinking water being mostly used as the tap water accessible in every household, many people believe that naturally occurring waters are healthy and/or can be utilized for health remedies, thus, exhibiting better quality than the tap water. Additionally, economic reasons have also favored their use as bottled waters therefore widely increasing the commercialization of mineral waters. Thermal and mineral waters use in Brazil is not recent due to arrival of European immigrants, mainly from Portugal. The construction of thermal and non-thermal spas for therapeutic and leisure purposes reached a maximum number in the 1930s and 1950s, mainly at São Paulo (SP) and Minas Gerais (MG) states. The Brazilian Code of Mineral Waters (BCMW) was established in this time, under French influence, by Register 7841 published on 8 August 1945. The BCMW classifies the mineral and potable waters for uses in spas and bottling purposes. There are several parameters considered by the BCMW, for instance, the radioactivity due to dissolved 222Rn and 220Rn. EuroGeoSurveys (The Geochemistry Group of the European Geological Surveys) managed a common European sampling campaign of bottled mineral and spring waters (analysis of 884 samples for more than 70 chemical parameters in one laboratory) whose results were published in 2010. The hydrogeochemical study held within the framework of the project involved different approaches like analytical techniques, major constituents, trace elements, radionuclides, stable isotopes, mapping, waters classification, statistical treatment of hydrochemical data, human health, etc. This chapter reports a comparative hydrochemical study of mineral waters bottled in different countries based on Brazilian and international guidelines with the aim of increasing the information generated by EuroGeoSurveys.
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    36Cl contribution for dating groundwaters from the Guarani Aquifer System
    (2020-05-01) Bonotto, Daniel Marcos ; Fifield, Leslie Keith ; Eslamian, Saeid ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Australian National University ; Isfahan University of Technology
    The field of groundwater age dating nowadays considers a groundwater sample not as water that recharged the flow regime at a point in the past, but as a mixture of waters that have resided in the subsurface for varying lengths of time. This recognition resolves longstanding inconsistencies encountered in age dating and suggests new ways to carry out age dating studies. Groundwater age dating takes advantage of the known decay rates of radioactive isotopes, the timing of the introduction into the atmosphere of isotopes from nuclear testing or reactors, or the history of the release of manufactured gases to estimate the age of a groundwater sample. 36Cl has properties which make it suitable for the study of confined groundwaters. Its long half-life (301 ka) and the fact that chloride is not removed from solution by mineral interaction or secondary mineral formation would, in principle, permit the estimation of very long groundwater residence times. This chapter reports the use of the 36Cl method for estimating the groundwater residence time in the northern part of the Guarani Aquifer System (GAS) in Brazil. It underlies 1.2M km2 in the Paraná sedimentary basin of South America and is an important source of water for industry, agriculture and domestic supplies. The isotopic database was set after collecting and analyzing rainfall and groundwater samples coming from São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul states, helping to understand the dynamics of this groundwater system and its sustainability. The ages varied between 43.8 ka and 2.0 Ma that exceed the range of 30-40 ka from the conventional 14C dating, thus, expanding the results obtained from previous work in the region, including other radio-isotope analyses.
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    Hydrochemical study at Águas de Santa Bárbara Spa, São Paulo State, Brazil
    (2020-05-01) Bonotto, Daniel Marcos ; Roveratti, Gabrielle ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Claretiano Faculdade
    The thermal and mineral waters use in Brazil is not recent due to arrival of European immigrants, mainly from Portugal. The construction of thermal and non-thermal spas for therapeutic and leisure purposes reached a maximum number in the 1930s and 1950s, mainly at São Paulo (SP) and Minas Gerais (MG) states. The Brazilian Code of Mineral Waters (BCMW) was established in this time, under French influence, by Register 7841 published on 8 August 1945. It classifies the mineral waters for spas and bottling uses, as well the potable waters for bottling, taking into account several parameters. According to temperature, the waters may be considered cold (<25°C), hypothermal (25-33°C), mesothermal (33-36°C), isothermal (36-38°C), and hyperthermal (>38°C). Other classes defined by the BCMW are: radiferous, radioactive, thoriferous, carbogaseous, bicarbonate-alkaline, earth-alkaline, sulfated, sulfured, nitrated, chlorinated and ferruginous. Águas de Santa Bárbara spa at São Paulo State is situated in the Paraná basin, a huge sedimentary area of southern Brazil, with extensions into Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Spring waters and deep tube wells have exploited groundwaters there from Bauru, Serra Geral and Botucatu formations of the Paraná sedimentary basin. Some waters have been bottled for drinking purposes, whereas other are used for bathing and health treatment in a spa constructed by the municipality of Águas de Santa Bárbara. In such case, the waters have been classified as hypothermal. This chapter reports a hydrochemical study focusing the waters in that spa, describing the analytical data obtained for major constituents, trace elements and dissolved radon with the aim of increasing the knowledge of that very important hydric resource for the municipality.
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    The Role of the Interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language in the Dialogue Among Deaf and Hearing Students in Mathematics Classes
    (2019-01-01) Moura, Amanda Queiroz ; Penteado, Miriam Godoy ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This chapter is based on a research project whose focus is the teaching and learning of mathematics in environments where deaf students and hearing students are together. In this context, the complexity of teaching and learning processes becomes more evident due to the use of two languages for communication and the presence of a new person in the classroom, the interpreter, whose function is to interpret/translate the Portuguese to Libras and vice versa. However, using a teaching methodology based on an inquiry approach, in which the dialogue is the main pattern of communication, the role of the interpreter can have other characteristics. In order to contribute to a better understanding of the practices of the interpreter, this chapter discusses some episodes from mathematics classes, highlighting the interpreter’s participation. We first present the working context of the interpreter, including the policies, challenges, and perspectives of this profession. After this, some relevant aspects of the dialogue perspective adopted in the research are elucidated. Finally, we present two episodes in which the interactions in the mathematics classes were mediated by an interpreter. The results indicate that in the context of landscapes of investigation, the role of the interpreter gains characteristics that go beyond the interpretation/translation. We recognize the role of the interpreter as fundamental in promoting equality in classrooms where deaf and hearing are together. And we understand this equality as a crucial point for creating new ways of understanding, especially with respect to mathematics.
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    Inclusive Mathematics Education: An Introduction
    (2019-01-01) Kollosche, David ; Marcone, Renato ; Knigge, Michel ; Penteado, Miriam Godoy ; Skovsmose, Ole ; Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg ; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) ; Universität Potsdam ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Aalborg Universitet
    Inclusion has become a global topic in education and educational studies. This introduction briefly recapitulates the idea of inclusion and the essential steps in this development.
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    Nonlinear Control Applied in Jump Attenuation of a Non-ideal System
    (2022-01-01) Tusset, A. M. ; Kossoski, A. ; Bueno, A. M. ; Balthazar, Jose Manoel ; Felix, J. L.P. ; Cunha, A. ; Avanço, R. H. ; Federal University of Technology ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Federal University of Pampa ; Rio de Janeiro State University ; Federal University of Maranhão
    This work proposes the attenuation of the Sommerfeld effect (jump phenomenon) present in a non-ideal oscillator thought the use of different nonlinear controllers. The non-ideal system is composed of a beam-like mechanical structure excited by a limited power supply, in this case an unbalanced direct current motor. Two different control techniques are considered. The first controller has its feedback gain obtained through the SDRE (State-Dependent Riccati Equation) technique in conjunction with a feedforward gain. The second controller is based in the SMC (Sliding Mode Control) technique. Numerical simulations show that the two proposed control strategies are effective in suppressing the jump phenomenon, and thus keeping the structure vibration of the studied system at desirable levels.
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    A Tutorial on the Simplification of Electromechanical Dynamic Models
    (2022-01-01) Avanço, Rafael Henrique ; Zanella, Danilo Antonio ; Cunha, Americo ; Tusset, Angelo Marcelo ; Balthazar, Jose Manoel ; Federal University of Maranhão ; Rio de Janeiro State University ; Federal University of Technology - Paraná ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    DC motors are electromechanical systems designed to convert electric power to mechanical power. Their dynamics depend on the features of the motor and the load which they move. The dynamics of the motor is influenced by the external loads acting during the rotation. The electromagnetic forces interact according to the mechanical and electric characteristics of the motor. A common procedure is to neglect the effect of inductance in the steady-state speed and constant current. However, a recent analysis in literature claimed the inductance may be highly relevant in some cases in a steady-state regime. However, including the inductance in computer simulations causes highly time-consuming. Therefore, the intention in the present text is to investigate when it is mandatory to consider the motor inductance in the numerical simulation. The conclusion is that the inductance is relevant when the external loads are relatively high and vary in time.
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    Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting from a Non-ideal Portal Frame System Including Shape Memory Alloy Effect
    (2022-01-01) Tusset, A. M. ; Piccirillo, V. ; Iliuk, I. ; Lenzi, G. G. ; Fuziki, M. E.K. ; Balthazar, Jose Manoel ; Litak, G. ; Bernardini, D. ; Federal University of Technology ; State University of Maringá ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Lublin University of Technology ; University of Rome Sapienza
    In this work, the investigation of energy harvesting for a U-frame-type (portal frame) structure is presented. The structure is considered as a composite made out of a Shape Memory Alloy (SMA), accounting for a non-ideal DC motor of limited power supply attached to its rigid body. The energy harvesting is carried out using a piezoelectric material (PZT), accounting for a nonlinear electromechanical coupling model. For the behavior of the SMA, a polynomial constitutive model is adopted, which relates the voltage variation to the temperature. Numerical results demonstrate that both PZT and SMA material has a significant influence on energy harvesting. In addition, it is highlighted that the use of SMA makes controlling the vibrations of the structure possible, increasing the harvested energy.
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    A Hybrid PID-LQR Control Applied in Positioning Control of Robotic Manipulators Subject to Excitation from Non-ideal Sources
    (2022-01-01) Tusset, A. M. ; De Lima, J. J. ; Janzen, F. C. ; Filho, P. L. Paula ; Junior, J. A. G. Luz ; Balthazar, Jose Manoel ; Kossoski, A. ; Federal University of Technology-Paraná ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper proposes the use of a hybrid controller that combines concepts of the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller with the Linear-Quadratic-Regulator (LQR) and a Feedforward gain to control the positioning of a 2 DOF robotic arm with flexible joints. As the joints are flexible, there is in this system a non-ideal coupling between the links of the robotic arm, where the angular movement of one link can generate oscillations that spread and impact the response of the system. The non-ideal excitation source originates from the coupling between the electric motor used to move the link of the robotic arm with the flexible element of the structure. These mechanical oscillations interfere in the positioning of the motor, and thus in the electrical power consumed by the system. In the results section of this work, numerical simulations are used to show the functionality and performance of the proposed controller in the studied system.
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    Nonlinear Modal Analysis of Vibrating Systems with Limited Power Supply
    (2022-01-01) Piccirillo, V. ; Tusset, A. M. ; Balthazar, Jose Manoel ; Martinez, A. G. ; Federal University of Technology ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
    Nonlinear modal analysis is a powerful technique that allows a better understanding of the nonlinear dynamic behavior of mathematical models with few degrees of freedom. Nonlinear modes have emerged as a natural extension of linear modes for systems with large oscillation amplitudes. This chapter applies the technique of nonlinear normal modes analysis in a nonlinear Duffing oscillator driven by a limited (non-ideal) power source. Results show that the use of nonlinear modal analysis allows the description of the complex behavior of the system, resulting from the nonlinearities considered.
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    Dynamic Analysis and PID Control of a Double Pendulum Arm Excited by a Nonideal Source
    (2022-01-01) Tusset, A. M. ; Filho, P. L. Paula ; Piccirillo, V. ; Lenzi, G. G. ; Balthazar, Jose Manoel ; Oliveira, C. ; Varanis, M. ; Federal University of Technology ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Federal University of Grande Dourados
    In this paper the dynamics of a double pendulum arm coupled through a magnetic field to a nonlinear RLC based shaker circuit is presented and will be studied numerically. This kind of electromechanical system is often found in robotic systems and has important applications in Engineering Sciences. The double pendulum considered is coupled through a magnetic field to an RLC circuit based on nonlinear shaker. The nonlinear response analysis of the system is done by various techniques, including bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, power spectral densities, and Lyapunov exponents. Numerical simulations show the existence of chaotic and hyperchaotic behavior for some regions of the parameter space. In order to suppress the chaotic motion, a PID control is proposed and analyzed. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed control in suppressing the chaotic motion.
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    Chaos Control in a Nonideal Vibrating Systems
    (2022-01-01) Tusset, A. M. ; Piccirillo, V. ; de Souza, S. L.T. ; Batista, A. M. ; Balthazar, Jose Manoel ; Brasil, R. M.L.R.F. ; Oliveira, C. ; Varanis, M. ; Federal University of Technology-Paraná ; Federal University of São João del-Rei-Minas Gerais ; State University of Ponta Grossa- Paraná ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Federal University of ABC-São Paulo ; Federal University of Grande Dourados-Dourados
    This paper presents two control techniques for a non-ideal system with chaotic behavior. To place and maintain the system in a periodic orbit, the techniques of Time Delayed Feedback Control and Continuous-Delay Control with Saturation are considered. The non-ideal system presented is composed of a mass-spring-damper system, with cubic stiffness, and an external excitation from a power limited DC electric motor driven by an unbalanced rotating mass that provides the non-ideal excitation. To suppress the chaotic behavior, additional damping is considered for the mechanical system, and the damping force is estimated by the proposed control strategies. Dynamic analysis of the system is performed by various techniques, including bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, power spectral densities, and 0–1 test. Numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the control strategies leading the system to a stable periodical orbit.
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    A preliminary analysis of the phase Portrait's structure of a nonlinear pendulum-mechanical system using the perturbed hamiltonian formulation
    (2016-04-19) Belato, Debora ; Weber, Hans Ingo ; Balthazar, Jose Manoel ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; DEM - Pontificia Universidade Catolica-PUC - RJ ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
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    A review of new vibration issues due to non-ideal energy sources
    (2016-04-19) Balthazar, J. M. ; Brasil, R. M.L.R.F. ; Weber, H. I. ; Fenili, A. ; Belato, D. ; Felix, J. L.P. ; Garzelli, F. J. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; DEM - Pontificia Universidade Catolica-PUC - RJ ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)