Ourinhos - FCTE - Faculdade de Ciências, Tecnologia e Educação

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  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    A Integração regional na América do Sul: as projeções espaciais do PAC, IIRSA/COSIPLAN e perspectivas de uma geopolítica interna
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019) Bragaia, Giuseppe Forioni ; Mourão, Paulo Fernando Cirino ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This research presents a study on the political developments that occurred in the South American context, especially the actions of PAC and IIRSA / COSIPLAN / UNASUR, being a milestone in Brazilian foreign policy. A research intends to carry out an extension of the study entitled The PAC and Regional Integration in South America: a study of its spatial projection and perspectives of an internal geopolitics through continuous priority bibliographic review and studies of economic, geopolitical study plans. and strategic. It was discussed as institutional visions with a recent bibliography and with it was made graphs and maps. The investigation of national documents such as the National Defense Strategy and the Defense White Paper made it possible to understand a question of regional integration from the defense point of view, and because of this, institutional. In this case, regional integration is now seen as a deterrent. This is why this analysis contributes to a better understanding of current reality. Thus, some works were found that are part of a larger geopolitical project, or that represents a broader analysis that considers the effects of the PAC and incorporates its geopolitical dimension. Among the challenges, the search can be performed at different stages of the research exercise: a) Historical background and thought guidelines in different periods of government; b) Theoretical contributions on political and geopolitical geography; d) Limitations, paradigms and perspectives of the geopolitical compass of the Brazilian State. Therefore, identify as intentionalities and actions, allows a breakthrough in the scientific instrument of Geography, a greater understanding of an internal geopolitics between national and internationally allowed possibilities
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    A (I)migração dos venezuelanos para o Brasil
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019) Theodorovicz, Guilherme Augusto Petrechi ; Mourão, Paulo Fernando Cirino ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Migration is a social phenomenon that has been intensifying worldwide and has different causes. There are two main causes, the first being the subsequent eco-nomic crises, the latter having been terrorizing developing countries on all corners of the earth, especially in the South American continent. The second is triggered by wars, such as those in Syria and part of the Middle East. These causes are forcing thousands of people to migrate to other continents and even on the con-tinent itself, as is the case with Venezuelans. Therefore, this research has as its main objective to study the Venezuelan migratory flow to Brazil, a problem that was triggered by the economic crisis that Venezuela is currently experiencing and which is being accentuated by the US economic sanctions, from other world pow-ers and also from neighboring countries such as Brazil. Venezuela has the largest and most easily exploited oil reserves in the world, which brings ambition to some countries, such as the US. However, through the Color Revolution, a new form of coup, the US is organized and structured to try at all costs to overthrow Maduro from power and take control of reserves. As a study method to achieve the ex-pected results, the hypothetical co-deductive was used, which was adapted to the historical-deductive in order to characterize and analyze the objectives. In order to successfully reach the expected results, the following procedures were used: a dense bibliographic research, as well as reports, a personal survey with Venezuelans and a rich collection obtained from government agencies of great importance in Brazil, such as the Federal Police (Immigration Police) and the Ministry of Defense and the non-governmental ones, especially UNHCR and Im-migrant Pastoral. However, it was found in the results that there is currently...
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Uso de tecnologia em maquetes interativas como recurso inclusivo
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-11-11) Ribeiro, Diego Alves ; Sena, Carla Cristina Reinaldo Gimenes de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The oncern about accessibility and inclusion in education is growing today, largely due to the fact that we have laws that guarantee access for students with special needs in regular classrooms, highlighting the need to provide quality education and interaction with space for these students. satisfactorily. Because of this, the objective of this work is to study and elaborate an interactive didactic material, sound and tactile, adding the techniques of the Tactile Cartography with the cellular and the technology of the QR Code, that contributes positively to the teaching, being the student with special needs or not. Education is and always has been the greatest emancipation tool of the individual in society, especially in the case of students with a disability, so educators have an obligation to ensure an effective inclusion of these individuals in classrooms, providing adapted methodologies and materials that enable them. teach in such a way that they possess the theoretical, social and historical knowledge necessary to be active members in their communities. This work seeks not only to develop a material but also a teaching material and practice that contributes to the creation of inclusive pedagogical methodologies, which, when adapted to the student's reality, can guarantee a significant change for the teaching of students with disabilities. as a focus on visual impairment, but at the same time can be used with sighted students in a way that creates true inclusion
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Capoeira e geografia: uma abordagem da cultura afro-brasileira no ensino de geografia
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-11-12) Pinto, Renan Vitor do Amaral ; Sena, Carla Cristina Reinaldo Gimenes de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not available
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Queimadas em cultura de cana-de-açúcar: uma análise na bacia hidrográfica do médio Paranapanema via geotecnologias
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-11-13) Silva, Jéssica Alves da ; Galvanin, Edineia Aparecida dos Santos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The objective is to evaluate the spatial and temporal distribution of burnt outbreaks in sugarcane crops from 2000 to 2018 at the Medium Paranapanema Water Resources Management Unit and to estimate the future activity through mixed linear models. Landsat 5, 7 and 8 images from 2000, 2006, 2012 and 2018, numerical data (year, area and foci) and categorical data (slope of the terrain) were used. Data were analyzed using the mixed linear model, which made it possible to examine and estimate the spatiotemporal distribution of outbreaks of sugarcane over 18 years at 6-year intervals. It was possible to observe the decrease of burnings in gently undulating terrain, 99.9% per year, in these terrains the model allowed to make the forecast for the next 6 years, which considering cause / effect will be 599.99%, in contrast, in soft undulating and heavily undulating terrain resulted in an increase of 2.07% per year, this over the next 6 years there will be an increase of 12.45%, a result that is contrary to the established laws. The results of this research may provide indications for the legal compliance of Federal Law 9.433 / 1997 and other State laws, as well as contribute to the democratization of its management
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Análise do uso e cobertura da terra e qualidade da água na microbacia do córrego do Jacuzinho, Ourinhos-SP
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-11-11) Piroli, Victória Helena Borsa ; Galvanin, Edinéia Aparecida dos Santos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Land use is increasingly intensified with the construction of new housing such as buildings, houses, sheds, streets and avenues. These, a general rule use soil sealing to be built. This process usually disregards rainwater or when there is this concern, th ere is often no proper sizing of runoff structures or planning of impacts caused where the water is directed. The present work aims to verify the water quality at five points along the basin and to analyze the bathing, pH, turbidity, total and fecal colifo rms, Chloride, Hardness, Ammonia, Iron, Oxygen and conductivity, as well as verify the land use of the watershed and identify its vegetation. The results indicated the presence of sewage in two points and the presence of fecal and total coliforms in all ve rified points, indicating the necessity of treatment of this water for the purposes of bathing. The land use map consists mainly of urban use, followed by pasture, vegetation and agricultural use by temporary crop. The vegetation analysis showed its decrea se along the stream banks and a large contribution of exotic species, reforested by the population itself. To conclude the research, we suggest the adoption of signs that warn the population about the risk of using this water along the entire stream, since there is the presence of total and fecal coliforms, especially in places where the use by sun baths has already been observed
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Comparação entre desenvolvimento e crescimento econômico dos munícipios de Salto Grande/SP e Ourinhos/SP: uma análise socioespacial e histórica através das categorias tempo e espaço
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019) Souza, Vinicius Nicodemos da Silva ; Carvalho, Clerisnaldo Rodrigues de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This work seeks from a set of socioeconomic indicators to establish a comparison between the development and growth levels of the municipalities of Ourinhos / SP and Salto Grande / SP over time and space. Economic growth is not always a sign of development, this brings us to social, cultural, political and economic data. This relationship of factors serves to better evaluate the characteristics and specificities of each process, in this sense will be analyzed demographic, social, political, cultural, and economic information, where the results do not always signal a relative inequality in the behavior of the indexes analyzed. The answer to a comparative analysis between the two municipalities came from events such as immigration, the coffee economy, and especially the urbanization process that took place in these cities, an important fact is to mention the installation of the Sorocabana Railway, where It is possible to visualize the different forms of economic development and growth. The great challenge of this project is to make a comparative analysis in its various aspects, as well as to try to understand the socio-spatial inequalities between the municipalities, since Ourinhos belonged to the municipality of Salto Grande until 1911, being a district of that one and, after emancipation there was a significant economic growth and development relative to that of Salto Grande
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Caracterização prévia do Ribeirão do Chá visando a implantação de um parque linear (município de Itapetininga-SP)
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2012) Shecaira, Laura Plens ; Zacharias, Andréa Aparecida ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This research for the completion of this course (Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso-TCC) proposes the analysis of problems and potential of Ribeirão do Chá (Itapetininga-SP), analyzing the feasibility of establishing a linear park along its course in the urban area. Since the process of urbanization in Brazil until the decades of 1960 and 1970 was in the nature as an obstacle to the development of cities, this research is to assess the consequences of this process in the study area and, supported by discussions in environmental planning, proposing alternatives to the environmentally balanced development of the area, without depletion of resources and in order to provide quality of life for its inhabitants. It has been as a result of this research and sketches indicating the potential problem area Ribeirão do Chá which intends to establish a linear park as defined by the Master Plan of Itapetininga. KEY-WORDS:
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Aterro controlado do município de Ourinhos/SP: da contaminação do solo a gestão de resíduos sólidos : múltiplas abordagens geográficas
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2012) Coletti, Guilherme Luis ; Perusi, Maria Cristina ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    With the advent of the industrial revolution, the use of disposable materials has become a common practice in society, resulting in the increased production of solid waste in urban areas, and the peculiarity of its features: of organic materials to heavy metal. The solid waste produced in Ourinhos / SP is allocated to the controlled landfill, giving rise to specific pedogenetic volumes, the Antropossolos Líxicos. Such development represents a potencial souce of contamination of soil and water. This way, this research aimed at identifying a possible contamination by Total Chromium in the soils downstream of the controlled landfill of Ourinhos/SP, and analyzing physically and chemically eight soil samples at depths of 0-20 and 20-100 cm. In the context of saturation of the landfill, the Selective Collection, held by the Cooperative Recicla Ourinhos, also becomes the object of this study, considering the 'catador' of recyclable materials as an actor of the waste management. The study showed that the presence of chromium in the samples does not denote contamination but infers physicochemical changes in the soil. Within the urban solid wast, the Recicla Ourinhos changes in the soil. Within the urban solid wast, the Recicla Ourinhos becomes a service that provides the Selective Collection, reinserting on average 200 tonnes of waste collected in the city, to the chain of materials.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    A Micro-Bacia do Ribeirão Vermelho (SP): análise de suas características físicas e sócio-econômicas
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011) Santos, Julia Andriani dos ; Zacharias, Andréa Aparecida ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This paper proposes an analysis of the physical and socio-economic watersheds of the Ribeirão Vermelho (SP) as well as a theoretical discussion of the importance of environmental zoning of landscapes serving as apparatus for conservation of nature and natural resources. It is necessary to research, since the urbanization process in Brazil was a factor contributing to illegal occupations in the wrong places, such as an Areas of Permanent Preservation. Mateo Rodriguez (1994) proposes a methodological framework comprising steps for the preparation of environmental zoning. Overall, this paper aims only the first two stages: the stage of Organization and Inventory. The environmental zoning in this watershed will be elaborated in a forthcoming proposal for doctoral theses. It has been as a result of this research analyzes cartograms of geological, geomorphological, soil, drainage network and land use and soil. These cartograms will be essential to the further development of environmental zoning of the watersheds of the Ribeirão Vermelho.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Música, identidade e mensagem: do Blues ao movimento Black Rio
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011) Trolezi, Caio Gonçalves ; Cunha, Fabiana Lopes da ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    North American black music consists of one of the manifestations richest in cultural terms and deeply is tied the movements of affirmation of the black in United States, mainly it enters the decades of 60 and 70 of century XX. Its importance in this period can be understood through the analysis of the industry of entertainment and this diffusion for other countries. Such musical sort in its historical and social development passed for some transformations during century XX, and was extremely important for the construction of identities and social and groups tied with its production, consumption and diffusion. We will deal quickly here to some styles fit in the great musical sort North American black music and to its unfoldings in Brazil, with the Movement Black Rio. We will look for to understand as these songs propagated ideas, behaviors and stimulated the construction of identities. For this work we look for to use as documentary sources, beyond specific bibliography on the subject, some musics, magazines specialized in these musical styles, films and sets of documents.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    A comercialização da produção agrícola no município de Piedade (SP)
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011) Fernandes, Erik Romano ; Mourão, Paulo Fernando Cirino ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The adoption of neoliberal policies in Brazil in the 1990s reduced the State's participation in several productive activities, including food production and distribution. It made it possible to operate private networks, including foreign, as well as growing marketing of fruit and vegetables. The town of Piedade (SP) has contributed a lot to food supply in the state of São Paulo. Some facts took places in the early 1990s, such as the onion crop crisis, the Green Belt of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo expansion, the reducing State participation and the increasing private capital participation caused significant changes in the fruit and vegetable production chain: from production to the end consumer. The aim of this paper is to clarify how the fruit and vegetable marketing works in Piedade and also to explain the producers' dependence on different agents to sell their products to the consumer centers.
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Análise das mudanças do uso e da cobertura da terra do município de Ourinhos entre 1984 e 2018
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-06-06) Araújo, Anderson Oliveira de ; Piroli, Edson Luís ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The survey of the use and the cover of the earth is fundamental for the analysis as the changes occurred in the study area of the time interval, occasioned in a natural or anthropic way. Ourinhos are one town located in the state of Sao Paulo is the most important as a culture of sugar cane and real estate speculation that have grown to broad steps in recent years. The objective of this work was to analyze and map how the changes occurred in the use and coverage of the land of Ourinhos between 1984 and 2018 in order to verify how Permanent Preservation Areas. In order to vectorize and obtain an area (in hectares and meters) of land use and land cover classes, images of the satellite Landsat 5 / Thematic Mapper and 8 / Operational Land Imager (1984, 1995, 2006 and 2018) topographic studies of Ourinhos and Jacarezinho (1973 and 1992, respectively) and the metropolitan photographs of 1984. The classes studied in this work were: urbanized area, campestral, sugar cane, farmhouse and rural seat, continental body of water, temporary culture, forest, pasture, silviculture, hydroelectric plant (present only in the maps of 2006 and 2018 to be founded at the beginning of the current century) and plant of sugar and alcohol. Through the mapping carried out, the most important changes were the increase in the area occupied by sugarcane cultivation and the reduction of the area of other temporary cultures, an increase in the extent of the streams, a small advance in the area of riparian forests motivated by pressures due to environmental laws number 12.651/2012, the increase in urbanization and the reduction of the area of planting and agricultural sites due to the rural exodus. The Permanent Preservation Areas of Ourinhos are not properly preserved for the occupation of the soil in the watercourses and increase of the forestry area. Geoprocessing techniques were of great importance for proper land management...
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Geografia, cinema e a cidade moderna: o papel do cinema enquanto transformador do imaginário social
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-11-08) Nogueira, Mateus Felício ; Dambrós, Cristiane ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The age of visual language reproduce the culture in an unprecedented speed, having the cinema as one of the main agentes in the transformation of the colective and individual immaginary. From this context, it can be understood that the cinema as a phenomenon essential to the reproduction and emancipation of culture and ideology. The encounter of the film work causes disquiet in the spectator in the most diverses aspects because the contact of the individuals with the images and sounds os the movie gives it self in distinct way, in other words, subjective. In this sense, the objective of this research is to comprehend the role of the cinema in the transformation of the social immaginary using movies as Taxi Driver (1976) and O Homem Que Virou Suco (1981). The theme links it self with Geography, mainly for the use of concepts of landscape and space tied to the conception cultural-humanistic, in other words, the phenomenology will be the theorical-methodologic bases used to the development of this reserach. The intrinsic relation from the people with the urban landscape or even with certain places that only are accustomed by the television or the cinema, when observed inside the film work, causes na impact, either by the generated identification, by the dream or motivation existent that the cinema enables. In the case of the geographical science also is interesting to mention the scale question, that is approuch by Oliveira (2005) inside the perspective of the subjectivity, when it's about the relation of the individuals with the film work. The cultural consumption runs at full speed, by having the media and marketing as means to indicate the final user the tendences. According as the urban space modifies with the time, the passing of the days, weeks, months, years and decades, along with it also modifies the way to live the city...
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    A Geopolítica dos Estados Unidos da América na doutrina Trump e a ordenação mundial
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018) Takiuchi, Matheus Seiji Bonfim ; Carvalho, Clerisnaldo Rodrigues de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not avaiable
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Inclusão e acessibilidade no centro de Bernardino de Campos
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018) Costa, Luiz Gustavo Scarano ; Sena, Carla Cristina Reinaldo Gimenes de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The topics related to inclusion and accessibility are important for society, as they support the discussion of the improvement the living conditions for disadvantaged and/or disabled people. In this context the aim of this study was to discuss the possibility of improving accessibility for people with disabilities in Quintino Bocaiúva Square in Bernardino de Campos / SP. During the development of the study, it was necessary to research the most important concepts related to inclusion and accessibility in Brazil and the historical context in which they were inserted, besides to search for alternatives for the proposed question. By means of interviews and fieldwork, it was possible to identify the accessibility points and the adaptation requirements in the square. After data collection, a set of tactile maps was elaborated using Tactile Cartography techniques that will be able to help users of this space. The result of this research was a reflection on the importance of seeking alternatives for the effective inclusion of all citizens of the Bernardino de Campos, regardless of the presence or not of some disability
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Balanço hídrico climatológico espectral aplicado a bacia do Rio Pardo - SP
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-11-09) Levyman, Leonardo Auge ; Fuzzo, Daniela Fernanda da Silva ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    In the last years, geotechnology has been emphasizing in several areas of knowledge, becoming an indispensable tool for the monitoring and studies of small and large territorial portions. The use of orbital images and geoprocessing techniques have proven to be able to combine different types of data and generate new cartographic products, these integrated products can be used in the specific case of the Hydrographic Basins. When considering environmental conditions, water demand should be analyzed in conjunction with basin studies, quantifying the entry and exit of a certain portion of the soil over a given time interval. Thus, the objective of this research was to test the Climatological Water Balance of Thorntwaite and Matter (1955), using spectral data, applied in the Rio Pardo Hydrographic Basin -SP. The period analyzed was the years 2010 to 2016 and the data were obtained using the global ECMWF model. The Water Balance was tested by spectral variables (temperature and precipitation) and validated with field data from surface meteorological stations. The data were specialized indicating areas with water deficits and surpluses within the analyzed basin, The results were satisfactory when compared with estimated data with observed values presenting high Wilmott d index. It was possible to observe important results for the Pardo River Basin, such as the identification of regions of deficiencies and surpluses within the basin area, showing the regions most affected by these changes in the accumulation and storage of soil water. The coverage of conventional meteorological stations does not cover large areas and has only data in its surroundings, while the Spectral Water Balance will bring a regional approach to analysis
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    O Uso de geotecnologias no ensino de geografia: uma experiência na educação básica
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018) Rodrigues, Lauriane ; Sena, Carla Cristina Reinaldo Gimenes de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Not avaiable
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Urbanização, arborização e conforto térmico no município de Ourinhos/SP
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018) Vizoná, João Vitor Ferreira ; Dambrós, Cristiane ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    In recent times there has been a growing public concern about the urban environment and the quality of life of citizens. Arborization is essential in any urban planning and has significant functions. Considering the importance of afforestation in the quality of life in cities, this study aimed to investigate the way in which urban vegetation influences the microclimate of the city and relate it to thermal comfort indexes. The work was carried out in the city of Ourinhos, considering the participation of the population to elaborate it. Through the authors, we came to conclusions about urbanization in Brazil, and the importance of green areas in cities. Through this information, we elaborated a study about the city of Ourinhos, using the data offered by the municipal government, and through interviews with the population, we arrived at the conclusions. The results reinforce the need for effective afforestation planning in order to achieve both the most comfortable conditions in the shade of the treetops and the aesthetic beauty and other functions that trees can give us about the thermal sensation in the immediate environment in the period of summer than in winter, with more comfortable conditions found in the shade of the tree canopy
  • ItemTrabalho de conclusão de curso
    Relâmpagos e o uso da fotografia como recurso científico e didático
    (Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-11-14) Martins, Guilherme Américo Peres ; Sena, Carla Cristina Reinaldo Gimenes de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Brazil is one of the countries in the world most subjected to the incidence of the atmospheric electrical discharges, because we live in a tropical country where the climate has high temperatures and humidity for most of the year. The lightning strikes cause about 130 deaths a year and more than 200 people injured, in addition to damages of the order of one billion reais. Most of the deaths occur in situations where people are outdoors and the state with the highest number of deaths is São Paulo, with approximately 30% of the total recorded in the country. The research was carried out with the objectives of studying, conceptualizing, characterizing and classifying lightning and analyzing in the last 5 years (2013 - 2017) the deaths by electric shocks in the State of São Paulo, which were provided by Dr. Osmar Pinto Junior coordinator of the Atmospheric Electricity Group (ELAT) of INPE (National Institute of Space Research) and also obtained through IPMET Bauru (Meteorological Research Institute), to disclose the main methods of prevention and the importance of photography as a way of scientific dissemination. In this work are also photographs of lightning from the author himself and other photographers, explaining how to capture these photographs during the night and day using a camera or cell phone. From the analysis of the results from a questionnaire that was carried out with society members, teachers, photographers and meteorologists on electric discharges, it was possible to understand the importance of this theme for the daily life of the population, the dissemination of these phenomena in the media, to protect against a situation with lightning effects and also in the school environment, where it is not presented as a content that is part of Geography within the climatology, being thus given to the students as a parallel theme, where the teachers...