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    Language, Subjectivity and Alterity: Humour in Children’s Discourse
    (2022-01-01) Del Ré, Alessandra ; Mendonça, Marina Célia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This text intends to present some considerations about language and discrimination, using the children’s humouristic language to discuss it. Our starting point is the following question: what is the role of the other (alterity) in the constitution of subjectivity, in and through language? We discuss this issue as we consider a specific phenomenon: children’s humour. The results of the analysis of the scenes of interaction between parents and child reveal the importance of the other in the constitution of this subject’s subjectivity in and through language. It is in the family (microculture) that what the child does and says is interpreted by others, and even if they do not understand exactly what the child really means (we will never know for sure), it is not important. The essential thing is to give meaning to what the child says, to be a language partner, to be the “broad vision” and then to help the child to constitute his/her own subjectivity. In the case of humour, the role of this other is also essential because it is the other who will guide the child in what he/she should understand as humour and what people laugh at in that family: it is through the bond that is created between the self and the other that humour exists. Finally, we understand that it is necessary to consider that if we understand the importance of the other in the constitution of the self - whoever this other may be and whatever they may bring to the self - how can we ever get to the point in which discrimination occurs? If we consider the role of the interaction with this other in order to become who we are, how can we ever value or undervalue them?.
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    Civic engagement and higher education: The 2014 elections and the political behavior of Brazilians
    (2017-01-01) Dias, André Luiz Vieira ; Kerbauy, Maria Teresa Miceli ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The objective of this chapter is to analyze the influence of the variable schooling on the political behavior of Brazilians. It starts from the assumption that this is an independent variable capable of awakening a more interested, participatory and coherent behavior, therefore, engaged citizens. In this sense, we seek to verify that Brazilian citizens are informed and interested in politics; motivated to participate in elections and other political activities; and their assessment and satisfaction with the democratic process. In particular, there is the behavior of those who have completed higher education, compared to other levels of education in order to identify distinct behavioral patterns. From the data obtained by ESEB 2014 and descriptive analysis of the data, we applied the logistic regression model relating the variable schooling and other variables grouped into four categories: a) socioeconomic aspects; b) information and interest in politics; c) participation in the elections, in traditional and nontraditional political activities; and d) evaluation and political satisfaction. Among the most educated, we have predominance of women, a younger audience and with family income subtly than the less educated. They tend to behave differently: they are slightly more informed and interested in politics; despite the low percentages found, they are the ones that participate in political activities in general; they are the ones who support democracy, but the most dissatisfied with their operation. This study allows us to understand the behavior patterns of Brazilians and, more specifically, the most educated, poorly studied by political science in Brazil.
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    Notes on the Role of the Teacher in Indigenous School Education1
    (2008-01-01) Peggion, Edmundo Antônio ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    It is at the intersection between education and culture that lies the central point in a discussion about the educational processes in which indigenous peoples have recently involved themselves. Both terms carry with them an idea of a set of values and traditions, either internal or external, which need to be considered when working with indigennous peoples. Much has been said about indigenous school education, the experiences and results of programmes which are currently being developed in Brazil, but what is the impact of these processes? By virtue of their novelty, there are few systematic studies that address key structural questions.
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    Paulo Freire em traduções audiovisuais: sobre como e por que se apropriar da cultura digital
    (Pedro & João Editores, 2023) Silva, Ketiuce Ferreira ; Prata-Linhares, Martha Maria ; Martins, Adalto Marques ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Este capítulo de livro apresenta um relato de experiência com o curso de extensão intitulado Paulo Freire em traduções audiovisuais, cujo objetivo geral foi refletir sobre a articulação entre as contribuições de Paulo Freire e a criação de produções audiovisuais em favor da formação para a cidadania e da apropriação de práticas educativas integradas às tecnologias digitais. Os resultados da experiência apontaram para a relevância da obra de Paulo Freire para a formação e atuação docente, o que inclui pensar as tecnologias digitais enquanto recursos pedagógicos e objeto de estudo.
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    O olhar da protagonista feminina em "L'orgia" de Alberto Moravia
    (Cultura Acadêmica, 2022) Muknicka, Sérgio Gabriel ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    Este capítulo critica e analisa o conto "A orgia" do escritor romano Alberto Moravia.
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    Communities of practice through intercultural telecollaboration
    (2022-05-27) Castro-Prieto, Paloma ; Salomão, Ana Cristina Biondo ; Derivry-Plard, Martine ; Fan, Sa-Hui ; University of Valladolid ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Institute of Education ; National Taichung University of Education
    Communities of practice provide challenging learning opportunities based on the principles of interaction, participation, dialogue, and relationship building. This chapter aims to explore how intercultural telecollaboration contributes to the development of a multicultural community of practice in the context of initial teacher education. Four groups of student teachers from four different languages and cultures- two in Europe, one in Asia, and one in South America-work together through the medium of English in an intercultural telecollaboration project. The project is examined in terms of community building through the experience journal of the student teachers as a reflective narrative on how they built a sense of community to sustain their interactions and negotiation of meaning. The findings strongly suggest that intercultural telecollaboration creates a powerful learning environment where students and teachers can find opportunities to cooperate, understand and support each other, and enhance their perceptions of teaching English from an intercultural perspective.
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    Developing teachers’ competencies through intercultural telecollaboration
    (2021-01-01) Derivry-Plard, Martine ; Castro-Prieto, Paloma ; Salomão, Ana Cristina Biondo ; Fan, Sa-Hui ; Bordeaux University ; University of Valladolid ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; National Taichung University of Education
    This chapter aims at describing and discussing how a virtual intercultural exchange environment designed through three continents to support the learning and collaborative activities of student-teachers from Brazil, Spain, France, and Taiwan can be used to develop teachers’ competencies. Students from four different languages and cultures work together using the medium of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) to exchange their views on education through collaborative tasks. An in-depth analysis of the above learning environment will be presented, transferring what we gained from the students’ experiences into a teacher training proposal. In our specific intercultural exchange context, we will discuss what the tasks are, what they are used for, and how they prove to be essential as emerging practices of reflection and negotiation of intercultural reality when different perspectives interact. This three-continent environment also helps build emerging core educative cultures among future professionals in education for teachers of English or teachers of other disciplines using ELF. In the context of competency-based teacher education, intercultural telecollaboration is viewed as a challenge and as an opportunity for the development of competency-based repertoires of teachers in intercultural communication.
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    Competency-based teacher education and sociocultural theory: Exploring connections
    (2021-01-01) Salomão, Ana Cristina Biondo ; Bedran, Patrícia Fabiana ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This chapter aims to present an overview of language teacher education, discussing concepts such as teacher training and teacher development, and implications of how contemporary perspectives on different practice situations are driving forces toward the reconceptualization of the knowledge base of teacher education. Learning to teach today is understood as a long and complex process of development resulting from participation in social practices and contexts associated with teaching and learning. Therefore, we intend to discuss how a sociocultural perspective meets an interpretative view of reality and provides elements for the (re)construction and transformation of teaching practices. This places knowledge as intimately and dynamically linked to experience and highlights the role of human agency in professional development. We then relate this to competency-based language education.
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    The summits of the Americas: Continuities and changes in the hemispheric agenda of William Clinton and George W. Bush
    (2007-01-01) Ayerbe, Luis Fernando ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
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    Some properties for exact generalized processes
    (2015-01-01) Simsen, Jacson ; Capelato, Érika ; Universidade Federal de Itajubá ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this work, we define an exact generalized process and we establish some results such as monotonicity, compactness, and upper semicontinuity for the multivalued process defined by the exact generalized process. The main result is on compactness, invariance, and attraction properties of ω-limit sets.
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    The recent economic crisis in Brazil and beyond: Some discussions on the weight of empirical issues, methodology and rhetoric
    (2019-03-04) Strachman, Eduardo ; Signorini, Inês ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
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    The finances of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR)
    (2019-01-01) Mariano, Karina Lilia Pasquariello ; Ribeiro, Clarissa Correa Neto ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Group for Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture and Development (GEICD)
    Regional institutions in Latin America have as major characteristics a low degree of bureaucratisation and an intergovernmental logic. These are important elements to explain characteristics related to their financing aspects, as the integration budget is an indicator of a regional organisation’s vitality. This chapter analyses the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) and its budgetary process, based on an understanding of its institutional structure and asymmetries. The impact of the relaunching of MERCOSUR in the 2000s on the finances of the integration process is examined using the Fund for the Structural Convergence of MERCOSUR (FOCEM) as a detailed case. The choice to analyse FOCEM is justified due to its role in structural development, as it represents one of the main initiatives in the budgetary sphere. Finally, the present state of MERCOSUR is discussed, as well as the effects of the current crisis in Argentina and Brazil on the bloc’s finances and some conclusions are drawn regarding the budgetary future of this integration process and the limitations imposed by the intergovernmental structure.
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    A Comparative Study of the Sounds of European and Brazilian Portuguese: Phonemes and Allophones
    (2016-04-08) Massini-Cagliari, Gladis ; Cagliari, Luiz Carlos ; Redenbarger, Wayne J. ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Ohio State University
    This chapter focuses on the sounds of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) with special attention given to the Paulista dialect. When European Portuguese (EP) presents noticeable differences from BP the author provides appropriate comments and examples in the chapter. BP has 21 consonantal phonemes. All these consonants appear in the word-initial syllable onsets, except the palatals and tap, which are found only word-internally. At the phonetic level, other consonants appear, as a result of the application of various phonetic processes. One of the most salient differences between BP and EP is the occurrence in EP of the unstressed tense vowel, where BP uses the lax vowel. A striking feature of EP when compared with BP is the greater occurrence of voiceless vowels. In BP, voiceless vowels are only found in word-final position before pause, and not always then. In EP they are regularly found in that and other contexts.
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    (2014-01-01) Prevost, Gary ; Campos, Carlos Oliva ; Ayerbe, Luis Fernando ; Vanden, Harry E. ; College of Saint Benedict ; University of Havana ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Harvard University ; University of Barcelona ; University of South Florida
    The security policy of the United States in the whole of the Western Hemisphere must be placed in its broad historic perspective with attention to the current moment of the twenty-first century. For two centuries, back to the time of Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe, leaders in Washington, DC, have viewed the hemisphere as the natural sphere of influence for the United States, a place of great economic interest for the United States in terms of investment, raw materials, and markets. That reality has not changed over two centuries, only changes over time have been in the ability of the United States to extend its dominance in the region. The part of the region closest to the United States-Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean-came under US control in the first 30 years of the twentieth century and remain there in the twenty-first century. That control remains primarily through regional trade agreements and the newly launched security initiatives. The United States’ influence in South America has always been more fluid and it remains so in the early twenty-first century. The United States has always sought a dominant role in South America due to its vast resources and markets. In the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century, the United States extended some measure of economic influence throughout South America but the reality of British and French political and economic power thwarted US domination.
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    Quality of life X quantity of life: The right to die with dignity protected by the advanced directives institutes
    (2015-01-01) Deserti, Bruna Sitta ; Veiga, Hélio ; Marchetto, Patrícia Borba ; Corona, Roberto Brocanelli ; Lamenha Gomes, Thiago Soares ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    In the last century we have witnessed a great development in medicine. New drugs and sophisticated surgical interventions present the proposal for a long life, almost as a product available on the market. Facing death as a natural process is increasingly distant from people's lives nowadays. Quantity of life does not mean quality of life. In cases of incurable diseases, the best treatment is to accept the condition and offer palliative cares to ensure the quality of life that still remains. It cannot be forgotten that behind all the medical techniques in development there are human beings who ought to be at the center of the medical-patient relation and have their dignity and autonomy respected. There is a juridical mechanism called Advanced Directives, popularly known as Living Will, which is a public document to register all the medical directions regarding health care treatments and procedures that the patients do not wish to be submitted to, that can be used to ensure that the patients wishes concerning his life will be respected when he may not be able to express his will. The advanced directives defend the dignity of every human being and the palliative cares rather than the pursuit of a cure.