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  • ItemArtigo
    Learning activity: its contribution to the development of theoretical thinking of children at school
    (2020-01-01) Mame, Osvaldo Augusto Chissonde ; Miguel, José Carlos ; Miller, Stela ; Universidade José Eduardo dos Santos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The purpose of this article is to analyze the contribution of learning activity to the development of theoretical thinking of the child from the first years of elementary school, a period previous to early childhood education in which the child, by means of the activity that promotes his development, social role-play, begins to take the first steps of the formation of his personality. The child's entry into school provides conditions for him to develop his psyche, now through learning activity, directed by the teacher through his intentionally programmed teaching activity to drive student learning. This movement concretizes the change of the main activity of the small child to the main activity of the schoolchild, that is, from the social role-play to learning activity that governs the most important changes in the psychic processes and in the psychological traits of the child's personality in school age. The learning activity proposes to develop theoretical thinking through scientific concepts as opposed to teaching that promotes students' empirical thinking. This article derives from qualitative research, based on a bibliographical basis, with reference to a set of authors, psychologists and psychopedagogues, of the Cultural-Historical Theory and Developmental Teaching, whose works express the objectification and orientation of a school that is committed to integral and human development of children and whose theoretical matrix is dialectical and historical materialism. The research carried out allows us to affirm that an organized education to develop learning activity in the children promotes the conditions to develop their theoretical thinking and assimilate the scientific knowledge.
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    (Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2022-04-01) Pereira Sales, Giza Guimaraes ; Castro, Rosane Michelli de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Ctr Univ Adventista Ensino Sao Paulo UNASP
    For more than a century in Brazil, the Normal Schools were consolidated as the main institutions of teacher education. In order to understand how the process of formation of Primary teachers in the country occurred, between the mid-19th century and the end of the 20th century, in this text, aspects of the history of these institutions are resumed, and, with this, we seek to identify which importance existed the school libraries existing inside these schools and how they were constituted as a specific locus of training and knowledge. The proposal that demands the conduction of this discussion consists of analyzing specificities in relation to the Libraries of the Normal Schools, considered as centers of production and circulation of pedagogical knowledge essential for the formation of the future teacher.
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    Teacher education and development in active learning methods
    (2022-01-01) Medeiros, Rodolfo De Oliveira ; Marin, Maria José Sanches ; Lazarini, Carlos Alberto ; De Castro, Rosane Michelli ; Higa, Elza De Fátima Ribeiro ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Mestrado Acadêmico “Saúde e Envelhecimento” ; Famema
    Active learning methods have shown themselves to be important tools in the teaching and learning process, making the continuous education of university teachers in the area of health necessary. The aim of this study was to analyze education in this area and the strategies suggested for the continuous professional development of teachers. We conducted a qualitative field study grounded in the premises of social representation theory with 40 teachers from a higher education institution. The results pointed to two core thematic categories (continuous education and permanent education) and four subcategories (training workshops, digital information and communication technologies, reflecting on practice, and training workshops). The findings of this study can contribute to strengthening strategies for the continuous professional development of university teachers in the area of health.
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    Textbooks of Normal Schools as a source of historical research
    (Editora Univ Leopoldlanum, 2022-01-01) Grespan, Fernanda Plaza ; Conceicao, Aline de Novaes ; Castro, Rosane Michelli de ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    In this text, we focus on textbooks, which are artifacts of school culture, to analyze those used in Normal Schools between 1940 and 1970. The methodology used is the historical approach centered on literature review and documentary research on the period from 1940 to 1970, focusing on the textbooks of Normal Schools. The time frame covers the period when there was an expansion of Normal Schools in Brazil. The results of the study presented in this text indicate that theoretical assumptions emphasize the importance of textbooks as a source of studies in the History of Education and as a cultural artifact, considering the relevance of school culture and the environment of Normal Schools for teacher training and Brazil's historical and social situation in that period.
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    (2020-01-01) Miller, Stela ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article aims to reflect on teaching and learning to read and write as a humanizing process. The bases for this reflection are the assumptions of the Cultural-Historical Theory, which defends the socio-historical-cultural conditionality of man, of the Activity Theory, which proposes the activity as fundamental in the constitution of social subjects and, also, of bakhtinian thought about enunciation. Because of this reflection, we affirm that the best way to teach and learn the mother tongue is to think, plan and organize it in order to promote in the student the ability to read constituting a responsive understanding for statements and write producing statements addressed to real readers. Reading and writing projects are suitable for this purpose when developed through activities whose object is the discursive enunciation, and the study actions focus on the reading of statements produced socially and historically, and the production of statements in their social function. Thus, the work with reading and written production is no longer merely formal and becomes an instrument of humanization of the student, who will be able to gain an understanding of others' statements and the ability to produce statements for others
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    (2021-01-01) Marcolino, Suzana ; Mello, Suely Amaral ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This article presents the results of post-doctorate research with the objective of verifying whether the presentation of objects without a specific function articulated to the gradual removal of toys creates a circumstance in which the use of the former potentiates psychological processes in a child’s development. The theoretical framework is Historical-Cultural Psychology, more precisely D. Elkonin’s theory of playtime. The methodology is inspired by pedagogical experimentation: a similar condition to the pedagogical context is created and actions are performed in order to know its effects. Children aged between 4 and 5 years participated in the research. The results show that the removal of toys leads to the use of objects with no specific function and enhances the use of the words in situations in which the child seeks a substitute object for the missing toy. This behavior is an indication that the child is taking steps towards conceptual thinking.
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    Histórias do tio damião (1942-1951), by lourenco filho: An interpretation of brazil through children’s literature
    (2018-01-01) Bertoletti, Estela Natalina Mantovani ; Mortatti, Maria Do Rosário Longo ; Mato Grosso do Sul State University ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Brazilian educator Manuel Bergstrom Lourenco Filho (1897-1970) dedicated himself to a range of activities with national and international repercussion. Despite of the importance of his work and his concern with education in accordance with the principles of the educational renovation movement as well as with the political debate surrounding the modernization of the nation, especially from the 1930s onward, his production as a writer of children’s literature remained overlooked. Aiming to understand this facet of this educator’s work, the Serie Historias do Tio Damiao (1942-1951) is analyzed. It can be concluded that, by means of these books, Lourenco Filho taught an interpretation of Brazil to the children of the time, as well as a way of writing and editing texts and teaching through children’s literature, to adults of that time and beyond.
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    Desafios da formação docente no curso de pedagogia: Aligeiramento e Pragmatismo
    (2013-11-11) Cação, Maria Izaura ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This paper analyzes recent policies of teacher eduation in Brazil related to the employment and professional dimmensions of the teaching career. It analyzes teacher education policies, and the guidelines established by the World Bank in the 1990s, to reform higher education in the so-called developing countries, focusing on th implementation of neolibera educational policies. These policies have produced a new value for educational insititutions: they are emptying schools of education; defertilization of schools; deintellectualization of the teacher profession; pauperization, fragmentation and emptying the contents teacher education programs and recontextualization of the nexus theory-practice. The reforms after the Directives and Bases of Education - Law No. 9394/1996, with respect to the education of teachers, are analyzed in relation to the process of productive restructuring. We analyze the relation between theory and practice, given the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education Course (DCNCP, 2006), focusing on the Course of Pedagogy for the Faculty of Philosophy and Science, at the Paulista State University, Campus of Marilia. This course offers an extensive practical training, but restricted as to the academic content offered, limiting the possibilities of an in-depth training for the future teachers. Discussing these relations, this article presents the assessment of the students in the course and concludes offering perspectives for a humanizing and critical training.
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    FRAGMENTS OF A STORY: Rick, his goals and achievements through eye movements
    (Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Education, 2022-03-01) Arena, Dagoberto Buim ; Santos, Sonia de Oliveira ; Pimenta, Raissa de Paula ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Secretaria Educ Estado Sao Paulo
    The article discusses school life and the preparation to write an opinion article in ENEM of 2021/2022 of a young man who uses only his eyes to read and write, user of a notebook with an eye mouse. purchased with the collaboration of the community where lives. For this preparation, a research and extension project, financed by the Pro-Rectory of UNESP, was set in motion by a team composed of a researcher, a fellow, and a special education teacher, in Marilia. SP in the year 2020. The weekly meetings with the student, in person at the beginning, were replaced by remote ones with the arrival of the pandemic in March. In the first meetings, the young man. aspiring to a degree in journalism, exchanged information about argumentative and persuasive principles, and had access to videos and articles on topics debated in the media. Gradually, domestic conditions were no longer adequate for the continuation of work remotely. In January 2021, although enrolled, the student did not participate in ENEM. In March 2021, when the project's deadline expired, the team instructed him to enroll in a free pre-college course organized by students from the UNESP campus in Marilia. The fragments of sketches of an opinion article on racism analyzed in this article reveal that the youth had begun to develop argumentative structures, typical of opinion articles, in the approach to controversial issues.
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    (Fundacao Univ Tocantins, 2021-10-01) Kohle, Erika Christina ; Miller, Stela ; Silva Clarindo, Cleber Barbosa da ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Programa Posgrad Educ
    This article aims to discuss the new relationships established among the main actors of teaching and learning process in remote education, imposed by the need for social isolation brought about by the arrival of Covid-19 in our country, presenting data on remote work in two schools in the municipality of Marilia-SP, one from the Municipal System and another from the State Education System. The data revealed that social inequalities in times of crisis are more accentuated, given the differences in access to the technologies used to guide the teaching-learning process. Another relevant fact was the value given by the students' family members to the teachers as fundamental actors in conducting this process, providing the students with the possibility of appropriating knowledge, and, consequently, of developing the cognitive abilities of their children and/ or tutors.
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    Intervalo em branco como signo no processo de apropriação da escrita
    (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, 2015) Arena, Dagoberto Buim ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This essay aims to put into debate the functions and importance of blank space or blank interval in children's literacy process, and understand their role as a sign in the process of appropriation of discursive enunciations. Arguments that question the strictly alphabetical nature of language and that are in opposition to the need of development of phonological awareness are presented. The article advocates the principle that there is a screen thinking culturally constructed by characters and signs, among which there are the blank intervals or the blank spaces. In order to show the creation of intervals without perceiving their functions, two figures collected from a book of a French school are analyzed. The arguments support the thesis that the child appropriates the discourse, and; therefore, the intervals gain important functions during the process of conceptualization of discursive units
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    (Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade, 2019-05-30) Soares, Olavo Pereira ; Cerveira, Rosimeire Bragança ; Mello, Suely Amaral ; Universidade Federal de Alfenas ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The article analyzes research data developed with students attended by a full-time public-school program - 90% of them in situations of social vulnerability. The data was collected by the music teacher who carried out an academic research on the subject. This work’s goal is to demonstrate that music education in school can bring a humanizing perspective, when educating in music means to enable the learning of music as a historical, social and cultural phenomenon, that can be understood and produced by all human beings.
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    Travessias na EJA: a extensão universitária como ponte do fazer, do aprender, do pensar
    (Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade, 2015) Camargo, Maria Rosa Rodrigues Martins De ; Miguel, José Carlos ; Zanata, Eliana Marques ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    To articulate reflections on the production of knowledge in the field of Youth and Adult Education, EJA, in the dynamics of University extension courses, we focus on the Youth and Adult Education Program (Peja), developed at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquista Filho (Unesp) since 2001. The objectives that organize the activities in the program are: assisting people with little or no instruction, and training educators and graduate students pursuing various Bachelor's degrees who work in teaching activities in various social institutions. The article refers to a systematic analysis of the material sources used in the intervention proposals and studies, based upon the cultural history with a focus on cultural practices, in language studies under the perspective of dialogue and the cultural-historical approach, the basis for the construction of objects of thought. Immersion in the sources brings to the surface issues that contribute to the reflection when constituting inherent subsidies to educational, cultural and political practices.
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    Reading of musical staff and reading of verbal written language: convergences and divergences
    (Univ Federal Goias, 2020-01-01) Demicio, Mauro Sergio ; Luz, Marcelo Caires ; Arena, Dagoberto Buim ; Inst Fed Educ & Ciencias & Tecnol Rondonia ; Inst Fed Rondonia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    In this paper, the objective is to establish relationships between reading texts in written language and reading musical staff, establishing convergences and divergences and starting a debate divided between those who take this act by deciphering and those who take it as an intelligent process about creating senses. The text is aligned with the second group, especially from the contemporary conceptions of music education and the conceptions of art as the only symbolic form capable of making explicit the human feelings in their totality. We have preliminary conclusions that the theoretical approximation of the two acts of reading can provide other perspectives for the teaching-learning process of musical reading.
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    (Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2020-12-01) Castro, Rosane Michelli de ; Oliveira Reis, Karina Cassia ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    In this article, we explore aspects about the role of the school and the teaching of schoolchildren, given the learning difficulties presented during Elementary School I (1st to 5th year) and that concern the necessary distancing from diagnoses that have led to the medicalization of Education. We focus on theorizations that emphasize the importance of intentional teaching, of action-reflection-action of the teacher. We present what is characteristic of the school team, the pedagogical interventions, in different places of the school space to meet the learning needs presented by the children, especially those with difficulties in carrying out the activities. For that, we prioritize presenting results of pedagogical interventions through the tour class. The target audience for our intervention was elementary schools I (1st to 5th grade). The tour class, inspired by Freinet's thinking, allowed us to offer other possibilities for the children to recognize and systematize, with the help of the most experienced partner, the proposed activities, especially those that favor the cognitive exercise of reading and of writing by children considered to have learning difficulties. Indistinctly, all children demonstrated their appropriations, showing success in all activities. Thus, we consider that educators and other subjects in the school community, especially family members, should not mistakenly treat learning difficulties as psychological or psychiatric disorders, resorting to diagnoses that lead to the medicalization of schoolchildren, therefore, Education, and distance the school and its teachers from what is the essence of the teaching action that is didactic-pedagogical.
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    Dialogues between children of childhood education and a teacher around the work Cena de rua (Street scene), by Angela Lago
    (Univ Federal Espirito Santo, 2020-01-01) Arena, Dagoberto Buim ; Santos, Sonia de Oliveira ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This article is the result of research carried out around the Street Scene Book, by Angela Lago. The objective is to understand the dialogues between children aged 4 and 5 and a teacher at a public early childhood school in Marilia (Sao Paulo) while reading the work. The guiding questions were: What knowledge and experience do Brazilian children insert in the dialogues? What are the common or distinct aspects, highlighted by them, from their cultural reference universe? What are the referrals made by the teacher? The theoretical framework for the analysis of the dialogues is in accordance with the conceptions of language by Valentin Volochinov (2002; 2010) and Lev Jakubinskij (2012). The results indicate that children interpret works of art from the social, economic and cultural place in which they find themselves and according to their psychic formation based on their experiences.
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    (Univ Estadual Sudoeste Bahia, 2020-01-01) Miguel, Jose Carlos ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    The article discusses the process of formation of the concept of proportionality by elementary school students and the pedagogical implications of its didactic exploration in the perspective of developmental teaching. It uses extensive bibliographic research, document analysis and mathematical activities of usual teaching materials, dealing with perceptions and representations about mathematical situations involving the notions of direct and inverse proportionality. The results point to the need for teachers to consider the relationships between the lived, the perceived and the conceived in teaching the notion of proportionality, exploring different mathematical situations in the context of semiotic representations of ideas from the multiplicative field.
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    (Univ Estadual Campinas, Fac Educacao, 2020-04-01) Kohle, Erika Christina ; Miller, Stela ; Silva Clarindo, Cleber Barbosa da ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This article intends to demonstrate that the teaching of the production of enunciates by means of acts of writing with social function makes possible the appearance of the necessity of this production that brings value to the subjects and motivates them to accomplish such acts. This theme was the object of research carried out with the objective of understanding the processes of appropriation and objectification of discursive genres by children of Elementary Education - Early Years of a recovery and reinforcement project, based on a dialogic approach to teaching mother language, by means of three strategies: (1) promote the teaching of language through the genres of discourse, (2) create motivating conditions for students to appropriate writing, (3) work textual production with a social function. The article brings to the discussion proposals of work developed with the subjects of the research, using theoretical reference that considers the studies of Bakhtin, Volochinov and some authors of the Cultural-Historical Theory, admitting that the dialogue between these studies provides a dynamic vision of language and offers elements that support work with discursive genres in a situation of social use. The data show that, from the production of statements inserted in an extra verbal situation, schoolchildren are more motivated to engage in writing acts that conduct them to the development of language skills that allow the students to perform them whenever necessary both in their school life and out-of-school life.
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    (Fundacao Univ Tocantins, 2020-03-01) Blackman, Cledenice ; Arena, Dagoberto Buim ; Antonelli Marcelino Brabo, Tania Suely ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) ; Prefeitura Municipal Porto Velho & Bibliotecaria ; Inst Fed Educ Ciencia & Tecnol Rondonia IFRO ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
    This article makes a brief historical contextualization about the immigration process in the early 20th century from the English Antilles to Brazil, more specifically to Porto Velho. The objective is to analyze how happened the process of acculturation of these immigrants, called here Afro-Antilles, but recognized in the historical text of the region of Rondonia as the Barbadians. In this way, we highlight the relationship between the mother tongue and the Portuguese language in the initial literacy process. The data were obtained from sources such as bibliographies, documents, photos, a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview with two descendants of the community of Porto Velho, Rondonia. The conclusions indicate the confrontation and embarrassment of the research participants as children when they entered schools in the 1940s and 1970s. On the one hand, they came almost or totally literate in English, with the support of the orolity of the dialect bajan, and, another, they went through a new process to learn Portuguese, supposedly to be aerate, but in reality they were learning a foreign language. The progressive process of acculturation of Afro-Antilles and their descendants promoted their cultural rarefaction, the erasure of the dialect, the adaptation of their family names and the loss of cultural identity.
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    The digital technologies of information and communication by the prism of digital language
    (Univ Federal Tocantins, Campus Tocantinopolis, 2019-01-01) Bersi, Rodrigo Martins ; Miguel, Jose Carlos ; Arena, Dagoberto Buim ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    This essay analyzes TDIC - Digital Information and Communication Technologies through the prism of language, as it gives the new technologies the status of digital language. It takes aspects of Vygotsky's Historical Cultural Theory, and principles of the philosophy of language discussed by members of the so-called Bakhtin Circle, to interpret digital technologies as a new human language and their implications for education. It is a theoretical reading about TDICs, seen as a revolution in human technique, because it goes beyond the daily perspective of resources as mere instruments. The aim is to highlight its aspects of development, understood as intellectual technology that is configured in the mediation that establishes between the subjects of social and communicative exchange, on the one hand, and learning, on the other, and causes epistemological changes regarding knowledge about learning human. From this perspective, it is possible to recognize the specificities of digital language in relation to orality and writing as an autonomous and under construction language, which allows articulating concepts such as scripts, multimodality and hypertext, as well as implementing notions such as navigation and that of digital utterances. This enriches theoretical and epistemological discussions about TDIC in the educational context, and acknowledges its implications for learning and human development beyond its utilitarian bias.