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  • ItemAnais
    Ocorrência de clostridioides difficile em bezerros
    (Revista Brasileira de Buiatria, 2023-12-01) Cerri, Fabrício Moreira ; Basso, Roberta Martins ; Araújo Júnior, João Pessoa ; Pereira, Wanderson Adriano Biscola ; Oliveira Filho, José Paes de ; Borges, Alexandre Secorun ; Associação Brasileira de Buiatria (ABB)
    Clostridioides difficile é o agente causador da diarreia e da colite pseudomembranosa,especialmente em pacientes humanos internados e sob antibioticote rapia. O conjunto dessas infecções causadas por este patógeno denomina-se infecção por C. difficile (CDI). Em bezerros a diarreia neonatal é causada por inúmeros patógenos virais, bacterianos e parasitários. Todavia, à CDI em bezerros ainda é incerta e precisa ser melhor compreendida. Desta forma, este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a ocorrência de C. difficile em bezerros neonatos em propriedade rurais de subsistência com baixa tecnificação de Botucatu/SP. Os procedimentos realizados foram aprovados pela Comissão de Ética no Uso de Animais - CEUA (Protocolo 0215/2022- CEUA). Foram colhidas 25 amostras de fezes diretamente da ampola retal de bezerros de cinco propriedades (A, B, C, D e E). Os bezerros possuíam idade média de 18,9±9 dias e criados em sistema extensivo de produção de leite, permanecendo juntos às vacas durante a maior parte do dia,sendo apartados apenas 10h antes da ordenha. As amostras de fezes foram inoculadas em meio líquido de frutose não seletivo enriquecido com 0,1% de tauracolato de sódio por 8 dias a 37ºC, com posterior choque com etanol 100%. Em seguida foram plaqueadas em meio ágar C. difficile moxalactam norfloxacin (CDMN) enriquecido com 5% de sangue desfibrinado de equino e incubadas a 37º C em anaerobiose. As colônias sugestivas de C. difficile foram confirmadas pelo teste de L-Prolina e semeadas em ágar Columbia. Realizou-se a obtenção do DNA e a PCR multiplex para determinação do perfil toxigênico (tcdA,tcdB, cdtA e cdtB); e realização da PCR-ribotipagem para as cepas toxigênicas, além da avaliação do perfil de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos e motilidade. Dos bezerros estudados, oito apresentavam diarreia no momento da colheita. Foi realizado o isolamento do C. difficile em 38,5% (10/25 dos bezerros, obtendo-se os seguintes resultados de ocorrência 1/5 (20%), 1/2 (50%), 2/3 (66%), 1/5 (20%) e 5/10 (50%) nas propriedades A,B,C, D e E, respectiva mente. Dentre os bezerros com diarreia, quatro foram positivos no cultivo em anaerobiose (4/8 -50%),sendo todas as cepas não produtoras de toxinas. Entre os 10 isolados, nove amostras foram não toxigênicas e uma foi toxigênica (A B CDT ), pertencendo ao ribotipo 106 (RT106), isolada de um bezerro com 30 dias de idade com histórico prévio de Tristeza Parasitária Bovina na propriedade, sem a realização de antibioticoterapai A. Esta cepa apresentou resistência à vancomicina e foi sensível a morfloxacina e com a presença de colônias heteroresistentes (vancomicina,metronidazol e rifampici na) e bastante móvel,quando comparada ao controle positivo (cepa R20291).O RT 106, é um dos mais comuns detectados em seres humanos e animais, foi descrito recentemente causando surtos hospitalares em unidades de terapia intensiva humana e no Brasil já foi descrito em cães,porém esta é a primei ra descrição em bezerros.A presença de colônias heteroresistentes com perfil multirresistente a antimicrobianos,principalmente ao metronidazol,pode estar associada a quadros mais graves da doença.A presença do C. difficile em bezerros de leite, pode favorecer a transmissão destas cepas a seres humanos e a animais mais jovens ou imunocomprometidos. O C. difficile pode ser encontrado em bezerros neonatos, e cepas toxigênicas circulam entre esta faixa etária.
  • ItemArtigo
    Eletroneutralidade e gamblegram no equilíbrio ácido-base em grandes animais
    (Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária, 2022-02-15) Cerri, Fabrício Moreira ; Oliveira, João Pedro Marmol de ; Bromberg, Cristiana Raach ; Lisbôa, Júlio Augusto Naylor ; Oliveira Filho, José Paes de ; Amorim, Rogério Martins ; Borges, Alexandre Secorun ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
    As alterações do equilíbrio ácido-base são usualmente observadas por meio da hemogasometria, sendo esse exame fundamental para tratamento do paciente. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar a importância da compreensão da teoria de eletroneutralidade e da sua representação gráfica (gamblegram), demonstrando sua aplicabilidade na rotina clínica. Para isso, dois casos clínicos em grandes animais são demonstrados. O primeiro caso é de um potro neonato com diarreia há seis dias, apresentando hiponatremia, hipocalemia e hipocloremia, com redução de SID3, determinando acidose metabólica por íons fortes com redução de HCO3-. O gamblegram nos primeiros dias de internamento apresentou a influência da hiponatremia e hipercloremia relativa sobre a concentração de HCO3-. Inicialmente, fez-se a reposição de HCO3-, Ca2 ++ e K+. O segundo caso é de um bovino adulto com refluxo abomasal, que apresentou hipocloremia, hipocalemia e normonatremia; as alterações em questão resultaram em alcalose metabólica iônica. O gamblegram foi eficaz na representação gráfica dessas alterações e da sua repercussão sobre o equilíbrio ácido-base de maneira sucinta. As alterações nas concentrações de eletrólitos merecem atenção e a reposição deve ser imediata e constante. O gamblegram é uma ferramenta útil para os clínicos, sendo capaz de representar alterações complexas de maneira prática.
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    Electrocardiographic and Echocardiographic Parameters in Pega Breed Donkeys: A Descriptive Study
    (2023-03-01) Cruz-Aleixo, Amanda Sarita ; de Oliveira, Karina Cristina ; de Oliveira Ferreira, Lucas Vinícius ; Cedeo Quevedo, Dario Alejandro ; Cruz, Raíssa Karolliny Salgueiro ; Tsunemi, Miriam Harumi ; Chiacchio, Simone Biagio ; Lourenço, Maria Lucia Gomes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University of Nariño ; Cesmac University Center
    Clinical, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic parameters in Pega donkeys are scarce in the literature; hence, this study was performed to describe the echocardiographic and electrocardiographic measurements in Pega breed donkeys. The objectives of this study were to describe and illustrate the clinical, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic parameters in Pega donkeys used for reproduction. Fifty Pega breed donkeys were evaluated, with an average age of 3.4 years and with 20 males and 30 females. In each animal, the electrocardiographic examination at rest was performed using the TEB® computerized system, and the echocardiographic examination was performed using an ultrasound device with a Doppler function multifrequency sectorial transducer in 2D mode (Sonosite® M turbo). Standardizing the electrocardiographic and echocardiographic parameters for the Pega breed donkey can contribute to future assessments regarding possible changes that excessive effort can promote in these parameters to a management engrossed on animal welfare.
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    Allele frequency of SLC4A3 (PRA1), TTC8 (PRA2), and PRA-prcd mutations in golden retrievers in Brazil
    (2022-10-17) Trecenti-Santana, Anelize Souza ; Guiraldelli, Giulia Gumiero ; Albertino, Lukas Garrido ; Ferreira, Julia Franco ; Andrade, Fabiana Michelsen ; Borges, Alexandre Secorun ; Oliveira-Filho, José Paes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
    Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a term used in veterinary medicine to describe inherited and progressive retinal diseases characterized by progressive retinal degeneration and loss of vision. In the Golden Retriever (GR) breed, the mutations associated with PRA have an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. This study aimed to verify the allele frequencies of PRA1, PRA2, and PRA-prcd in the GR breed in Brazil. A total of 121 GR DNA samples (n = 66 females and n = 55 males) were analyzed. All animals assessed in this study were identified as wild-type (121/121 animals; 100%) for PRA1 and PRA2 mutations; therefore, no carrier or homozygous animals were identified in this population. For the PRA-prcd mutation, 118 animals (118/121 animals; 97.52%) were wild-type. Three animals were genotyped as heterozygous for PRA-prcd (3/121 animals; 2.47%), demonstrating that this mutation is still present in some bloodlines and animals in Brazil, even with a rare prevalence. Five animals (5/121 animals, 4.2%) had a previous eye disease, which was diagnosed by a veterinarian as entropion (2 animals), keratoconjunctivitis sicca (1 animal), corneal ulcer (1 animal), and bilateral blindness (1 animal). This dog with bilateral blindness was identified as wild type homozygous for three mutations assessed in this study; therefore, blindness was not associated with the investigated mutations. In addition, the vast majority (98.3%) of Brazilian breeders assessed in this study were unaware of these mutations as a cause of blindness in the Golden Retriever. Therefore, the present study will serve to disseminate knowledge about PRA and its genetic etiologies, as well as to support future studies with other Brazilian GR populations.
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    Potential in vitro action of an adenosine analog and synergism with penicillin against Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
    (2023-03-01) Bernardino, Pedro Negri ; de Paula, Carolina Lechinski ; Pereira, Ana Flávia Marques ; Ribeiro, Márcio Garcia ; de Carvalho Azevedo, Vasco Ariston ; Borges, Alexandre Secorun ; Fernandes-Júnior, Ary ; Oliveira-Filho, José Paes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University of California – Davis ; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
    Caseous lymphadenitis is a well-known disease caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis affecting small ruminants with small significance to human health because of its minor zoonotic potential. In both cases, few treatment options are available and conventional antimicrobial therapy is commonly refractory due to development of pyogranulomatous reactions, bringing great interest in discovering novel therapeutics for more suitable approaches. Dideoxynucleotides presented antibacterial action against various bacteria but were never described for C. pseudotuberculosis. Hypothesizing the antimicrobial action of 2’,3’-dideoxiadenosine (ddATP) against C. pseudotuberculosis, we performed for the first time an investigation of its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) in the ATCC® 19,410 strain and a well-characterized clinical isolate of C. pseudotuberculosis. We also assessed potential synergism with penicillin. ddATP showed a growth delay effect for C. pseudotuberculosis at 2 µmol/mL and a MIC and MBC of 4 µmol/mL against the ATCC® 19,410 strain, but not for the clinical strain. An antimicrobial effect was observed when using concentrations lower than the MIC of ddATP associated with penicillin for both strains tested. Our data suggest the potential of nucleotide analogs, especially adenosine, and its combination with penicillin, as a possible novel treatment for C. pseudotuberculosis-induced infections, and contributes with knowledge regarding alternative drugs to treat C. pseudotuberculosis infections.
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    Influence of Dorper lamb development from birth to 120 days of age on clinical and echocardiographic parameters
    (2022-12-01) Aleixo, Amanda Sarita Cruz ; Ferreira, Danilo Otávio Laurenti ; Tsunemi, Miriam Harumi ; Chiacchio, Simone Biagio ; Lourenço, Maria Lucia Gomes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Office of Agricultural Defense of Bauru - EDA
    The expansion of the sheep model in research represents an attractive and economically beneficial academic reason for investigations in sheep echocardiography. The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical and echocardiographic parameters in Dorper lambs during the developmental period. Emphasis was placed on the use of the species in translational research for the echocardiographic diagnosis of congenital heart diseases, which can contribute to improvements in interventionist techniques. Ten Dorper lambs were evaluated at the following time points: 24 h after birth and 7, 14, 21, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of age. Clinical parameters were compiled, and echocardiogram records were obtained without sedation. Rectal temperature was lower on the first day compared to the others. From 21 days of life, there was a reduction in HR, with differences between time points. Mean and systolic blood pressure differed, with the highest values at 90 and 120 days of age. The thickness of the interventricular septum in diastole (IVSd) increased as age progressed, with the highest value at 120 days of age, and the same occurred for LVIDd (left ventricle internal diameter in diastole), LVFWd (left ventricular free wall thickness in diastole), IVSs (interventricular septum thickness in systole), LVIDs (left ventricle internal diameter in systole) and LVFWs (left ventricular free wall thickness in systole). There were differences in the size of the LA, Ao and LA/Ao ratio, which were greater at 90 days and 120 days of age. Echocardiographic changes accompany the development of lambs, where changes in echocardiographic parameters are evident with advancing age. The echocardiographic measurements in lambs obtained in the present study are similar to those in newborns.
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    Unilateral orchitis-epididymitis and diffuse periorchitis in a dog due to β-haemolytic streptococcal infection
    (2023-01-01) Fuchs, Kárita da Mata ; de Sousa, Gabriela Carneiro ; Denadai, Renan ; de Souza, Fabiana Ferreira ; de Meira, Cezinande ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Epididymitis can be associated with orchitis and periorchitis, and can be classified as acute or chronic, and of an infectious or non-infectious aetiology. This study aims to describe a case of orchitis-epididymitis and diffuse periorchitis due to β-haemolytic streptococcal infection. The dog presented at the veterinary service with an enlarged, hyperaemic scrotum with regional acute pain, lethargy and hyporexia. In the ultrasound exam, an abnormal amount of peritesticular anechoic fluid and enlargement of the left epididymis was observed. Treatment consisted of a bilateral orchiectomy and scrotal ablation. The histopathological exam indicated left orchitis-epididymitis and diffuse periorchitis, with neutrophilic inflammatory cell infiltrate and the presence of coccoid bacteria. The microbiological exam isolated β-haemolytic streptococci. Bilateral orchiectomy and the use of a specific antimicrobial was effective in treating the condition.
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    Renal resistive index in obese and non-obese cats
    (2022-01-01) de Souza, Fúlvia Bueno ; Gonçalves, Natália Volpi ; Bonatelli, Shayra Peruch ; Belotta, Alexandra Frey ; Geraldes, Silvano Salgueiro ; Mamprim, Maria Jaqueline ; Guimaraes-Okamoto, Priscylla Tatiana Chalfun ; Lourenço, Maria Lúcia Gomes ; Ramos, Paulo Roberto Rodrigues ; Rahal, Sheila Canevese ; Melchert, Alessandra ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    This study aimed to compare renal function between obese and normal-weight healthy cats, using intrarenal resistive index (RI), serum symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA), and serum creatinine, and to identify the variables that might influence intrarenal RI. Thirty crossbred client-owned cats met the inclusion criteria and were allocated into two groups: Control and Obese. Body weight, body mass index (BMI), body condition score (BCS), SAP, serum SDMA, urea, and creatinine were evaluated. B-mode and Doppler ultrasound of the kidneys were done. RI evaluation was in the interlobar artery. SDMA and intrarenal RI were compared between groups, also considering the gender of the cats. A correlation analysis between intrarenal RI with the other parameters was performed. SDMA was higher in the Obese group. Intrarenal RI was higher in females than males in the Obese group. Obese females presented higher RI and SDMA than Control females. A positive correlation was observed between RI, age, body weight, and BMI. Six obese cats (40%) showed increased RI. The increase in body weight, BCS, and BMI resulted in a simultaneous increase in RI and SDMA. The RI may assist in monitoring renal function, and may be associated with preclinical kidney changes in obese cats.
  • ItemCapítulo de livro
    Equine neurological diseases in Brazil
    (2023-03-22) Cerri, Fabrício Moreira ; Amorim, Rogério Martins ; Borges, Alexandre Secorun ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
  • ItemArtigo
    Ligamentum teres reconstruction using autogenous semitendinosus tendon with toggle technique in rabbits
    (2023-03-23) Abibe, Rebeca Bastos ; Rahal, Sheila Canevese ; dos Reis Mesquita, Luciane ; Doiche, Danuta ; da Silva, Jeana Pereira ; Mamprim, Maria Jaqueline ; Pinho, Renata Haddad ; Battazza, Alexandre ; Alves, Carlos Eduardo Fonseca ; Saunders, W. Brian ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Texas A&M University
    Background: Ligamentum teres (LT) has traditionally been considered a vestigial or redundant structure in humans; however, based on new studies and the evolution of hip arthroscopy, the LT injury has been viewed as a source of hip pain. Therefore, LT reconstruction can be beneficial in some cases. Rabbits have been frequently used as a model for cranial cruciate ligament reconstruction but few studies are available for ligamentum teres reconstruction. Objective: To evaluate the semitendinosus tendon to replace ligamentum teres with the toggle technique, using rabbits as an experimental model. Methods: Twenty-six female Norfolk rabbits with approximately 3 months of age were divided into two equal groups after excision of ligamentum teres (LT) from the right hip joint: G1—no reconstruction of LT and capsulorrhaphy; G2—double—bundle reconstruction of the LT using semitendinosus tendon autograft. In both groups, the LT was removed from the right hip joint. In G2 the autograft was harvested from the left hind limb of the same rabbit. The rabbits were evaluated clinically at different time intervals; before surgery (M1), 48 h (M2), 15 days (M3), 30 days (M4) and 90 days (M5) after surgery. Results: The rabbits supported their limbs on the ground in both the groups. As complications of the procedure, four hip joints showed subluxations in the radiographic evaluation of G1; three at M4 and one at M5. In G2; two luxations of hip joints at M3 and one subluxation at M4 were seen. On ultrasound, irregular articular surface was seen in 30.8% of the rabbits that had subluxation of hip joints. Gross evaluation identified tendon graft integrity in 76.92% of the rabbits. Histological analysis revealed graft adhesion to the bone in the early phase comprised of sharpey-like collagen fibers. Conclusion: The double-bundle reconstruction of the LT using autologous semitendinosus tendon associated with the toggle rod shows an early phase of tendon graft ligamentization at 90 days post-operatively in young rabbits, but biomechanical bias suffered by the tendon during gait must be considered.
  • ItemArtigo
    Wet brewers’ grains as a source of protein for feedlot lambs: Impacts on intake, apparent nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and nitrogen balance
    (2023-06-01) de Assis, Rhaíssa G. ; dos Santos, Isabela J. ; Gasparina, Jennifer M. ; Bandoria, Natalia A. ; Alves, Brenda ; Dias, Paulo C.G. ; Vicente, Ana C.S. ; Soares, Letícia C.B. ; Polizel, Daniel M. ; Biava, Janaina S. ; Pires, Alexandre V. ; Ferreira, Evandro M. ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of wet brewers’ grain (WBG) as an alternative ingredient replacing soybean meal (SBM) and ground corn (GC) on nutrient intake and apparent digestibility, ruminal fermentation characteristics, and nitrogen balance in feedlot lambs. Five ruminally cannulated ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Inês lambs, castrated with 48.3 ± 2.0 kg of initial BW and 8.3 ± 0.68-month-old (mean ± SD), were assigned in a 5 × 5 Latin square design. The experimental diets were composed of 10% roughage (Coastcross hay) and 90% concentrates, in which 85.9% of the diet was composed of GC (71.3%) plus SBM (14.6%) in the control diet. Treatments consisted in WBG inclusion levels of 7.6%, 15%, 23% and 30% replacing GC+SBM in control diet with the aim to maintain isonitrogenous concentrations. The data were analyzed using a linear or quadratic polynomial contrast in SAS. There was no effect of WBG inclusion on DMI, OM nor CP intake, but a linear increase was observed for NDF (P < 0.001), ADF (P < 0.001), EE intake (P < 0.01), and linear decrease (P < 0.001) on NFC intake. Inclusion of WBG decrease linearly NFC, while DM, OM, and CP digestibility were being lower for lambs fed a diet contained 23% WBG (quadratic component, p < 0.05). The replacement of SBM and corn grain by WBG, linearly increased the molar ratio of acetate (P < 0.01), and linearly decreased propionate (P < 0.01), resulting in a linear increase in the acetate:propionate ratio (P = 0.04). In addition, increasing the inclusion of WBG linearly increased the molar proportion of isovalerate (P < 0.05). Ruminal pH increased linearly (P < 0.001) by dietary WBG inclusion, as consequence, ruminal pH was maintained less time below 5.5 as WBG inclusion increased. Although nitrogen excretion was greater with 23% inclusion of WBG in diet (quadratic component, P < 0.05), there was no effect (P > 0.10) on retained N. Based on diet acceptability, digestibility, N retention, and ruminal fermentation parameters, it is concluded that, WBG can be used as feed ingredient up to 7.6% in diets, replacing partially SBM and GC in finishing diets for lambs. Inclusion WBG replacing SBM and partially GC, minimize the risk of acidosis in lambs fed high-concentrate diets during fattening. Inclusions beyond 23% decreased significant diet digestibility and increased ruminal acetate: propionate molar ratio, decreasing energy efficiency, increasing methane losses.
  • ItemArtigo
    Characterization of nonpathological intrascleral cartilage in the domestic sheep (Ovis aries)1
    (2023-01-01) Teodoro, Tamires G.W. ; Campos, Maria Eduarda S.T. ; Silva, Laice A. ; Watanabe, Tatiane T.N. ; Alves, Carlos Eduardo F. ; Laufer-Amorim, Renée ; Wouters, Flademir ; Wouters, Angelica T.B. ; Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) ; North Carolina State University ; Universidade Paulista (UNIP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Teodoro T.G.W., Campos M.E.S.T., Silva L.A., Watanabe T.T.N., Alves C.E.F., Laufer-Amorim R., Wouters F. & Wouters A.T.B. 2023. Characterization of nonpathological intrascleral cartilage in the domestic sheep (Ovis aries). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 43:e07142, 2023. Setor de Patologia Veterinária, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Zootecnia e Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Campus Universitário, Cx. Postal 3037, Lavras, MG 37200-900, Brazil. E-mail: Birds, cartilaginous and teleost fish, reptiles, and some amphibians have intrascleral cartilage and/or bone; however, these are rarely reported in therian mammals. This study aimed to investigate and characterize a nonpathological formation of cartilage in the posterior sclera of sheep macroscopically, histologically, and by immunohistochemical exam (IHC). Ninety eyes from 45 domestic sheep were collected, underwent gross examination, fixed in formalin, and embedded in paraffin for the microscopical assessment. Sections with histological shreds of cartilage were selected to perform IHC to confirm the presence of cartilage. Intrascleral cartilage was detected in 60 eyeballs (66.66%) from 37 sheep (82.22%). A slight whitish thickening was grossly seen in the posterior sclera. The histologic exam revealed a few scattered, isolated chondrocytes to larger aggregates of cartilaginous islands in the posterior sclera. Eighteen (30%) of 60 eyeballs revealed marked anti-collagen type II immunolabeling. The development of cartilaginous structures in the eyes is considered rare in mammalian animals. The high occurrence of intrascleral cartilage in the examined sheep eyes suggests that this finding corresponds to an anatomical component of sheep sclera, despite the age, breed, or body condition.
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    Effect of dietary iron supplementation on the equine fecal microbiome
    (2023-04-01) Arantes, Julia Assis ; Borges, Alexandre Secorun ; Zakia, Luiza Stachewski ; Surette, Michael Gordon ; Weese, Jeffrey Scott ; Costa, Marcio Carvalho ; Arroyo, Luis Guillermo ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University of Guelph ; McMaster University ; University of Montréal
    Iron is an essential element for all living organisms, including bacteria, as several virulence factors and replication components are influenced by iron concentration. The objective of this study was to determine whether the composition and diversity of the fecal microbiota of adult horses are affected by supplemental dietary iron. Ten clinically healthy horses were randomly divided into a control and an iron-supplemented group (n = 5). The treated group was supplemented with oral ferrous sulphate monohydrate (720 ppm of iron), whereas the control group received 320 ppm of iron daily for 15 d. Fecal samples were collected before and 5, 10, 15, and 30 d after supplementation and frozen at-80°C. DNA was sequenced using an Illumina MiSeq platform and data were analyzed using the software Mothur and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe). Iron supplementation caused no change in the overall composition of the fecal microbiota, but some minor changes were observed in the low-abundant bacteria, as well as an increased alpha diversity after 15 d of supplementation. Significant differences in community composition of the fecal microbiota over time were observed in both groups, highlighting the importance of a control group, as there are variables that cannot be controlled in microbiome studies.
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    Effect of acupuncture on hematologic, muscular biomarkers, fibrinogen and serum lactate parameters in training rodeo bulls
    (2023-05-01) Rosa, Vitor Bruno Bianconi ; dos Santos, Ivan Felismino Charas ; Souto, Letícia Gondim ; de Paiva Porto, Emília ; Pizzigatti, Dietrich ; Cholfe, Bruno Fornitano ; de Almeida, Breno Fernando Martins ; Patelli, Thais Helena Constantino ; Takahira, Regina Kiomi ; Northern Parana State University (UENP) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; University of the Republic Uruguay ; Unilago University ; Integrated Colleges of Ourinhos ; Rondônia Federal University (UNIR)
    The study aimed to evaluated the effects of acupuncture in rodeo bulls in training, by determining hematological variables, creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), fibrinogen, and plasma lactate. Thirty adult healthy bulls, crossbred, were included in the study and randomly allocated into two groups of 15 animals, according to the use of acupuncture treatment for six months (GA) or not (GB). The variables were measured 30 min before (TP0) and 10 min (TP10min), 12 (TP12h), 24 (TP24h), 48 (TP48h), and 72 h (TP72h) after a single episode of jumping emulating rodeo exercise. The GB group showed variations in hemoglobin between TP0 and TP10min (p = 0.002) and TP0 and TP12h (p = 0.004), and the GA presented an increase in eosinophil values between TP0 and TP12h (p = 0.013) and TP0 and TP24h (p = 0.034). Leukopenia was observed in GB between TP10min and TP72h ((p = 0.008). The CK values were high (↑ 300 UI/l) after exercise until the TP24h, and decreased in TP48h, in both groups. The plasma lactate elevation was lower in the GA at TP10min (p = 0.011), TP12h (p = 0.008), TP72h (p < 0.001). The rodeo bulls submitted to acupuncture treatment showed smaller variations in hemogram, elevated eosinophils levels, and lower plasma lactate levels after exercise.
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    Two Types of Management for the Noninvasive Treatment of Pectus Excavatum in Neonatal Puppies—Case Reports
    (2023-03-01) Pereira, Keylla Helena Nobre Pacífico ; Fuchs, Kárita da Mata ; Terçariol, Lara Ataídes Arantes ; Silva, Renata Cesar ; Camargo, Gabriel de Azevedo ; Mendonça, Júlia Cosenza ; Paulino, Netelin Tainara ; Zone, Marcelo Alejandro ; Oba, Eunice ; Lourenço, Maria Lucia Gomes ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Self-Employed Veterinarian
    Pectus excavatum is a deformity of the thorax characterized by ventrodorsal narrowing of the sternum bone and costal cartilages, which can lead to compression and cardiopulmonary alterations in dogs, presenting a high prevalence in brachycephalic breeds. The aim of this report was to describe two types of management for the noninvasive treatment of pectus excavatum in newborn puppies of the breeds French Bulldog and American Bully. The puppies presented dyspnea, cyanosis and substernal retraction during inspiration. The diagnosis was performed by physical examination and confirmed by chest X-ray. Two types of splints were performed (a circular splint with plastic pipe and a paper box splint on the chest), aiming at thoracic lateral compression and frontal chest remodeling. The management was effective for the conservative treatment of mild-grade pectus excavatum, resulting in the repositioning of the thorax and improvement of the respiratory pattern.
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    Development of an Interactive Multidisciplinary Platform for the Bovine Neuroanatomy Study
    (2022-12-01) Félix, Marcílio ; de Carvalho, Hianka Jasmyne Costa ; Ribeiro, Rafaela Rodrigues ; da Silva, Izabela Garcia Rodrigues ; Baptista, Carlos ; Júnior, Eduardo Lebre ; Sasahara, Thais ; Hataka, Alessandre ; Valbão, Maria Carolina ; Porto, Camila ; Prampero, Sofia ; Miglino, Maria Angélica ; University of Marília (UNIMAR) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) ; Laboratory of Plastination ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    SUMMARY: The anatomy study is part of the basic cycle of disciplines that composes Veterinary Medicine college curriculum, and its comprehension is essential for other courses subject understanding. However, the current student’s profile, the reduced time frame of superior education programs, and the multidisciplinary approach nowadays have made anatomy teaching method outdated and ineffective. Addressing the problem we developed an interactive and multidisciplinary platform based on the blended learning methodology, which could serve as a valuable tool for bovine neuroanatomy comprehension. To produce a new study tool, photos from bovine specimens fixed in formaldehyde, platinated brain pieces sectioned in a metameric order, as well as histological slides of the bovine central nervous system were used. These materials were applied to photos and schemes production, that were correlated with image exams correlation, as well as written content and videotaped classes. The obtained content was compiled into a digital platform, that can serve as an effective additional method to bovine central nervous system study. Furthermore, our results serve as a guide for the development of other blended learning methodologies in veterinary medicine and anatomy teaching. The platform provides a great tool for those who wish to accomplish a better understanding of bovine neuroanatomy and its clinical, surgical and image diagnosis correlations.
  • ItemArtigo
    Toxic plants from the perspective of a “Quilombola” community in the Cerrado region of Brazil
    (2023-03-01) de Castro Santos Paim, Ricardo ; Ferreira de Paula, Luiza Gabriella ; Soares, Débora Moreira ; Gonçalves Rocha, Tarik Fernandes ; Ribeiro, Amanda Lopes ; Barros, Natália ; Carrião dos Santos, Fabrício ; Ferreira, Heleno Dias ; Gomes-Klein, Vera Lúcia ; Soto-Blanco, Benito ; Paes de Oliveira-Filho, José ; Jorge da Cunha, Paulo Henrique ; Riet-Correa, Franklin ; Pfister, James ; Cook, Daniel ; Soares Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda ; Machado Botelho, Ana Flávia ; Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) ; Instituto Federal Goiano ; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) ; U.S. Department of Agriculture
    A multi-disciplinary team surveyed ranchers at the Kalunga Historical and Cultural Heritage Site, in the Cerrado region of west central Brazil, to determine impacts promoted by toxic plants on cattle. The expedition to the Kalunga region was carried out by Brazilian and American researchers. Previously selected cattle ranch properties from “Vão das Almas”, “Engenho II” and “Vão do Moleque” were visited. Twenty-four interviews were carried out with cattle ranchers and a questionnaire was applied to obtain information about outbreaks of native plant poisoning and their effects on livestock, and the use of local plants in phytotherapy. We classified problematic plants into three distinct categories. First, the toxic plants most cited by residents causing cattle losses were the flowers of Caryocar brasiliense Cambess (“pequi”), the fruits of Terminalia corrugata (Ducke) Gere & Boatwr. (Buchenavia tomentosa Eichler - “mirindiba” or “pau-pilão”), Eugenia dysenterica (Mart.) DC (“cagaita”), and Palicourea marcgravii A. St. Hil (“erva-café” or “cafezinho”). Secondly, other plants considered toxic, but causing less severe losses were Emmotum nitens (Benth.) Miers (“casco d'anta”), Indigofera lespedezioides (Kunth) (“timbozinho”), Ricinus communis L. (“mamona”), Pteridium esculentum (G. Forst.) Cockayne (“samambaia”), Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (“barbatimão”), and Actinocladum verticillatum (Nees) McClure ex Soderstr. (“cambaúba”). The most important finding was the identification of the C. brasiliense flower as potentially toxic to cattle, which must be subject for future research. Further, we confirmed the toxicity and importance of P. marcgravii, E. dysenterica, and Terminalia corrugata. The survey highlighted phytotherapy plants used by the community, and greatly increased awareness by local livestock producers of poisonous plants for management purposes. We conclude that ethnobotanical knowledge, especially from the traditional community, is essential to understand livestock losses to toxic plants, and should be valued not only for reducing livestock losses, but also for cultural importance to the Kalunga communities in the Cerrado.
  • ItemArtigo
    Fecal prevalence of Clostridium innocuum DNA in healthy horses and horses with colitis
    (2023-02-01) Zakia, Luiza S. ; MacNicol, Jennifer L. ; Borges, Alexandre S. ; Yu, Serena ; Boerlin, Patrick ; Gomez, Diego E. ; Surette, Michael G. ; Arroyo, Luis G. ; University of Guelph ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) ; McMaster University
    This study compared the prevalence of C. innocuum DNA in the feces of healthy horses and horses with acute colitis. C. innocuum was identified in 22% (15/68) of colitis cases and 18% (12/68) of healthy horses (p = 0.416).
  • ItemArtigo
    Myeloperoxidase enzyme and Ferric-reducing antioxidant power concentrations in lean and obese dogs
    (2023-06-01) Paulo, Rodrigo Rodrigues ; Galvão, Victoria Elizabeth ; da Silva, Gustavo Gomes ; Porto, Laura Pereira ; Tonossu, Juliana Mayumi ; Gandolfi, Maira Beatriz ; Guimarães-Okamoto, Priscylla Tatiana Chalfun ; Takahira, Regina Kiomi ; Rahal, Sheila Canevese ; Melchert, Alessandra ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    The study aimed to assess plasma Myeloperoxidase enzyme (MPO) and Ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) in obese dogs and compare them with ideal body weight dogs. Thirty-two dogs were distributed into two groups according to a 9-point body condition score (BCS), as follows: Control group (n = 16), dogs with a BCS of 4 or 5; Obese group (n = 16), dogs with a BCS of 8 or 9. Plasma MPO and FRAP assays, neutrophil count, lipid profile (cholesterol and triglycerides), and systolic blood pressure (SBP) were evaluated in both groups. The duration of obesity was defined based on history. The obese group showed higher values for body weight, BCS, SBP, neutrophil count, triglycerides, and MPO than the Control group. A positive correlation was observed between MPO concentrations and BCS and body weight. FRAP concentrations showed a positive correlation with the duration of obesity. The results suggested that an inflammatory state caused by obesity may promote increased neutrophil count and MPO concentrations, besides the positive correlation between MPO with BCS and body weight. The obesity in dogs promoted slight active MPO elevation, influenced by body weight, BCS, and neutrophil count. The FRAP assay did not show the expected reduction and, therefore, needs further investigation.
  • ItemArtigo
    Colonic sand impaction with cecal rupture and peritonitis in an adult African savanna elephant, and review of noninfectious causes of gastrointestinal disease in elephants
    (2023-01-01) Teodoro, Tamires G. W. ; Uzal, Francisco A. ; Streitenberger, Nicolas ; Samol, Monika A. ; Henderson, Eileen E. ; Asin, Javier ; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
    Gastrointestinal disorders are among the most common disease processes in captive elephants. Colic is a frequent clinical presentation and may have several infectious and noninfectious causes. Ingestion of sand has been reported in elephants living in enclosures with loose sandy soils. Similar to the situation in horses, sand ingestion can cause intestinal impaction and colic in elephants. Here we describe a case of colonic sand impaction with cecal rupture and peritonitis in an African savanna elephant from a zoologic collection that died after several days of colic. On autopsy, abundant, gritty, sandy material was found within a segment of colon immediately aboral to the cecum. There was a full-thickness tear in the cecal wall, free intestinal contents within the abdominal cavity, and peritonitis. To our knowledge, the postmortem examination of an elephant with sand impaction and cecal rupture has not been reported previously; this condition should be included among the differential diagnoses in elephants with colic. We review the reports of noninfectious causes of gastrointestinal disease in elephants, which include cases of small intestinal and colonic torsion and of intestinal obstruction by fecal boluses.